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View Full Version : Embarassed feeling like this!

04-03-08, 11:57
I had an appointment last night at my local clinic and because I never want to go anywhere alone I ended up taking my 9 yr old son. I feel so pathetic doing that but I get very very anxious about going anywhere that's different to my daily routine. Anyway I went in to see the nurse and she was reading my notes about how I had been having attacks and had been for tests for epilepsy. That was 6 months ago and to be honest I had forgotten that I had told them about it. Anyway I told her that the tests had come back normal and that the neurologist said I was suffering from anxiety attacks. I don't know why but I get very embarassed telling people (well, strangers) that I have anxiety. I came out of there feeling very down. I am such a paranoid person. Does anybody else feel like this?:meh:

04-03-08, 12:15
Hi Emlou

I must admit I dont tell anyone about my anxiety really. I worry what they will think.

I have told two friends, one of whom suffers herself so she understands. The other doesnt, but she is supportive but I dont think she really knows the ins and outs so cant really give me much advice.

My Mum has just looked bewildered when I try and explain it to her lol so I dont bother now. I think she just thinks I "worry too much" when its worse than that really, she doesnt really know the upset it causes.

Maybe attitudes to mental health will change but I think at the moment there's quite a stigma attached to it, so people just "know" not to talk about it.

You have nothing to be embarrassed about hun and you're certainly not pathetic :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

04-03-08, 12:28
I hate talking about my anxiety i always feel like such a freak lol, however i got fed up hiding it from people and making up silly excuses when i needed some air so i told my friends and family and it turned out that 3 of the girls i am friendly with also suffer from some form of anxiety, it really helped, now if we do go out and i need a breather i can just say i need some fresh air , you coming? lol

Unfortunately when you mention "mental health" people assume you're a stark raving loony which is not the case as you know, we're just millions of people who are having a bit of bother i cetainly know i will always be more understanding with being with mental health problems than i was before i suffered it!

Hold your head up, you have NOTHING to be ashamed of.

04-03-08, 12:56
After years and years of being a sufferer I am just open about it.I learned to be open when I had to use a brown paper bag for a panic attack in public,and while haveing an attack really didnt care what people thought.While I was sat on a bench blowing into this bag,my mum by my side,a lady walked over to me and said " I know exactly how you feel" as she was a sufferer to.
Iv also done this outside the hospital.Life is much easier if you are open about it.It is difficult,because you do get the people who dont understand,but there are also alot of poeple like us who suffer in silence.

Dont feel embarrased or ashamed,this is an illness like any other illness.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

04-03-08, 13:48
Thanks for all your comments. It does help to know that i'm not alone. Jo, I can't speak to my mum about it either, when I mention social anxiety she just says its shyness and a lot of people are shy and then she'll bring up when I was a lot younger and I didn't like going out and used to hide in my room. A lot of my probs are down to my mother and the comments she makes - anyway thats another subject. Thanks again everyone xxx

05-03-08, 21:43
i dont tell people if i can help it, dont want anyones pity, well thats how i feel anyway, hope your doing ok


05-03-08, 21:46
Hi Emlou,

You did good!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You were talking to a health professional-someone who could potentially help you.
You confronted a fear by doing this!!
Be proud of yourself.
Best wishes,