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View Full Version : Making my first step, advice welcome

16-03-05, 18:19

I have found a yoga class local to me and it is on tomorrow lunch time and i am dtermined to go but can someone please help me with some hints or tips to gatting there, staying there and trying to enjoy it?

I have health anxiety, mainly about anaphalactic shock, which i know cant happen from yoga, but my other health panic which has been simmering for many years is asthma. I have avoided going out too much, avoided nything physical and always have in the back of my mind that i will have asthma attack, i may ahve mild asthma according to my dr but thinks it is axiety hyperventilation, though if is asthma is so mild would not stop me from doing anything, i take my peak flow over and over and tighten my chest up so much. i'm trying to relax my chest and do very slow tummy breathing and this has helped so much.

As i say, i am determined to go, i have sat indoors for too long and avoided people and activities, but i have to walk into the centre, there will be people milling around, i'll be to scared to talk to them, worry they think i'm stupid, then ahve to do the exercises, i know i will feel tight in the chest, how would you guys reassure yourself that you were in fact breathing ok and carry on instead of running back to the car?


16-03-05, 18:29
hi glad to hear you have found something to help.......not sure if my tip is any use but maybe try........i think i would just remind myself over and over that although im not feeling like i want to be there or do that........it will only do me good if i stick it out, tell yourself ok my chest is tight but it has been before and i was ok at the end of it

let us know how you get on

fan x

16-03-05, 19:00
Hi Katie - Good for you !!

Get there early and introduce yourself to the teacher and explain briefly about your issues. Then they will take extra care to ensure you're doing the breathing exercises right -p they will help settle you before the postures start.

She may also introduce you to a couple of others or just say Hi to the person on the mat nexct door. Remember , most people go to yoga initially because of an issue either like ours or a bad back or stress or pain and they're usually a good bunch.

Remember to take a warm fleece or throw to cover up in for the relaxation bit at the end !

Enjoy - let us know how it goes..

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-03-05, 19:09
Hi Katie

As you say, if you do have asthma, then it is very mild. I know many people with asthma who will happily run about all day long and not feel any effects from it, and yoga certainly isn't going to cause problems. I know it's difficult not to worry about these things (we all have our own irrational fears) but it really isn't a cause for concern.

You may well find when you get there, as it's something new and interesting, that it takes your mind away from your fears, rather than towards them. Ok, you probably will feel a little anxious getting there and such, but sometimes you can go into these situations and really surprise yourself with how well you cope.

good luck


16-03-05, 19:26
Hi Katie,
I'm not sure if this is going to be much help but generally i find when i get really worked up thinking about something, by the time i actually do it, it's not half as bad as i thought it would be.

Yoga is very relaxing so when you get there you will be to busy chilling out to worry about all the things buzzing about in your head.

Good luck:D


16-03-05, 19:41

Thank you for your replies, Maxine, Mico, Meg and Fan, I know it will do me good IF i can do it...

I will do it, i will do it, i will do it...maybe


16-03-05, 20:07
Hi Katie

Youve made such a big step taking on the yoga and I think its fantastic.

It wil be a way of getting back into a normal routin plus the yogo will make u feel positive about yourself....and plus youll be able to met new friends.

Good luck - and please dont back out of going..........remember - if you get there and you dont like it...you only have to leave. theres no pressure.

Good luck hun, let me know how you get on

Tatty B xx

16-03-05, 20:51
My two penneth worth...

1) Once you've done it, you'll feel SUCH a sense of achievement and it will really help relax and destress you.

2) I had the exact same thing as you and it's petrifying, I know. My mum's a nurse and she says that it is well known that ANY type of breathlessness will bring an accompanying sense of dread, and you have to just try and get past that. Like I posted on another thread I made myself go and do an intensive aeriobic session mid-asthma attack and I was fine.

3) I suck throat sweets in horrible situations - the menthol opens up my airways and the sucking action regulates your breathing (if you don't think about breathing, it's much easier!) and calms you. Maybe keep some in your pocket?

4) If you feel yourself getting breathless push it out of your head. Hard I know, but the very fact you anticipated it should help rationalise the fact that it is just anxiety and thus is within your control. Your body is an amazing amazing thing and will not just stop breathing on you.

5) Maybe for the future you could take up something like singing? Daft, I know. But I'm a flautist and a singer and when I was younger I had the same breathlessness, and specifically working on an instrument/voice that helped INCREASE my lung capacity really helped. It made me realise how strong the lungs are. Plus, music is so relaxing.

Good luck.

16-03-05, 21:16
Hi tattyb, i am hoping that it will be relaxing which will be a positive and as it is so close everyone there will live near me, fingers crossed there will be some potential friends there..hope you are ok today

Hi raindrop, yep i will feel great if i stick it out. You are brave doing a work-out mid attack, I've never had a real attack, don't wheeze, just feel tight chested and cant take deep enough breath, my peak flow is well over what it should be and only ever goes down when i've got flu or chest infection but even then it is above normal... I used to play the flute but gave up at grade 4 as my tone wasn't very good due to the shape of my lower jaw, pity cos it is a lovely instrument, i played the violin instead.

cheers both of you

16-03-05, 21:37

I am on two asthma inhalers but have never let them interfere with my life. The worst I get is when I have a cold and get a chesty cough but the inhalers help it.

It doesn't stop me doing anything but if I get wheezy then I take a puff and it helps.

My doc told me to take 2 puffs before exercise and it does help. He said don't wait till it gets bad, take the inhaler before exercise. Just a suggestion anyway.


18-03-05, 21:10
Hi everyone and thanks for the advice, I made it to my class and it all went ok, had a really good day yesterday, not so good today though but never mind.....

nicola, i have been told about 2 puffs before exercise, but as my breathing is hyperventilation mainly, ventolin can make it worse.... I get really scared about asthma but i know deep down i dont really have much of a problem with it


18-03-05, 22:15
glad to hear you made the class ok.....did it help any

fan x

19-03-05, 09:48
Hi Fan
I felt good that I had gone, but the next day - huge panic- so probably need to go more before it helps. Someone taught me Copse a year ago and that helps when I'm too tense to sleep.
