View Full Version : Bad Bad Times

06-03-08, 16:25
Hi everyone, i havnt been online recently due to me havin a bad cold (man flu)

But in the last week ive developed a really bad tummy, its really making me nervous all the time, i just cant take my mind off it, im scared to leave the house incase i need the loo. its really messin me up at the mo, i had a big panic attack this morning and i had to lie on my bed for an hour to stop shaking. its ruling my life again at the moment and its so depressing.

Im off food and all i want to do is sleep really. think i just need a bit of support. it helps to no that there are people out there who can relate. I just want to feel normal again.


06-03-08, 16:37
HI Billywhizz.

Sorry you haven't been feeling too good lately. I always find that my panic attacks are worse in the few weeks after a virus or infection. I think your body gets low and the tiredness plays havoc with your coping abilities especially when it is so used to panic. I sometimes think we expect to get better really quickly and society and advertising expects us to carry on regardless like that advert for a painkiller where the woman juggles loads of people/things after taking them.

There have been some really nasty cold viruses this year and I know lots of people who have been left feeling less than able and they don't suffer with panic attacks. Also if you had any antibiotics then they could be the cause of the stomach probs as they are famous for that. Have you tried taking one of these probiotic drinks/youghurts for a couple of weeks they are supposed to be great at adjusting the balance in the digestive tract. Hope you feel better soon.

By the way I was feeling shaky etc this morning too but feeling ok again now thanks to the support I got here. Its a great place.

06-03-08, 19:28
Hi Billy,

A couple of weeks ago i too had the cold from hell followed by that horrendous vomiting bug thing and to top it off my period ( not something you have to contend with!:winks: )so to say it was a low couple of weeks is an understatment. My anxiety levels went through the roof and i don't think i left the house for a solid week, not good but if you're ill no-one wants to do anything anyway and we don't want your germs so stay in bed where you should be till your better than start again!

You'll feel a whole load better once you're over the cold.


06-03-08, 20:17
I hope you feel better soon. My anxiety definately gets worse if Im poorly. I think its coz you are focusing on the way you feel.