View Full Version : im scared

05-03-08, 07:46
Spoke to my hospital specialist yesturday and he thinks i have a condition called "Superior canal dehiscence" , and that i have all the classic symptoms. I will need more tests but two of my tests have come out positive for it.

I may need an operation to put it right , and it takes about 1 hour.

So like a fool I was reading up on this condition online and read that they have to cut a window opening into the skull to and lift up the brain to reach the canal , and now i feel sick , I want to be better but i dont know if i could do it . But know i must. feeling shakey and sick and shocked.

05-03-08, 09:11
Im so sorry for your illness, hopefully this operatin if you need it will improve your life.
You have already said everything that needed saying ( I want to be better but i dont know if i could do it . But know i must)
you will be fine please be strong xx

05-03-08, 09:25
Hey Mirry

Sorry to hear your news hun but you will be in the best possible hands. It must sound like a scary procedure when you read it, but your surgeons will have been trained well and they know what they're doing.

If it improves your quality of life its worth having done isnt it.

Be brave honey, it will all be ok :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

05-03-08, 10:07
thanks , when the house is empty my mind starts worrying , Im waiting for the hospital to phone me back sometime today she said. This will be my 4 th diagnosis ,lol. So maybe they are wrong yet again ??? He sounded pretty confident though :shrug: .

Hugs to all


05-03-08, 10:23
Think of it as positive news that they have found the problem and if they can put it right with an op that's wonderful too. I know you must feel scared about the op but if you have it done and it cures the problem you will be able to get on with your life. Let us know what the hospital says later. Guess what - my endoscopy appointment was cancelled for today have to wait for another!!
We have to keep smiling and live for today!

05-03-08, 12:13
As Jane says, think of it as positive news - something can be done and take away all your anxieties :yesyes:

Be brave. You'll be fine :hugs:

05-03-08, 12:16
thank you I am trying to be brave :blush: .
Jane sorry to hear they cancelled your appointment today , that is stressfull ! I had an endoscopy done about 6 years ago and didnt feel a thing so dont worry, hope you get your new appointment quickly.:hugs:

05-03-08, 13:46
Hi Mirry,

Fantastic that you've been told why you're hobbling around everywhere, and great that it can be treated relatively easily -surgery must sound daunting but if its going to put you right it will be worth it! Try not to consult Dr. Google too much; he's not great at discriminating between conditions and you'll just end up scaring yourself. Put your trust in your healthcare providers and give yourself a pat on the back for getting through all of this!


05-03-08, 15:07
lol , i love the Dr Google , thats brill :yesyes: .

thanks everyone.

05-03-08, 17:08
Maybe if they do open your head up they can take away the anxiety gremlin out at the same time!!!!! wouldnt that be cool??

Love Joy

05-03-08, 18:12
when you put it like that joy, i think we would all be queing up for it :blush: .

The interesting thing about this disorder is that noise makes you dizzy so if you have people round to visit you can get dizzy and put it down to anxiety when infact its the tone of their voices.

05-03-08, 22:07
So maybe you havent got anxiety at all!!!! Makes you wonder doesnt it/
Love joy

05-03-08, 22:26
Glad to hear that you have found the reason for yur problems even if it is scarey. I'm sure the op will do the trick and that everything will go well. Best of wishes.

06-03-08, 07:45
lol joy , oh i do have the anxiety probally bought on by this problem.
I am a worrier , I layed in bed all night worrying about an operation (sigh).

Thanks sheba and everyone else for your replys.

06-03-08, 08:03
Hi, I know it's really scary at the moment for you, but you know you can do it, and after it all you will feel so much better.

Hey just make sure they done mess with that great sense of humour that you have, it is so important to keep that intact.

I believe if all else fails - SMILE !! :hugs:

Keep us informed so we can send hugs if needed.

Christine xx :flowers:

06-03-08, 11:35
:) ,,, Just like that song called "SMILE".

06-03-08, 12:06
Sorry to hear this Mirry sending BIG http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg202/eda199/hi5-comments/hugs/03.gifYour way.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X