View Full Version : Is this a panick attack ?????

05-03-08, 08:06
:unsure:Hi guys !!

I was jsut wandering wether what i experienced the other days was a full on panick attack !!
I had been doing really well all dy - had been out had my nails done and to the town and post office and bank to my mums for coffee (longest i been out in a very long time) anyway i just nipped into a shop before colleting my daughter from school and i had a horrible feeling i had a slash type sharp pain across my chest from middle across my left breast area and under my arm. i had been having tight chest feelings all day anyway obvously it escalated i got panicky and swore i was having heart attack - anyway i went home and managed to live the rest of the day lol - yesturday i woke up and i stil had the ache in the area (baring in mind the sharp pain was only bout 10 seconds long) so i went to docs - wasnt happy with what he said as it wasnt my normal doc so took myself to the hospital - they put me onto an ecg machine and a chest x-ray and all was fine that gave me an angina spray thingy (but i didnt know what it was to start with) later she said did it help i said no not really she said good :unsure: i was like huh ? she said if it helped i know we would be looking at your heart but it didnt so its not ur heart - plus all tests are normal you are only 29 and women are at less risk of heart attck because of the eostrogen our body produces etc etc and they let me go home ! Their conclusion was it was my chest wall where i had been coughing (but personally i dont think i was coughin all that much) when i asked if it could be a panick attack she said possibly but i dont think it was ! :doh: hmm !!

So my question to you all is - was this a full on panick attack ? as i have never had one of this caliber before - i siffer with general anxiety and nerves but not had one to this extent if it is ?? anyone had this ???

05-03-08, 11:04
Hmm sounds like a panic attack to me, they can be very frightening and i know many sufferers have mistaken them for heart attacks so you are not alone! You have been checked out by the hospital so you know it's not anything serious they would have picked it up, try not to fret , relax a little and carry on as normal.
