View Full Version : pulsing body!

16-03-05, 19:17
Does anybody out there ever feel their whole body pulse - especially when lying down. I can feel my heart pulsing so strong when I lie a certain way in bed and I feel as though it vibrates through my whole body. Also I find that I just about nod off to sleep and then wake quickly again to feel my heart pulsing so strong - sometimes it feels as though it is quivering but when I feel my pulse it doesn't seem to correspond to the quivering so then I think maybe I have a trapped nerve in my ribs that is fluttering? I can drive myself mad with pulses, missed heartbeats, pulsing body etc. Re-assure me please! (PS ECG last week said my heart is fit and healthy!!! Why can't I believe that?)

16-03-05, 19:21
Hi Dizzyd,
you sound just like me. Have a good read through the posts on here, and you will see there are so many of us with the same symptoms. I know it won't stop you worrying because I still do and I have been having them for three years. Type in the word ectopic or palpitations or whatever you want in the search section and it will give you lists of topics on the subjects you want to read about.

The pulsing thing I am sure is anxiety, we just get ourselves worked up. I am like you and have had an ecg and 24hr tape but still have trouble believing that the missed beats aren't dangerous, but I am still here, if that helps!!!!!!!!
Take care,

16-03-05, 19:27
Thanks Linda, I have been reading through all the messages on this site for months now and finally plucked up the courage to become 'active' tonight. I feel I identify so much with you and your previous postings - thank-you for the reassurance you have given to me on many a 'panicky night' and you didn't even know you were helping me!!! It can be so bewildering at times can't it?
How long have you had Panic Attacks?

16-03-05, 19:32
Hi Dizzyd,
I've just put quite an indepth posting on Health Anxiety, replying to Longie's message to me earlier, but when I first noticed them was about five years ago after I lost my grandad. I had never experienced anything like the ectopic beats until three years ago though and they just send the panic into overdrive - as you well know.

Well done for plucking up the courage and joining, it is nice to know that you have people who you can identify with on here and will help you through.

Take care,

16-03-05, 22:29
hi yes i too get this feeling when im in bed i feel as if im shaking all over but when i look ?? im not

fan x

16-03-05, 23:06
There is nothing worse than trying to fall asleep when you can physically feel your chest pounding.

I take my pulse and it is normal, but my heart beat feels very powerful, almost to the point where I think it is going to burst out of my chest.

Strange heart beats are a common symptoms.
Just another strange symptom to cope with I guess.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

17-03-05, 11:01
Hi dizzyd
I get this too.
I'm glad this site is helping you.

17-03-05, 12:34
Very Common for me. I have had all sorts of testing and all was well.
I seem to get them so bad, I wonder if my husband can feel them off my body. He only has a few times. When I had them really bad last Oct.
I posted about them and then read about them in Claire Weekes book and then thought there was definetly a common thing there and then did not worry as much about them and then went away. I still get them and it feels like your body has been startled, but now I breathe deep and lay and relax and they leave. Silly as it sounds, I have checked my husbands when at rest and he does the same at times but the difference is he does not acknowledge them, people with anxiety notice everything to with our body - we are over sensitised.

What a gift to have eh!


18-03-05, 21:26
Hi Dizzyd

I get this pulsing all over my body too, feels as though my pulse is 10 times stronger than normal and can feel it everywhere in my body, worst places are on my cheeks, ears,neck, arms and torso. I get hot all over at the same time....I get it mainly when i'm out somewhere that is really uncomfortable for me, ie supermarket queue or dr waiting room, also when i get out of the bath?!? and if i get woken up in the night i get it terribly, my dog has been waking me up 3 or so times a night lately and when i come round i am pounding all over, and it takes so long to get back to sleep cos it is uncomfortable......
It is horrible but it is anxiety


19-03-05, 20:15
Thanks Katie Katie - It really helps when you hear that someone else can identify with you and what you are experiencing.