View Full Version : Curse you, insomnia!

04-03-08, 17:53
Ugh, I'm just having a moan here, bear with me. :weep:

After about 4 hours of good sleep I woke up cause I had to pee but it was around 6-ish and the sun came up. I tried to go back to sleep but try as I might, no matter how utterly exhausted I was I could not! I closed my blinds and made my room as dark as possible, but the light still bothered me a little. Then my allergies started acting up and that started keeping me up and as soon as I felt myself start to drift off I'd wake up. I tried to read a boring study book and that almost helped but by the time I started drifting off it was time to get up already.

I can't stand not sleeping, it's pretty much my worst pet peeve ever. I'm so mad at myself...:mad: I can usually fall asleep just fine even in early mornings. I thought I would drift right off too after I went to the bathroom cause I was so tired. Now I'm completely exhausted and it's only lunchtime. My anxiety skyrockets when I get insomnia. I can't stand it. Grr!

04-03-08, 18:51
I posted yesterday with something very similar, I can get off pretty well and like you get about 4 hours of good sleep but then I wake with anxiety kicking in (usually about 2am) and then boy is it a fight to get back off. All the books say get up and do something until you feel tired again but for me I have to switch beds (to my sons as he is usually in our bed) open the window (don't ask me why perhaps because I feel suffocated) and listen to my relaxation CD. It takes a while but eventually it works.

Thing is don't let it become a habit as it is hard to change then - also lavender helps me (like a room spray or oil)

05-03-08, 03:28
Aw, thanks for the tip, it's nice to know that I'm not alone (not that I want you to suffer either! lol! :D) I woke up with a weird dream and my thoughts were racing wildly. I wasn't anxious or worried about much but my mind would just NOT turn off.

It's not really that usual for me and I really hope it doesn't become a usual thing. I feel the need to mix up the place I'm sleeping too and clear my mind. I've heard about the lavender thing, I oughta invest in that cause I get insomnia every so often.