View Full Version : Something else to be ANXIOUS about.

06-03-08, 13:04
I have recieved my appointment date for my PRE OP assesment and my ADDMISION for my shoulder Impingment surgury.

I have been waiting ages for this and now i have them i am going PANIC.:scared10:

I really want this op to go ahead,but i am scared that they will find something wrong with me when i go for my assesment.:ohmy:

What if i have something wrong with my heart, i am convinced they will find something wrong with it.Have i got high blood pressure,what if i have a panic attack, these things are stuck in my mind now and i feel real anxious.

I am in so much pain and very limited use of my left arm i don't want to cancel,but i don't know if my nerves will take the worry and waiting.

My date for assesment is the 18th march,and my addmission date is 2 april.
This gives me 4 weeks to feed my HA even more, i don't need this right now.:weep:

How can i get through this, should i cancel? and just put up with the pain etc etc.
Thanks for reading.

06-03-08, 13:46
Hi Liz :hugs:

I dont think you should cancel hun, you will obviously benefit from this operation.

I imagine you would have to have something seriously wrong with your heart for them to cancel the operation - and you dont have any evidence of this do you?

It might be the anticipation of the operation that has triggered your HA, and the thought of anything getting in the way of you having this op.

I'm sure the pre-op assessment will be fine hun, hang on in there :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

06-03-08, 13:52
Lilith is right hun..it is the anticipation of the check and the op that sets us off:scared15: You must go for your pre op check ,everything will be fimne itnisn a formality really.I'll make you laugh..i had to have a pre op check a while ago now..i had a chest x-ray and they called me back in to say i had to have another one:ohmy: :scared15: :scared10: terror..oh my god i have cancer in my lung too:scared10: ..erm noooo....i had left me bra on:blush: :blush: ..go on have a giggle:flowers: love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-03-08, 14:50
Thanks for the replies it is much appreciated.

You are right in what you say jo,i don't have evidence that there is something wrong with my heart,i've had so many tests done and all have been ok,but i still can't get it into my head that there is nothing wrong with it.:weep:

Paddington that is so funny.:D
You sure put a smile on my face when i read it.:D

Take care.
Liz xx

06-03-08, 16:51
good luck redrose. I bet the operation is such a success and the feeling of being able to move your arm and do things with it again will make such a difference to you. This is really important you will probably find the the pro op asses. puts your mind at rest. Best wishes.