View Full Version : Tornadoes: I did NOT panic even though I could have!

05-03-08, 16:54
Well last night was pretty scary.

We had a huge line of storms come through with two waves of tornado-producing ones. Right before I went to bed we had a warning (tornado actually on the ground or they see rotation in the radar) and the thing was headed STRAIGHT towards my neighborhood!

I was kinda horrified but I went and brushed my teeth cause the tv was making me too excited. However, by the time I got done the storm had already passed and apparently it was just rotation. The weather man was like "Sorry folks, this is just the beginning, we'll have more of this in an hour." Anyway I was too tired cause I only had 4 hours of sleep the other night cause of insomnia so I went to bed. An hour later my dad woke me up and told me to get in the middle of the house cause our weather radio was beeping for the warnings and we lost power. I did kinda freak out for a second, but not in the panicky way. I knew exactly what to do and grabbed my pillows and moved my precious computer away from the windows just in case! My heart was pumping and I had so much adrenaline surge in me at once my stomach hurt, but I was okay though. I knew that it's a perfectly legitamate fear response and half of everyone that goes through this kind of thing has that happen to them too! Well it turns out that we were already through most of it and we didn't get hit by a tornado. A giant tree limb hit our house though. That's probably what got my dad up too. So I'm glad I didn't have to sleep in the bathtub (which I seriously was about to go do cause I was tired, man!)

Anyway I'm so happy that I did not panic and I treated my fear response as legitamate and not get scared of it!

Unfortuantely I got too excited and I couldn't go to sleep for a few more hours so after one night of insomnia, here we go again! I was so mad at myself again. But then again, it's a perfectly legitimate response, there's probably lots of people that can't drop right off after that thrill ride. I think I got 6 hours in though so that's good. I'm just sooo annoyed I couldn't get a good night's sleep and I had to go through insomnia AGAIN.

Anyway that was a really scary storm even though I personally love storms and am a weather buff. I just wish it was during the day so I could have got the camcorder out in case it was a tornado! :wacko: I'm a bit crazy like that. XD I remember watching this tv show called "Twister Sisters" and they took a family with them storm chasing (therapudic for them cause they lost their house to a tornado) and I was getting reeeeally anxious watching it trying to put myself in their place. I was dissapointed cause it's been a dream of mine to storm chase ever since I was a little kid but thought myself too panicky to handle it. Now I feel better cause I experienced something similar and I was fine! And after watching that show the chasers in it were very close to panicking too, they were very anxious due to the dangers even though they were happy and excited.

05-03-08, 20:57
well done gryphoenix, your a trooper,very brave, give yourself a pat on the back, if there was any reason to panic that would of been it!!!!

take care

05-03-08, 20:59
Hi Gryphoenix,

Personally that would have scared the bejeepers out of me!
Congratulations on your success.
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Best wishes,

05-03-08, 22:31
Thanks so much guys!

Can't you tell I'm super happy about it? Lol! :D

It really was scary but I'm so glad that I could go through something that's 'normally' scary and be okay. It was literally almost like a nightmare come true cause I have lots of tornado dreams and storm dreams and when my dad woke me up I thought "Oh my gosh this is it here it comes!"

06-03-08, 01:33
Mmm so you're just a star trekky like me but also a weather fan like me too!:winks: Boy, I'd love to see a tornado.........as long as from a safe distance!!! :scared10:

When there's a storm I'm outdoors watching the lightning flashes until the rain starts then indoors at the window! A true weather fan hates sunny weather unless they're on their hols because blue skies are So boring!:D I bet you're the same! Exciting weather gives me a rush and I couldn't sleep either!:winks:

06-03-08, 02:38
Ooh, you like exciting weather too? That's awesome! :D :D I've come THIS close to seeing a tornado once in Florida but it was a few blocks away from us and the clouds obscured it. The storm made a really weird sound too, like a constant low thunder, like a motorcycle rumbling. And I've seen the sky go green in Florida once too during a doozy of thunderstorm. You should go to FL if you like exciting weather, there's storms every single afternoon in the summer and fall. :D

I go outside too during storms and watch the lightning. Usually during the day though, at night I stay inside but the sky looks sooo pretty lit up at night by colorful lightning. It's gotten really close sometimes and even though common sense tells me to get in I still can't help but watch the show. I thought I was the only one who hated sunny weather (unless I need it lol)! :D Blue skies are totally boring! I was so pumped from last night's experience I put in "Twister" to watch it. I get bummed when the storms are over. Except last night was pretty crazy and quite long and I was glad that danger was over.

06-03-08, 03:37
Excuse us everyone!:D We're in our niche!!!:D I Knew you'd be bored by blue skies!!! Shows you're a True weather fan!:D

I hate it when presenters on TV describe clouds like treacle running across the country:mad: and what a glorious day it's been when it's been downright boring with full sun!:D I don't mind putting up with hot days as long as there's a BIG thunderstorm to enjoy as reward!

I'm with you!:yesyes: I've always been fascinated with clouds etc. I used to dream of having my own rainfall radar and now it's become reality via the Net! Yes, I've seen those green clouds in a storm and storms are certainly best at night!

Oh I could go on and on talking with you on this subject and boring the others silly!!! :blush: Give me exciting weather Any day. Any excitement helps us to forget anxious feelings! As you say though....just as long as the exciting weather stays at a Very safe distance from people!:winks:

06-03-08, 19:13
Lol! Don't mind our conversation everyone! :D It's true, Florida has some crazy heat during the day but it's worth it to get some nice big thunderstorms in the end! I too have always been fascniated with clouds. It's the best when you see it in an airplane or during a sunset. Once we flew through a cold front full of storms (which was a scary and wild ride, I can tell you! :D) and the view from the window was amazing, these big billowing clouds that we had to avoid. It was like being in some kind of cloud mountain range.

I could talk forever about weather too, I have lots of fun weather stories (again, Florida, you've served me well! :D). During the hurricanes I'd bring my camcorder with me everywhere I went (and had it on standby at home) just in case something exciting happened or a tornado formed. I need to get one of those weather kits so I can measure everything from home. I thought once I started experiencing anxiety my thunderstorm excitement would be done and over with and I'd be scared of them. But lo and behold, here come the storms and I was surprised to find myself reacting to them the same way I usually do!

And yes, I completely agree that it's best from a safe distance, lol! I must remember this every time I'm tempted to go outside during a lightning storm...or at least I'll put on shoes with rubber soles, last time I did that I went out barefoot, lol! :D

19-05-08, 17:43
So....you guys want trade places with me ?

We get tornadoes every other day tearing up everything around us.
I used to enjoy storms etc. until a couple of months ago when I had to help clean up after a tornado hit a street that was just two blocks away from my ex husbands house ( my son was there ).

The tornado had taken whole houses ( two stories ) and crushed them into nothing but splinters of wood....there were dead animals
( horses, cows, dogs) everywhere.

I can appreciate a nice rain...a lightning show from a far...but these tornadoes that hit here and destroy whole neighboorhoods and lives...I can do without those.

Don't mean to be a downer....it just reminded me of the aftermath...it's not that pretty once you've been in it.

I'm happy to say we have sun today LOL...

Take care,
