View Full Version : im so scared

04-03-08, 17:46
i have been having panic attacks for about a year now i get so scared i feel like im going mad i get a lot of haedachs and feel really down but dont now why i get so bad sometimes i even vomit i sometimes feel that i cant go on anymore and that scares me too im i normal to feel like this :wacko:

04-03-08, 18:45
Hello Tink !
what you describe is normal symptoms of anxiety. Have a look at all the brill info on this site and you will see how common it is ! Read everything you can and start building in some relaxation time into your day, every day. Once you understand that panic cannot hurt you, it loses some of its sting, and you fear it less and less.
Kepp logging on when you have crap days and get some support from everyone here. We've all be there !
be kind to yourself

04-03-08, 19:01
Hi tink :hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

I am sorry to hear what you have been going through hun. All your symptoms are common ones of panic, anxiety. Please take a good look around the site, you will see, YOUR NOT alone :hugs:

Please take time to read through the site, there is lots of great info on here, read SELF HELP, ( first steps, how to cope, finding help) this is on the left hand side.

We all know and understand what you are going through hun, I know its dame hard for you right now, you have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.

Keep posting, ask question, were all hear to help



04-03-08, 20:40
Hi Tink,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Have a good look around the Site and keep posting.
Best wishes,

04-03-08, 22:22
Hello Tink

being on board here has made everything so much better for me in such a short time. I hope you find lots of help and advice, I'm sure you will