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View Full Version : Things that have helped me so far:

06-03-08, 10:14
Self help books - especially "How to Master Anxiety" by Joe Grffin and Ivan Tyrrell.

CD's designed to help get you off to sleep

Owning pets - a perfect distraction (and they won't judge you when you start to panic!)

Try to live in the moment, concentrating on what you are doing as much as you can.

Watch less tv (it's ultimately stimulating, not relaxing)

Try to exercise, even if you feel to ill to do it.

Dont try to fight negative thoughts - it only draws attention to them - just acknowledge that you have a worry in your mind, then try to think of something else/do something else

Tell people you have anxiety. Many will react by saying really unhelpful things (though they think theyre helping), but its surprising how many come out of the woodwork and admit that they too have dealt with panic/anxiety

Agnus castus tablets - for women whose PMS makes anxiety worse

Accupuncture (if you can bear the thought of the process) really does help to relax you. It's also cheap compared to many other complementary therapies.

As much fresh air as possible - even if only from an open window

Keep lists of any improvements youve made, and read them when you are feeling panicky or low

Dont feel guilty about taking the phone off the hook when you need time/space

If you are at work and struggling - dont worry about going down the route of seeing occupational health. In most cases they are far more supportive than you think. You can sometimes get free CBT through your occupation health dept - worth looking into.

beginners mind
06-03-08, 18:41

I thought I would share with you all what has helped me and am finally taking the power back over anxiety/panic and avoidance behaviour which I have had for 16 years, so here goes:-

I have taken responsibility - only I know what goes on in my head and no one can take it away.

Complete acceptance - I have an anxiety disorder (right now).

The belief that I can, I will and am recovering - this is so important.

Acceptance of all symptoms - difficult but it gets easier with time but we need to accept them completely without secretly wishing them away.

Knowledge - understanding as much as I can about this.

Support from friends and family and being honest - no more hiding.

CBT - but a mindfulness technique that involves learning to watch our thoughts and beginning to understand they are only thoughts - they are not real.

Meditation - one session of at least thirty minutes a day every day. You can't do it for a while then stop, you need to make this a discipline.

Plenty of sleep and rest.
Limited alcohol!
A good diet

Psychotherapy to address self esteem issues which is why this starts in the first place.

Buddhism! This is truly wonderful and the best gift of all.

Complete acceptance of who I am with or without an anxiety disorder - we are all wonderful people.

No more negative self talk - be angry at the disorder - not yourself. Listen to your thoughts all the time, or as much as you can and watch what happens to your body and how it responds.

Patience - when will I recover? I don't know but it is all happening exactly as it should do.

This sounds like hard work right? It is in the beginning, then you start to notice subtle changes, you start to see how you believe your own thoughts and how you react to them without questioning them.

Then, as time goes by, your panic rises but it isn't what you thought it was and you can invite it in to practice your skills - it works!

Bless you all, you can do this - just be kind, patient and begin to accept who you are, just as you are, and it will happen for you.

You can take back the power! But, and this is the big but, you have to believe beyond any doubt that you can do it, we are what we think we are - and if we think we can't recover then we won't!!!!!


07-03-08, 16:30
thanks forgetmenot for your lists of helpful things for anxiety
you have highlighted some really useful tools for dealing with it
and have found this really informative
Lots of luv richie xxxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: