View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram - advice needed

05-03-08, 14:36

I've made the decision to come off Citalopram, I've been on them 8 months- it has really helped in many ways. My doctor calls it the nonchalance pill and that is what it has been like. The panic has stopped and I get some anxiety but I have been able to learn to deal with it. At first I lost weight and now have gained loads but hey, that'll go!! I still have problems sleeping but even that is better than it was.
I feel ready to deal with things and so spoke to the doctor. He has put in place a progamme to come off slowly but has said about the side effects being anxiety which really worries me.

Can anyone tell me their experiences, I am getting really stressed about it which is not what I need. The doc did say not everyone has withdrawl symptons - could I be that lucky?

Look forward to hearing from you.:)

05-03-08, 14:53
I was on them for about 6 months but they didnt work for me. If anything they made me worse, but great if they woked for you.
I was put on olanzapine while coming off citalopram so the effects might be different but I distinctly remember being quite edgy and nervous with 'electric shock' type sensations in the tips of my fingers. Other than that, nothing really.

05-03-08, 20:05
I was on 20mg for 2 years. I took 10mg (half a tab) every other day for a couple of weeks then went down to 10mg for a couple of months. Then every other day I took nothing for a further month then 10mg every 3rd day for 1 month this was my own decision as my doc just told me to come off them slowly. I didn't have any side effects but 2 years later the panic was back due to things I hadn't dealt with. This time I have gone drug free. Good luck I'm sure you will be fine

06-03-08, 00:09
I was on 20mg previously for just over 6 months. I reduced my dose to one every other day then came off them completely with no side effects at all. i am back on them now though after having a relapse six months later but am feeling much better again. However i will be more cautious coming off them this time in that i need to be sure i am better in myself and not just cos of the meds.
Good luck

07-03-08, 22:07
i was on them for 2 years, i came off them n had not side effects, but i went down hill very quickly, then had to go back on them again...be sure you feel ready....i realised i wasnt

all the best


08-03-08, 11:36
I personally had a hard time withdrawing from them but we are all different. I have to wean myself off very slowly as the first time I did, I did it too quickly and had terrible head shocks, nausea etc. Last time it took me a good 3 months to come off them at my pace which my GP was happy for me to do. Sadly my panic has returned and he has prescribed them again but I am at the moment resisting going on them.