View Full Version : Liver Enzymes And High Chloestrol

05-03-08, 22:10

Just after some advice etc

Ive just had my diabetic blood test check up done and have been told I have a raised enzyme in my liver doc is sending me for a liver scan and Im convinced it must be cancer!!!! Anyone had any experience of this???

Also my chlorestrol is 6.2 and he says I am at risk of having a heart attack!!!
Wants to put me on meds for it but having googled the meds are something called statins and have horrific side effects again anyone had any experience???

I dont have health anxiety as a rule but Im soooo worried about all this

Any help would be appreciated:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

05-03-08, 22:30
Although your cholesterol is above normal it isn't that high. I think the risk of heart attack is still pretty low at that level. My mum and her next door neighbour both have levels of 8-9 and they are fine. They take statins and have had no side effects. I'm sure this is the drug that some doctors think we should all be on after the age of 45 to prevent heart problems in later life. I think like all drugs some people have side effects but probably most are fine with them. Hope this helps a little.

tayside lassie
05-03-08, 22:32
hiya kazzie ,i take simvastatin for my cholesterol have done for 3 year ive not had any problems youre cholesterol reading is quite high ,why dont you discuss with youre gp that youre a bit anxious about taking drugs see what he says he might let you try changing your diet first to lower it , a change of diet did not work for me ,you really should not google drugs for info just makes things worse i used to do that myself but stopped it .sorry i cant be more helpful .


06-03-08, 09:57

I to have recently had an abnormal liver result and just had a scan which was clear. apparently its very comon and can be due to meds or alcohol / diet. just needs to be kept an eye on every 6 months.

06-03-08, 12:40
Hi Kazzie,

I have just had the same thing hun.

I had an abnormal liver result to and had a scan last week.

I have to go back to the Doc's this Wednesday for the results.:scared15:

Hope you will be ok.:hugs:

Take Care,

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X

06-03-08, 14:07
Hi Kaz
I too take Simvastatin for cholesterol and have had no problems at all with it and I'm like you, I hate taking pills but I had no choice because I had a heart attack and it was a build up of fatty deposit in my atery that caused it. Since being on them my numbers have dropped from 6.8 to 3.2. Good luck with it.

Love Fran

06-03-08, 14:41
Well I'm pretty confused . I had a Cholesterol check a couple weeks ago and when I phoned for the results I was asked to go along to see my Dr as it was borderline at 7.1.
When I saw the Dr he said that although my serum cholesterol is 7.1 it was fine because the overall result was 4.4. I said that I'd stopped taking Simvastatin because it was making my muscles ache a bit, he said that was OK, no need to take them
Can anyone throw any light on the diferent figures ?

06-03-08, 19:46
Just as a matter of interest what time of the day do you other simvastatin users take your tablet and what dose are you on ?
Also do they interact with Diazepam ?
I've been getting a bit of dizziness lately and I've read that high cholesterol can cause it, so I'm thinking about going back on them again.

tayside lassie
06-03-08, 20:27
hiya ,youre meant to take simvastatin an hour or two before bedtime ,im on 20mg as i had a very high reading of 7.3 came down to borderline of 5.1 in the first three months ,after six months 3.1 ,my gp told me that high cholesterol on its own is a major factor in heart attacks


06-03-08, 20:36
Hi Sal,
Yea thats when I used to take them , I was also on 20mg, I think I'll start them again , my 7.1 is a bit worrying. Don't know why my Dr said it was ok.
Do you take aspirin or any other heart meds ?

06-03-08, 20:41
Thanks All:hugs:

Well he has given me simvastatin

Is it ok to have the odd few drinks with it??

I think the flap over the chlorestrol being 6.2 is because Im diabetic so at higher risk

Have spoken to him again re liver and things are only a tiny bit up .....he suspects due to the stress Ive had the last yearand the fact I have drunk more booze than usual

Feel much calmer now

Thanks again

Kaz x x x:hugs:

Ps how long did peeps wait for a scan and do you have to wait for results???

06-03-08, 20:57
Blimey Kaz, take care of yourself mate, you've inspired me to have another beer and go down the chippy !!
:doh: xxx

06-03-08, 21:51
What really matters with cholestoral tests is the ratio of good to bad. So you can have a high reading of say 7 but if you have a good ratio of good then its no problem. on the other hand you can have a good reading of say 5 and its nearly all bad which would be very risky.

So unless your total is extremely high what you need ot know is your ratio. The Dr's also do a calculation based on other things like blood pressure and come up with a figure and as long as its below 5 your not at extra risk of heart attack hence your figure was 4.4 so that why you don't need the statins.

anyone taking statins should also tak coQ10 supplement as statins stop your body producing this and the heart uses this more than any other organ so ifyou take statins for long enough then your body runs out of coQ10 and guess what you get heart failure. IN america they combine statin and coQ10 in one pill but UK is sadly behind in this.

tayside lassie
06-03-08, 22:09
hiya decca ,no i dont take aspirin but have two meds for hbp ,even if you dont have hbp your still at risk of heart attack with high cholesterol .

kazzie im sure its all right to have the odd drink as long as your not getting wasted every night lol...i drink with my meds mind its only a couple of times a year i have a drink .


06-03-08, 23:29
Oh great.

High Cholesterol wasnt one of my health anxiety issues but it is now!! A couple of years ago when I was very overweight my cholesterol was 6.1 and the ratio of bad and good was bad.:ohmy: I went on a diet and when I was retested it had gone down to 4.9. I have not had it checked again since then (they don't test in pregnancy do they?) so now am scared. I always thought that as long as it was below 6 it was ok? My friends mum's cholesterol was 9 and she is still fine. My friends was 6.6 and she wasn't put on tablets. Have levels changed?

Nikki x

07-03-08, 23:11
The guidelines for Dr's keep lowering but my dr says thats only so the drug companies can sell more statins! Never forget its always directed by the drug companies - I should KNow I worked at a medical practise.

As I said before the big thing is your ratio - if your Dr says you don't need statins then your ratio is okay. The new guidelines say you should be below 5 would you believe but thats if your ratio is bad.

One interesting point about cholesterol is that old people over 70 who get tested almost always have high cholesterol(as in high according to the drug companies) and its that high cholesterol that protects them from cancer in old age SO its a balancing act. I am not talling out of my xxx here I was told this by a Dr that I worked for.

07-03-08, 23:28
Nikki....Im sorry dident mean to scare you!!!:hugs:

My GP is a fusspot!!! I am diabetic so if anything is a tiny bit out he has it tested and prescribes god knows what!!!!

I also smoke which dosent help!!!!

Please dont worry you are fine:hugs:

Kaz x:)