View Full Version : Panic from nowhere

06-03-08, 17:32
Hi Im sat at my desk and for no reason I suddenly feel surging adrenaline through my body - I feel dizzy and weird yet I am working and doing nothing stressful - of course the more I think about it the more panicky I feel. After a while it did wear off but I want to know why it started when I was sat at my desk!! Grrrr. Wenjoy x

06-03-08, 19:15
Hi Wenjoy,

The joys of panic lol, i have had panic attacks for no reason whatsoever i think they just pop ever now and again to make your day more special! lol

Well done for sticking it out and not legging it.

Try not to worry about it too much it'll only get worse if you do.


07-03-08, 22:04
when i had my first all i was doing was relaxing watching tv...then i just hit me....if you think about it, it will be a vitious circle, i used to have them every day for 3 years, now not had one for over a year

all the best


11-03-08, 04:01
I suddenly feel surging adrenaline through my body.

Panics Always happen for a reason, even if the reason seems unclear.

Why is the body feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline? What causes the body to produce it?

What happens if we saw a lion? The mind would tell the body to be prepared to run so would get th body to produce the adrenaline it needs.

Therefore, the mind must be "thinking" something to get the body to produce the adrenaline. I know you'l say you weren't "thinking" anything though....True, you probably weren't even aware you Were thinking anything!

It's a subconscious reaction to often a "general" feeling of insecurity or vulnerability, often I feel caused by stress or even tiredness.

What I would suggest is you analysis your fears. Ask yourself what you're afraid of and you may well discover what your subconscious was thinking to create the panic.

11-03-08, 04:18
I've just had a quick look at your other posts.

Wenjoy, my feeling is you have a fear of feeling "trapped" which would mean that when you're sitting at your desk at work you could feel in an environment where there's no escape and so this subconscious thought could surface and create your panic feelings.

Maxine and Scottie, you both appear to have a fear of feeling vulnerable i.e. about going out. This fear is with you 24 hrs a day whether you're out Or in the house. It's constantly there so the subconscious thought can surface at Any time without you realising you're even thinking it and so could easily trigger a panic feeling even in the "safety" of your home because although you're in a "safe" place, your mind is always in a "troubled" place.

However, you all appear to know that you more you think about these panics, the worse they become but as you probably also realise the only way to stop them is by overcoming the underlying fear that's causing them........easier said than done I know.:hugs: