View Full Version : been there done that

04-03-08, 15:56
I am writing to let everyone know that I have been feeling better than ever.This is not a post to make anyone feel bad about themselves, but to let everyone know what I did to help myself. I have suffered from panic for about 6 months now after the death of my father and some other really traumatic event. I was so bad that I didnt want to get out of bed becuase I knew what the day was sure to bring me. I been through it all, feeling like I couldnt breathe, dizziness, lump in my throat, feeling very detached from everything. I lost 40 pounds in 2 months and got a really strange food phobia, where I thought I was allergic to every food known. Sleep was a thing of the past for me. I felt that if this was all there ws to life then screw this. My husband was great through it all. He never once complained, but here is what I did....I sent him to the library and had him get every book he could find on panic and anxiety, I read everything,including biographies on people who also suffered the way I did. I learned to breathe right and heres the biggest one....I let fear wash over me and let it go. I went out in public, to work and other places, it was horrible, panic would blaze over me. I stayed though. It went away and now I am free to go to work and fight the good fight. I didnt die or faint or any of the other things I thought would happen to me. I faced the fear, all of it. It was scary, there were times when it would have been easier to go to my favorite comfort zone, my bed. Please know that when you let the fear come, it will go, I promise you wont die or anything else. I hope this helps even one person, because I have been there and done that and I lived to tell about it. Feel free to email me if you have any questions, gtrgrl3369@yahoo.com One day at a time is now my motto!!!:yesyes:

04-03-08, 16:29
Hi there.

Well done I am very glad that you have succeeded in beating your panic.

Whilst I in no way want to make what you suffered any less dreadful or important I do feel it is relevant to say that the length of time (6 months ) that you suffered panic attacks for and the fact that they were triggered by some very difficult circumstances is probably easier to overcome than when you have suffered a life time of anxiety. The longer that a person has suffered the possibility is that they have to unlearn an awful lot of bad coping stratagies. However panic is panic and your way or arming yourself with knowledge and then being able to put it into practice with some fabulous support is a real credit to you.

like you I am aware of the theory and practise of allowing the fear to wash over you. I have made myself experience this and yes I've lived through it BUT for some people experiencing this many times a day every day is so exhausting that instead of helping me to realise that I would be ok it had the opposite effect and I felt that after 18mths of this type of pressure I was in a worse place and I really believed that the panic would never go away. What you are suggesting actually proved to me that the panic was bigger than me at that time. I became very agorophobic not feeling safe anywhere and I have had to learn to allow myself some space from that constant pushing to try and get better. I have allowed myself the time to heal.

05-03-08, 14:16
Thank you for your reply. I have always felt that anic is panic no matter how long you have had it. Everyone suffers and to some it can seem very overwhelming at times. I posted to let people know how I coped to see if it would help anyone else. It is a mindset and the mind is the most powerful tool any of us has. It can be retrained and set up to think differently. Thats the route I chose to take. Six months was enough for me to endure and everyone will hit their own breaking point. When they do, I hope and pray that they break free as I have.