View Full Version : Weakness and aching arm!!

04-03-08, 10:04
Hi again, here we go again - stressing and worrying about what is wrong with me - only this time I don't have cancer - I'm thinking I have MS or something like that!! Help - I haven't looked up any symptoms anywhere but some time last year I went to see the doctor with weakness and aching feelings in my left arm mostly, she did some blood tests for thyroid, hormones and so on but everything was fine, well my potassium was slightly high, but they re-did the blood test two weeks later and it was normal!

However, it seemed to go away but now it is back with a vengence!! Looking on this website I guess I am really thinking it is probably anxiety related as I am feeling really edgy and stressed at the moment too which is why I am thinking the way I am.

Anyway, my left arm feels really really weak and numb - really difficult to explain how it feels really but it just doesn't feel like it works and doesn't belong to me, anyone else feel like this? Sometimes they feel hot and stiff too on my fingers, the list is endless. Like I said, I can tell from my mood I am stressing - vary short tempered, tired and tearful - but then I think no don't be silly how can anxiety make my arm weak!! And from there it snowballs - I have had a sickness bug, which I passed to my partner then one of my children, another is off sick and has to have some blood tests, which I am worrying myself sick over, so not only do I stress over what's wrong with me, I am now stressing over what might be wrong with my child, and I have never ever worried unnecessarily about them but am now finding myself obsessing about him too!! So yes, I guess I am anxious at the moment!

But seriously I would be grateful for any comments regarding the weakness in my arm, as I am soon going to be hitting the medical books as I am convincing myself it is MS or something similar and I guess once I hit them it will be a whole lot more than that!! Sad wouldn't you say!

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this and I very grateful.


04-03-08, 11:18
Hello Sharon !
I get weakness and aches in all my joints and muscles - its not surprising really when you think how tensed up we are all the time ! Everything bound to ache isn't it ?! There's loads of info on this site to expalin and reassure you that what you feel is due to anxiety. The good news is that you can do something about it ! Swot up on all the relaxation tips - it will really help you.
Be kind to yourself

04-03-08, 16:22
I had this last year, which sparked me off in to another episode of panic, i like you thought ms or a stroke even though i didn't really know the full symptoms i was just convinced that was what was wrong with me my arm and hand used to feel like it didn't belong to me, it was heavy and it felt like i wouldn't be able to use it even though i always could it never felt right, but i was also going through a really stressfull time then and after going back to the docs and them reassuring me and upping my meds for a while it did go eventually and i've never had that same symptom back again, so rest assured it's just anxiety and the more attention you give it the longer it will stay with you, easier said than done i know, but like neptuno says try some relaxation exercises and i hope your feeling better soon. xx

04-03-08, 18:58
my left arm does that when i have a pa, i asure you, its most likley anxiety related