View Full Version : What is this???????

06-03-08, 13:10
I have a swelling at the bottom of my cheek to the side of my lips.
It came on instantly no build up or anything :wacko: kinda feels like when you had an injection at the dentist.
Being a health anxiety sufferer it makes it such a big issue. I try putting myself in someone with out the Health anxiety knowing they would not make much of it but I just cant.

Any ideas?

06-03-08, 13:54
Hi Kate hun

Are you sure its not a spot building up under the skin? How big is it hun?

Jo xxxxx

07-03-08, 11:53
could it be an abcess (~bad spelling) on your gum they dont always cause pain but can make your mouth swell up

hugs xx

10-03-08, 16:04
Sounds like your saliva gland is blocked. Have a word with the doc.