View Full Version : Decided to have the colonsocpy

04-03-08, 10:13
See my previous post re bowel cancer fear again.
I know in my heart of hearts that it is extremely unlikely that anything will be found at the colonsocpy because of my other tests being fine but this back pain has freaked me out so much that I am worrying 24hrs a day that its from my bowel as well as my back.

I have been back in contact with my consultant and I am being sent a new appt for colonoscopy soon. I am so terrified of the preparation and hope that the sedation they give during test works! but know that this 24hr worry and panic will not go away without the test.

I so hate this health anxiety - I have some very genuine chronic and painful health problems but adding the health anxiety on top means that I am constantly worrying about my pain and symptoms on top of having to live with them!!

My husband has been a star but he said a very apt thing - go and have the colonsocpy it will stop you worrying for a week or so until you think your back pain is not just mechanical but due to spine cancer or something and you will then worry you need another test - I have just had my cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine MRI scanned and I realised how true it is what he said because the only bit they didn't do was the sacral spine and I was jsut strarting to worry about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone who has had colonoscopy could they give me some hints and tips. I know to eat no wholegrain fruit or veg for 5 days before test to make prep easier.

04-03-08, 11:13
I know its so frustrating when you have real pain and just can't get to the root cause. I've just had a gastroscopy for chest pains and breathlessness(same procedure as you but from the other end !) - no food or drink before the procedure. I opted for conscious sedation - not a general anaesthetic - so I sort of knew what was happening but felt nothing and slept like a log afterwards. I had a quick scratch on the back of the hand and it was all over before I knew anything about it. The results are known immediately and the consultant told me straight away that I had a hiatus hernia and inflamation caused by reflux. It can be treated.

It will be the same for you I'm sure, and you will be soooooo relieved that there is no cancer and can look forward to feeling well again. Take this opportunity to discuss all your diagnostic test results to get a FULL picture of what has been investigated. Discuss your cancer fear and make sure you are satisfied that every avenue has been investigated. Write down what you want to say and how you feel.
Then, when you are completely reassured, go home and have the best night sleep you've had in years !!
Be kind to yourself

04-03-08, 13:06
i had one of them years ago.. and to be honest i dont remember much about it.. i opted for the sedation and i can say.. you dont remember anything.. all i remember was joking with the nurse who was injecting it into me and the next thing was i remember was eating toast and having a cup of tea telling a nurse that they made fab tea..

In fact i was so high for the rest of the day i just giggled at random people.. in fact i found the whole thing afterwards to amusing, i still chuckle about it now... lol

Like i hate my body so much.. i would never get undressed in front of people.. yet i was so high in this drug they gave me, when it was time to get dressed to go home.. i jumped of the bed.. (bearing in mind its an open ward and curtains was open) i yanked off that horrible cotton cardboard thing they make you wear.. so i was stood there stark naked giggling.. in fact a nurse came running over and helped me get dressed and i was laughing at her all the time..

They loved me there because i couldn't stop laughing and making jokes.

but anyway.. i promise you, its not as bad as you think... it's not painful as you dont know anything about that actual procedure.

Stu x