View Full Version : enough is enough

04-03-08, 14:44
Ok well i have just spent the morning in a & e !! I had chest pains yesturday and i woke up this morning and i was still worried so i took myself there - had ecg had chest xray everything else was normal (suprise)
So i have come home feeling a bit stupid to say the least but i am also thinking right enough is enough now this cant go on for much longer cause my life is slowely slipping away from me !! So i have to get a grip now before its too late !! I just hope (javascript:treatmentHotLink('http://dailystrength.org/treatments/Faith')) i can keep this up because i will not let this happen anymore its silly and its a waste of my life !!!
Am feeling very low on one hand but very fighty on the other lol

04-03-08, 15:10
Hi Jeni,

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: for the positive attitude hun well done you :yesyes: you have had the proof today you need that your ok so onwards and upwards eh :hugs: xxx

04-03-08, 17:05
Hi jeni.

So glad everything was good. Try and hang onto that feeling of enough is enough. When I was really bad with agorophobia last year I couldn't leave my chair without the phone in case I collapsed and needed to dial 999 in the end I thought the same as you I will not allow myself to do this any longer. Good luck.

05-03-08, 08:57
great! I keep trying to look at myself in the mirror and shout at myself to get a grip...sometimes it works ! Best way I always find is to engage ina really consuming activity like gardening or wqorkingf out or tricky cooking and surprise surprise your "chatterer" goes to sleep and you feel fine ! Keep it up sweetie !! xxx:hugs: