View Full Version : Just to say hi

05-03-08, 21:33
Just joined the site today and I'm really surprised there are so many members and people still joining. Good to know I'm not alone.

I'm still plucking up courage to do something pro-active about my anxiety, such as visit the doctors, but have in the meantime invested in a self help book on CBT. I've self-diagnosed myself with social anxiety as I blush dreadfully when I have to talk on the telephone or face to face with people. I've had the problem for years, but it is getting worse - it used to be occassional, now its frequent. I know I'm retreating into myself and shutting out more socialising opportunities, spending too much time on my own, but it's a vicious circle I'm not sure how to break. If I could stop the blushing, I'm sure my confidence would improve.

I get incredibly tense and anxious in the simplest of situations - making an appointment, visiting the vets even talking to my sister last week caused a horrible gut wrench and a massive blush.

I love to make mountains out of molehills, go over and over and over conversations and blushing events analysing them and wondering if I made a fool of myself. I worry about lots of things and often look for something if nothing is obvious! I'm also not very good at talking about my problem and only my partner knows about what a major problem it's becoming/become (affecting my social and work life) and is very understanding.

On the plus side, I want to stop this downward spiral and hope to do this by changing my bad and negative thougts to good ones, but boy, it's tough changing the thoughts of a lifetime and a bad incident set me back days and is a total downer. From the outside I often look confident (that's if you don't clock the rosy neck) when inside I'm a quivering wreck.

I'm trying to stop apologising to people so much in an effort to be more positive with myself, so won't say sorry to you for rattling on! And reading back what I've written makes me sound very depressed, which I may be at the moment, but I do have up moments that last hours, weeks or months (but not right now) and actually have a very wicked and dry sense of humour - the one where you laugh when someone trips in the street.

It's good to know other people are out there with similar worries, problems and, hopefully, a sense of humour.

05-03-08, 21:35
Hi Marchhare,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.

Best wishes,

05-03-08, 21:44
Hi marchhare, thank god you are not an april shower lol, welcome to n.m.p. you are certainly not alone. There are lots of members on here and i,m sure that somewhere on here their will be someone that can relate to your anxiety. Good to have your input.

05-03-08, 21:56
:welcome: marchare
look forward to chatting

the only day wasted is the day without laughter!:yesyes:


05-03-08, 22:23

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

06-03-08, 00:20

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way..... Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs:

06-03-08, 00:39
Hi Marchare :hugs:


You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



06-03-08, 06:36
Hey hun, welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

06-03-08, 12:03
Hello Marchare And Welcome ........wish Ya The Best.........linda

06-03-08, 19:07
Hello Marchahre:welcome: to you!

You're not alone - my sense of humour takes a lot of getting used to too!!

and you're not alone feeling as you do - if I had a fiver for every time I'd been told 'you worry too much' in the last few days I'd be a millionaire lol!!

But joining us here is a very positive move - you'll find so much help and support from the members and from the information pages, over on the left there.

Pleased to meet you!


06-03-08, 19:48
Hi Marchhare

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

07-03-08, 06:46
http://www.wondercliparts.com/hello/graphics/hello_02.gif (http://www.wondercliparts.com/hello/hello_graphics_02.shtml)

Welcome, you will get loads of support and help here.
Love Sarajane

07-03-08, 07:27
:welcome: Marchhare, nice to meet you. It's a great place to be and you'll get lots of support from some really friendly people.


07-03-08, 17:33
Hi Marchhare and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. You've already made positive steps to overcome this like buying the book and joining here so don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure people don't notice how anxious you feel as everyone is too busy worrying about themselves lol! If the blush happens on your neck perhaps you could try covering it up with a light scarf or clothes with a high neckline? Maybe that would help your confidence and so reduce the problem.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-03-08, 10:34
Hi Marchhare!!!

Welcome to NMP!!! :) :) :)

You will find tons of advice and support here!

Nice to meet you hun! :)

Wolfie xx

08-03-08, 12:36
hiya march hare :welcome: to nmp is lovely to have you here. you will get lots of support and advice from all the great members . hope to talk to you in chat sometime.
take care:hugs: :hugs:


sue the happy coo
22-03-08, 01:09
Me too!! I'm also a newbie!
From what i've nosied in at so far i'm sure just reading this stuff is going to help my loneliness and despair.
Really can't get over how many of you guys there are - that just makes me feel like it's worth another day, just to allow you all to make me smile. going to my bed now to - hopefully - sleep.
be back tomorrow.