View Full Version : Isn't it GREAT to be ALIVE???

05-03-08, 14:13
:yesyes: Sorry for the long post folks, but I feel great!! On monday I started a new goal, to walk with hubby (who is my full time carer) and our dog Tia over the fields. I have not been able to do this for nearly 3 yrs. Today I walked through the estate, down the two alley ways, under the tunnel out into the fields. My anxiety shot up again today as I walked out into the open feilds...it still looked so open and I felt extremely vunerable.. I stopped until I had got my breathing under control and set off down the path:ohmy:

1st Hurdle: The ditch, there is some grass then a ditch which runs along side the path. The catastrophic thoughts started 'what if Tia falls down the ditch? How will we get her out? even worse 'what if I fall down the ditch? 'Oh my God!? I stopped again, controlled breathing, babbled to hubby while he encouraged me to keep walking.

2nd Hurdle: The train, there is a fence which runs along side the ditch and beyond that is a train track, I nearly jumped out of my skin when a train went past, it seems so lound, I grabbed hold of 'life coach' (hubby) and hung on for grim death!! stopped dead, controlled breathing again and moved on to words of more encouragement.

3rd Hurdle: Alsation dog!! I love all types of animals but have been nervous of Alsations for as long as I can remember. As we were walking along the path I heard barking and looked up to see an Alsation running after a ball that its owner was throwing. I stopped dead!! while hubby said 'it's alright, it won't harm you, he's having too much fun with he's owner'. 'Yeah right!!' I thought. As we drew near the man called him and put him on his lead, shouted good morning to us as we walked by.

We went a little further, I looked down the path and exclaimed 'JESUS, I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!' in the distance there was a woman riding a HORSE coming towards us! I stopped dead once more as the anxiety levels climbed up and looked at my hubby, he pulled me into him and gave me a cuddle as he burst out laughing:mad:

I could see the funny side of it as we turned around and made our way back home. I walked back with a spring in my step elated at what I had achieved and in the words of my grand kids felt a 'totally cool nan'. I am please to report 'chicken licken' arrived home without the sky falling on her head.
I can honestly say life is never boring!

Good luck everyone

Diane :yesyes:

Your imagination is always much worse than the reality

05-03-08, 20:12
congratulations diane what a wonderful achievement. Yu did so well. I also am venturing out for those first steps. Today I decided to take my 6 year old out for a short walk after school with her dolls pram. She was so excited. I managed to walk past the school and the church which isn't far in distance but miles in my mind. I was ok going but found coming back tough as I was puffed and the wind was in my face. I longed to be home and safe but managed to walk slowly. I wish I had stopped to regain control I must remember that next time.

I am shocked by how unfit I am. I don't know why because I haven't walked that far for 2 years or more.

05-03-08, 20:15
Awwww well done both of you :yesyes:

It IS scary and it DOES make you feel awful BUT the only way to overcome our fears really is to just get on and do it.

What are your next challenges going to be?


05-03-08, 21:11
Hi Diane,

In answer to your question,I would say:-
"Given the alternative,yes.":D

It is great to hear of people here living life and appreciating what is around us.
May it long continue.
Best wishes,