View Full Version : ovarian c worry please help

06-03-08, 14:40
please can someone give me any advice as i,m here in tears as i write this
i have had heavy periods for years since having my youngest daughter who is now 11
but i have been gettig a really sick feeling just as my period is finishing
i hate it my appetite has gone and i just feel sooooo down
i keep going to the doctors about this(think i,m going to make another appointment tomorrow)but she just keeps giving me anti-sickness tablets!
i don,t want to keep putting my husband through all this (i have been like this on and off for 6 years now(first it was a brain tumour worry but has now moved on to ovarian c(i can,t even write the word i,m that scared)
does anyone else feel sick during or after their period?
i would be grateful

06-03-08, 14:52

Yes I do every month, and sometimes I am actually sick.

Since having my two children, I have also found that my periods have become worse, it's a horrible feeling.

I can also become very low, tearful and my anxiety shoots up sky high. I actually take anti-d's for this reason. Fluoxetine and The Femodene Pill is supposed to work for many women with these problems, they have really helped me.

Hope this helps alittle. xx

06-03-08, 15:06
hiya ceecee. plz try not to worry about this you dont have overian c. it is normal for some women to have sickness or to get sick during there period.your health anx is makeing you think it is something more nasty. have you talked to your doc about the pill or i found the marina coil was a great help with heavy periods. the marina coil stopped my periods for 3 years untill i had it removed. hope this reasures you some hun take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .


ps also can i remind you that stress and worry can make your periods heavy or come more often and very iregular, its not uncommen.

06-03-08, 20:41
Hello Ceecee !
Ask your GP to do a couple of simple things. Ask for a gynae exam / smear / scan and a blood test for C125. You need to get some peace of mind on this, so don't delay. You can get heavy periods for lots of reasons and none of them are life threatening. Anxiety plays havoc with our ability to think straight and that causes even more anxiety ! Can you see how easily our minds can trick us ? Go sort this one out and if necessary see a more understanding doctor.
Be kind to yourself