View Full Version : im loosing my mind and need help

miss motown
05-03-08, 21:31
oh well ive not long got in from work and belive me i dont no how i got home. ive been feeling really anxious for a few days but today it was alot worse i managed to go to work as i wasnt letting it win me.anyway after a few hours in work i went to the changing room when suddenly for a split second i was confused on were i was it was very scairy my heart started to race i didnt no were i was and the feeling of unrality i was trembling going very dizzy and i couldent wait to get out of the building anyway now im at home the unreality is still with me im having panic attack after panic attack im so frightened that i might end up in p block before the nights out why is this happining does anybody no awww this is really freaking me out :scared10:

05-03-08, 21:42
Hi Miss,

Just remember what you have achieved today IN SPITE OF your anxiety.
You went to work,worked and made the journey home.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Practice distraction-take the focus and the power away from the Panic.
Music,exercise,reading,etc-do something to demonstrate to your panic that you are not prepared to tolerate it or let it dominate you.
You have achieved so much today.
Keep up the good work.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,

05-03-08, 22:06
Hi Motown
You No What It Is Hon ,so Ride With It, And As Chalky Said, U Did Go To Work To Day, So Foucus On What U Have Achived, Try And Relax Now, Have Nice Hot Bath, Listen To Relaxing Music, Or Read A Book, Or Have A Jump Around Swing Your Arms From Side To Side, And Let Whole Body Go With It, It Will Relax All Muscles, Because Can Not Tense While Swinging, Then Lay Down And Breath Into Your Tummy 4 In Nose, Hold For 4, Blow Out For 4 Slowly Like Your Blowing A Candle Out, Do It 4 5 Times More It Needed. It Will Bring U Back Down, And Ground U. Good Luck Hon And You Can Pm Me If U Need To Talk.


05-03-08, 22:19
Hi Miss :hugs:

You have done sooo well today, please focuse your thoughts on what you have achieved, I know its dame hard, but distract yourself. I know when your in full fear and the fear keeps peaking its dame hard NOT to fear it, but hun, you NEED to take that fear away. Its the fear thats fueling the panic. Sandys reply about jumping up and down, I used to do this when I was acute, and found it very hard stopping the panic from peaking going up and down, it did work. I even did this in a big shop, must have looked a nutter, but I was to scared to care, BUT IT WORKED.

Hun, the unreality feeling is DP/DR, there are lots of threads on here about this symptom. What I read was, this is the minds way of trying to protect you form any anxiety feeling, you ares supposed to welcome this feeling, open your arms and let in just be there, try not to be scared of it,ohh boy, when I first read this I thought, how can it be, it scares the life out of me. I read all I could about the unrealtiy and everytime it happend I would repeat to myself, my mind is trying to protect me, I will be fine, it will pass. It always did.

As, Chalky said, you did great today, :yesyes: be pround of yourself.

You take care


06-03-08, 03:35
Symptoms of anxiety can bring you no harm, just relax let your body bring it may, if you show no signs of fear..it will disappear.

06-03-08, 09:10
There is post today about derealisation which may be of interest, and you are doing so well coping just relax and take each day at a time.

Take care, Christine xx :flowers: