View Full Version : Spare a thought for health professonals

06-03-08, 00:34
As an anxiety sufferer and a health professional ( I'm a radiographer ), I would like to say to people that if a doc or some other person is not very nice to you, they are not necessarily being uncaring.
I had such a horrible day yesterday I thought I would tell everyone about it ( it will help me too) and maybe they won't be so upset with the people they meet in hospitals etc.
My day started with an episode of anxiety. As I woke up, I felt the anxiety start and just after I got up, I started to feel sick, thought "here we go again, haven't had this for ages". It faded a bit, so was able to eat breakfast and get to work, then as was walking down the corridor, felt sick again, got into the change room and thought I was going to faint, heaved in the toilet, but didn't bring anything up. Managed to get changed and get down to the staff meeting, still feeling sick, sat near the door so I could get out if necessary. By the end of the meeting, I was feeling better, but still a bit limp, so got on with the day.
It was really busy, and we are short of staff, so over lunch I was on my own. The patients were piling up faster than I could x-ray them, then I got a man from ED who so obviously had nothing wrong with him. He was really difficult to x ray, and it took ages to get the right pictures, meanwhile lots of other people were still waiting. Then an AE doc rang to say someone I had done earlier needed more pics as what I had done was not good enough, then someone from the office came to say someone was complaining about the wait AAGGHHHHH. I was nearly in tears. At this point, someone else turned up and I was able to go off to lunch WHEWWW.
SO If your doc is not very nice to you, seems impatient, shoves a prescription at you and hurries you out. Or if the AE doc tells you that panic attacks are harmless and looks cross - they are human too, they may be having a bad day. They are probably really busy, they may have just seen someone seriously ill and your problems ( horrible though they are to you ) may seem trivial to them.
I have had anxiety all my life ( the first time I remember I was 7, I'm now 52 ), sometimes worse than others so I do know what it feels like and how horrible it all is- I've pestered my doc too, good thing I have a very patient one. But I suppose all I'm saying is please be a patient patient!

06-03-08, 09:31
Good post Cattttt

Will take your comments on board - well said and I hope you have a better time for the rest of the week. Jane

06-03-08, 09:45
Hi Cat.

Sorry. We do forget that you people suffer too. Thanks for reminding me. I hope yu are feeling a bit better today and the workload is easier. I'm impressed that you are able to do such an important job whilst coping with anxiety. Well done and big hugs to yu.