View Full Version : Can't concentrate - so "posting"

04-03-08, 10:27
Hi there
One more day to go before my endoscopy! I know I have pestered you all before about this and I am trying to be really strong and brave. Can't get it out of my head though. I just go over and over it in my head - what I will say, what I will do, what may happen - its ridiculous!! Can't concentrate on anything else, feel really selfish to husband and kids and am convinced I will stop breathing if sedated and that I am not going to survive it - awful feeling of impending doom. How do you stop this?

04-03-08, 13:05
Hi not got any answers sorry but just wanted to say you wont stop breathing when sedated.
good luck and please let us no how you get on

04-03-08, 15:55
Thanks - will do

04-03-08, 17:01
Like you I was petrified of having anaesthetic or sedation. A few years ago I had a miscarriage and had to have an anaesthetic. I was so scared and cried and begged them not to do it. But of course they did and it was so peaceful and calm. good luck and big hugs.

05-03-08, 10:34
Thanks to you both for responding - but guess what - came home from work last night, letter on my doormat cancelling the appointment!!!! I immediately called the hospital who told me that the consultant wanted to do the procedure himself which kind of freaked me out thinking I was a serious case. Then she said it was probably because I went to see him privately for my initial consultation (usually because I am too anxious to wait for NHS app's). I could now take this either way and think its bad or its good 'cos he's doing it and maybe he sensed my anxiety as I originally said no to the procedure then phoned him later and said ok. He did say he didn't think there was anything seriously wrong to worry about initially but obviously the only way to check for sure is to have the procedure.