View Full Version : Sorry tmi but...stools

06-03-08, 19:31

I have black stools,what can cause this?Could folic acid be a cause?

H x

06-03-08, 19:36
Normally Iron does that. Are you taking a multi vitamin with Iron in? Otherwise licorice (can't spell it!)...or sometimes spinach

06-03-08, 20:25
I had black stools when I was taking iron tablets to treat anaemia.I've also noticed it before after eating foods rich in iron or even eg dark green vegetables or dark coloured food.However if you have a gastric upset it could be a gastric ulcer which is bleeding.This was the case with me 12 months ago.It was quickly diagnosed by an endoscopy and healed in no time with medication.It was no problem and nothing to be worried about but it does need sorting if it's recurring and not down to iron /certain foods

06-03-08, 20:34

Thank You both

I have been taking folic acid and a multivit with probotic in capsule form which has iron in it

I am seeing a GI consultant and TBH I 'm sure I have cancer(age 32!)but they are stalling a bit.I shall demand more tests(if I can!)as I have another appointment with him at the end of the month.I have had bowel probs for a long while and I'm so scared,they have said it's IBS for ages :(

H x

06-03-08, 21:03
Hope your fears are unfounded.and everything works out well for you
All the best

06-03-08, 23:54
It's a long shot....but just wondering if you take Pepto Bismol for IBS?

Always makes poo black :blush:

Good luck with the Consultant

xxx :flowers: