View Full Version : Can't cope & can't stop crying

06-03-08, 19:34
I can't cope anymore. I am so worried that I have a brain tumour. It is all I think about. I wake up in the night thinkinga bout it, I wake up in the morning, it's the 1st thing in my head - through the day I just cry all the time. I am awaiting some scan dates from the hospital but they haven't come through yet. I don't know how to cope. I can't stop crying - I just keep visualising the operation I will need, and then dying and then what will happen to everything after I am gone. I am a mess. :weep: Everyone around me is fed up of me too. People have stopped ringing. I feel so frightened.

06-03-08, 20:20
hi im so sorry ur feeling the way u do rite now,iv been there to was so worried i had a brain tumour,i just used to cry all the time i planned my own funeral becos i was so sure i had 1,wat symptoms do u hav if u dnt mind me askin,my symotoms were like a pressure feeling at the top of the head,dizzyness,really tired,headaches,and i felt like my left arm didnt work properly....now i no these are all anxiety symptoms,just try and relax,really really try i no its hard but wen u relax i bet u feel ur symptoms fadin ....hope iv help if only a little bit,hope u feel better soon xxxxx

06-03-08, 20:21
awwww fairy hun why do you think you have a brain tumour? plz get back to me and tell me what makes you think this. my daughter has anx and panic attacks and thinks the same thing as you she is only 14. plz fairy you are not alone we are here to support you. im sending you lots of love and :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:. god bless you hun.

kellie. xxxxxxxxxxx

06-03-08, 20:27
oh dear u have got yourself in a pickle,why do u think u have brain tumour,you doctor must of sent for appointment, and i think if he was really concerned u would of been sent to hospital quit quickly not be waiting for appoinment to come through, i no its easer said than done hon but i think u have to really stop thinking like this, are u on any meds!! u sound very depressed to me, if u are not maybe u should talk to your doctor about this. all u can do it wait for your appoinment i think your doc has put this through for u to be looked at to put your mind at rest, u must try and relax, read, listen to music, watch something funny on telly to have a good laugh you need to get your mind onto something else.

hugs to u and pm me if u need to talk
the only day wasted is a day without laughter!!
be strong

06-03-08, 20:31
Hello !
Waiting for hospital appointments is the pits ! But know this - IF there was any immediate reason to have the scan it would have been done by now. You don't say what your symptoms are but I'd guess dizziness and headaches are a feature ? I know its really hard to turn off that "internal chatter" which wears us down so that we feel we cannot cope. You must feel absolutely shattered, especially if you're not getting much refreshing sleep.
Tomorrow is one day closer to your scan - one day closer to finding out exactly what is causing your unease. Hang in there, because when you get the ALL CLEAR I want to hear you cheer from here !!!! Okay ? We're all thinking of you, and you are not alone.
be kind to yourself

06-03-08, 20:35
:sad: :sad: Thanks guys :(

This started in Dec, pressure in my head, feeling like my tear duct was "full" headaches in front of head mainly, tight forehead, facial pain, behind nose and eyes, dizziness, creeping sensation over my face, earache, fullness feeling behind face....pain seems to move round, move from side to side... Sometimes it feels like I have a cold feeling inside my face.

Went to docs who referred me to neurologist - went to see her - she was v. scary and very abrupt. She did some neurological tests which didn't show anything - She said I should have a sinus and brain scan (which she did say was for piece of mind) and that's what I am waiting for. I went last Tuesday to see her, and have not had a date for the scans yet - I think that's making worse. I want to have them NOW and at least find out how long I have left. Everyone says....it won't be a brain tumour - and I think - that's a silly thing to say - plenty of people get them, so why shouldn't I have one.

She took some bloods for thyroid and B12 too. Not sure how that relates.

I keep reading people's stories of having brain tumours on various websites and I know that doesn't help, but I just feel compelled to look. I feel like I need to understand my fate.

The Gp prescribed sinus meds, none of which worked, like sudafed and a nasal spray.

I have spent the past 3 months trying to self diagnose - every lil twinge and pain, I keep trying to work out what it is, and how it is all linked to the tumour. I've looked at diagrams of the brain and have even tried to work out where the tumour is.

I just feel so exhausted. I have been off work, but went back this week as people told me it would be better to keep my mind on other things. just end up crying in the loo at work. People are very nice at work and sympathetic, but it is hard to care about the jobs in hand when all I am thinking about is - this is it.

06-03-08, 20:47
this isnt it ,u have exactly the same symptoms as me n i have no tumours,i had exactly the same thoughts and had a two week old baby when all this started,when u have been for ur scan and u get the results which WILL say there is nothin,then u must try n shake this kinda thikin off,it is hard took me a while,like i sead we had the same symptoms i didnt go for a scan i just took my doctora word for it and started to believe there was no tumour,i dnt have any ov these symptoms now xxxxxx

06-03-08, 21:13
Thank you for your support.....

06-03-08, 22:10
fairyloveheart i understand you hun and i know how hard it can be to shake these thoughts when they are fixed good and proper in your head. i was convinced i had lung cancer last year and i had all the symptoms to convince me of this. i was a wreck just like you, even my doc seem concerned as i am a smoker. i was sent for chest xrays and had to wait 2 wks for the results and omg that was shear hell. i couldnt eat or sleep and i was loseing weight and that only added to my worrys and convinced me even more i had it. my xrays came back very clear but even then i was still at it saying they got my xray mixed up, they didnt look at it properly, they are lieing to me . i felt like i was going crazy. i bloody googled every night in the small hours and that convince me even more. my doc was great and told me repeatedly it was not cancer and i was suffering with stress and anxiety and all my symptoms were related to that. i eventualy got passed that thinking but i have been left with health anx and my latest one is throat cancer. im not as convinced as i was with the lung cancer but when im haveing a bad day im positive of it. i have the lump in the throat feeling and have trouble swallowing at times. and i know this is anx but like i sed when im not feeling good im sure its cancer. so many of your syptoms if not all of them are related to stress and anxiety as well. so when you scan comes back saying it is all clear i want you to tell us on here so we can say we told you so. untill then hun you will be in my thoughts. love and hugs for you fairy and remeber every thing will be ok hun.

take care


06-03-08, 22:15
Hi I know how you are feeling and I have come out the other side (almost).

When my health anx was really bad I was convinced I was going to die of brain tumour and other things- I had tests, scans, strange metal things shoved up my nose, u name it.

I know that feeling of going to bed thinking about it and waking up feeling like it. I used to avoid going to bed which made me worse in the long run.

All I can say is - you are not alone

Claire x

06-03-08, 23:17
Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you.

I have been worried about so many illnesses (including brain tumours) and when I met someone that had lost her hair I just had to ask her what was wrong. She told me she had had a brain tumour and I nearly collapsed, I was so scared.

I am sure you are fine and your symptoms are typical of anxiety but I can imagine how scared you are.

Love Nikki x

p.s. Stop googling. It makes it worse!!!

06-03-08, 23:39
I'll say what Nikki said, don't google. It really makes it so much worse, the internet can't tell you anything about your specific situation.
Stay away from google! lol
I've banned myself from it, and I'm happy I did so.

I've been convinced I was dying/severely ill on several occasions.
I thought I had lung cancer (I quit smoking 2 months ago)
I thought I had serious stomach problems, or stomach cancer
I thought I had an STD
I thought I needed my tonsils taken out.

Obviously, none of these were what was the actual problem, and after they were checked out I calmed down until the next thing came along.
Which shows how much we worry unecessarily, and how unlikely these worries are to be true.

Currently I'm worrying about a spot and cut on my tongue. My dentist's referred me to the hospital and I'm worried sick. I literally feel sick with the worry! She said it was routine, it's what they need to do and it was nothing to worry about but I'm convinced I might have tongue/mouth cancer and I keep thinking I'm going to die.
So if it helps, I completely understand what your going through right now and how hard it is to cope.

07-03-08, 10:26

My heart goes out to you in your suffering.

I'm no expert, but after suffering from Anxiety for over 40 years, I know a thing or two about the devastating symptoms.

I've lost count the amount of times I've had Cancers, Brain Tumours and all other life threatening diseases or illnesses..........all of course, in my mind!

OK, the symptoms match in as much as............I have a Headache = Brain Tumour. I have a cough = lung cancer. I can't see as well as I used to 5 years ago = I'm going blind etc., etc. But they also match as far as Anxiety is concerned.

There are two very true and reassuring quotes/sayings that I heard some time ago which are;

1. A thought gives birth to an idea.
2. Whatever happens above the eyebrows is responsible for whatever happens below the eyebrows!

The problem with Anxiety is that is mimics very well all the symptoms of a more serious illness. Please take my advice and stay away from self diagnosis via the internet. Leave it to the doctors and specialists to diagnose you via proper tests and examinations etc.

I notice that you were prescribed nasal sprays etc., that had no effect on your problem. This could also point to Anxiety symptoms (not cured by nasal sprays by the way).

The worst is the waiting for appointments then results. We are Anxious at the best of times, but worse during this period, only to be told everything is OK, until our Anxiety dreams up another ficticious life threatening symptom.

I know it's hard and if you are like me, you will worry every second, especially at night when things are quiet and it appears to be very very lonely. Someone once told me ' Why worry about something that may never happen' which has a certain amount of logic. But as sufferers, we think irrationally.

Try a prayer now and again. I'm not, or ever have been, a very religous person. But now and again I pray for strength, courage, guidance and reassurance. I don't know if anyone hears me but it does no harm and also does me some good.

Take care and think of today not tomorrow, and don't forget, yesterday has gone!!!

God bless you.


07-03-08, 11:47
Fairy, given your symptoms I'm pretty sure you have inflamed sinuses. Look at this board, there's loads of us suffering from the exact same thing right now. Inflamed sinuses are a pain but I bet when the weather changes you'll be feeling much better. Plus, meds for inflamed sinuses never work. There's also a link between sinusitis and anxiety - the more tense you are, the more inflamed it all gets.

My GP once told me that if you have these symptoms and the pain moves around (sometimes it's in your ears, sometimes your eyes, sometimes your back, sometimes your cheek) then it's not going to be a tumour, because tumours don't move. If there was anything really sinister going on, then you would probably also find that you would be having brain-related trouble, and the headaches would be so bad you couldn't move.

I've had it all before and it does clear up, usually when the weather turns.

Try not to worry, and stop Googling! Have the scan, that will put your mind at rest! Until then, trust the doctors, they see this all the time and there's TONS of sinus problems around this year. TWO people in my small office are struggling, and I have been since Dec/Jan too. My mum's struggling, you're struggling, and there's other posters on here struggling.

Getting rid of the anxiety won't take the pain away, but it will help you get on with things. And there's always painkillers....lovely, lovely, sweet painkillers!

07-03-08, 17:34
Thanks to everyone for their kind words and help. I have not met a bunch of kinder people b4 who are so encouraging. When I have a good moment, I can be rational and then 10 minutes later, I am back to despair. I went out today to try and take my mind off it..it worked for a bit(!) - at least for the 10 minutes when I made a a few purchases!

I really wish I could be more carefree and focus on the good things in life and not always think the worst case scenario is going to happen.

Hopefully I will get the scan date through soon,and then at least I am en route to the diagnosis...

It really is good to know that there are people on here with the same/similar symptoms and I'm not alone. A lot of the things people have said ring true.

Thanks again,


07-03-08, 18:15
Heya hun,

I went to the doctors with all of these symptoms just before xmas and of course I was convinced I had a brain tumor, but she asked me why did i think this!

She asked has anyone in my family ever had a brain tumor, has anyone in my family ever had cancer? The answers to these were no! Then she told me that the more i worry the worse my symptoms will be - and i do not have a brain tumor.

When i went home i immediately feel better.

My point here is this - I know its hard, but positive thinking really does you the world of good.
Like the others have said, Im sure if the specialist really thought you were in danger of a brain tumor you would have had the scan either there and then or the next day!

Love Cassi xxxxxxxx

08-03-08, 09:09
Ok - I am going to be positive today. That is the plan, No bad thoughts are able to enter my head..... Let's see what happens

08-03-08, 10:18
Hi Fairy,

sorry your worrying like this, i spent 5 years convinced i had mouth cancer (occasionally brain). I had a lot of pains like yours, i ended up with no real answers but wasted a lot of time worrying. Apart from seeing my dentist and gp i didn't take it any further because i was too scared. It turned out i had something like TMJ which is facial pain (neck, head, teeth, ear, jaw, tongue) probably caused by me getting so anxious and stressed and grinding my teeth. I ended up with a mouthguard to wear at night. Its almost gone now but when i'm really anxious it comes back .
It just proves symptoms even long term can turn out to be nothing more than anxiety.
Also, if it helps, my partner died of a brain tumour nearly 8 years ago and he didn't have one single symptom that you mention.
Try to relax and have a good day,

anx x

08-03-08, 10:25
Over the past 25+ years I have had:-

Brain tumour, brain haemorrage, throat cancer, numerous mouth cancers and I'm still here! :winks:

It really is the anxiety talking, though so very hard to believe when our thoughts go into overdrive.


08-03-08, 10:26
:yahoo: :yesyes: :yahoo: :yesyes: good for you fairy thats the spirit. you keep a positive mind and it will get you through to the scan day and then you can put all them negative thoughts behind you. im sending you lots of positive vibes hun.
love and hugs.

kellie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-03-08, 11:39
Sorry to hear your suffering, I am another one who thought I had a brain tumour, I lost a good few months of my life in the pits of it, worrying myself to the point of being sick, I went to see the neurologist who did some basic tests and it didn't showed anything, turned out all anxiety. Its hard to believe it was anxiety and took me a while to get my head round it, I mean how could anxiety make my hands feel so weak that i can barely pick anything up, but that turned out to be anxeity. I don't know if your on any meds, but I managed to turn it all around after I started taking citalopram, now a good few months on I am as close to normal as I think I will ever get.

I hope you manage to put your mind at rest soon.

08-03-08, 22:05
Thanks again for the added post and for the positive vibes!

I started out ok today, tried to go about daily business and be +. Heady symptoms remained the same today - nothing new.

That was all bearable till a few hours ago, when I started to get these strange twinges. First they were at the top of my head, a repeated twinge that was kinda sharp but not long lasting, then half hr later, the same thing but in my side, again lasted 10 mins or so, repeated sharp jabs, then in my lower back and now in my neck.... now the panic's back. Are these nerve twinges cuz the tumour is pressing on my nerves in my head and going crazy....or a new thought, maybe MS... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRHHHHHHHHH

Lost it now:scared10:

09-03-08, 16:31
hiya fairy. you may not realise this but you are very tense at the moment, all your mussels in you neck and back are tight but you wont know this. your mussels will get twinges and short sharp pains. no hun it aint the brain tumour pressing on your nerves in your head its your inability to relax thats is the cause. you wont be reasured by anything untill your scan is done and you see it is all ok. in the mean time try to do some relaxation and some deep slow breathing . i sure you will be ok hun please try to belive this. take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:.


10-03-08, 12:26
Thanks Kellie :weep:

I rang the hospital and they still haven't received the referral from the consultant, who works there. How can they not have received something from someone who works in the same building. My appt was 2 weeks ago.

I then rang the consultant's secretary and she was no help atall, and said the consultant was going on holiday for 2 weeks from today, so I said, can you check the referral form was sent on, to which she said "She can hear the grass grow - so would have done it" (What is that supposed to mean). But then she said, you should have heard by now, I might be able to ring you back but I am very busy you know....then she started ranting about how they had downgraded secretarys pay - and whilst I am sympathetic to that - I just want to know that they have processed the referral, so who knows. I will probably be waiting for weeks now if she is going on holiday.

I want to get scanned so I at least know what I am dealing with, I can't cope with the pain and feeling ill every day - I can't cope with this hanging around...I am scared the Brain tumour will be getting bigger and bigger with all this waiting around and then it will be terminal and too late by the time the look at it....or I will die in the meantime

11-03-08, 14:16
I spoke to the secretary again, who says the waiting list for the scan is at least 6 weeks. OMG I will be dead by then

11-03-08, 14:47
Cant you go privately ? I know its expensive but you would probably get it done inside a week ? an MRI scan is about £500 I think takes 1/2 hour and you will know instantly.

12-03-08, 17:14

For what it's worth, my symptoms - which are, on reflection, EXACTLY the same as yours (constant facial pain which moves around, headaches all over, blocked ears, general facial pressure, sore tear ducts) have got a LOT worse over the past few days. I went to the doctors today and she took my temperature, did a few tests, looked a bit quizzical and then gave me some antibiotics, which she actually said "probably won't work"!!!! I'm also on a steroid nasal spray.

She then started talking about my stress levels, which was weird as I hadn't mentioned stress or anxiety, and a lot of stuff came out of my mouth. Stuff I didn't even realise was on my mind. Stuff from a long time ago. It was very weird.

Anyway, I'm stull suffering, she's told me to rest for the rest of the week and go and do something I enjoy. she also told me to stop obsessing about it, and that tension in the neck muscles is notorious for creating sinus pain.......strange that I also have a very tense and painful neck :o)

12-03-08, 18:37
Thanks for that. I have decided to get the scan done privately - as I need to get it resolved or at least diagnosed. £500 though..... but they can do it Monday as opposed to in 7 weeks time.

Strange she knew you were stressed? B4 all this, I didn't feel like I was anxious, the symptoms have caused me to feel anxious as they have gone on so long. With it starting in Dec and there being no let up, it is just making me so run down and unhappy. I will be very scared about the scan but I suppose it is better to find out what is going on.

The doc has not given me any antibiotics, she said unless you had green nasal discharge - they wouldn't work.

I hope things work for you though.

Thanks for the post

13-03-08, 11:08

Keep me posted. I know how you feel. I've been struggling with this since January on and off.

I didn't "feel" anxious before this all kicked off either. I do now though ;-)

17-03-08, 08:27
Scan today at 11. Scared. I wanted to get it done quickly, but now the day is here, I am ver anxious. What if the find something bad, and rush me in to hospital for operations :( oh dear.

17-03-08, 11:22
Good luck honey, I'm sure you'll be just fine :)

17-03-08, 13:31
Back from the scan. That was scary. It felt like something was invading my brain. When I told the technologist it felt odd, she said....it shouldn't have,so what does that mean????????

The results will be sent back to the consultant in a few days.....

18-03-08, 01:22
I don't mean this to sound patronising, so if it does I apologise!
But perhaps the feeling you were having was psychological rather than physical?

19-03-08, 09:11
You might be right! At the moment, any twitch and twinge I feel is blown up into something linked to my self diagnosed "tumour" - I just wish I could stop feeling so scared and get on with things :(

Thanks xxx

22-03-08, 18:53

I don't get it.

The xrays were delivered to my house today, with a letter saying I must keep hold of these as they can't keep them at the hospital.
I haven't looked at them as I am too scared too, what if I see something....
What I don't get is, will they have written a report for my consultant then? Am I supposed to take them to her, ring her up...I don't know how it works.... Any ideas?????

Also, in a separate envelope, they sent me a bill for £784!! They quoted me £500 on the phone!!!! I have nothing in writing..... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

22-03-08, 20:50
It is hurting such a lot this evening. My face feels like someone has punched it. When will this end. So fed up of waking up everyday feeling like this.

23-03-08, 21:46
Sorry you're feeling so awful, i really hope you get this sorted asap.

Keep us posted, thinking of you, just try to relax


26-03-08, 11:47
Can't get any results, the consultant is on holiday until next monday. What am I supposed to do??? :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

Today it feels like I have something creeping inside my head on the right. What is it...... why won't the docs even look at the scan pix now I got them done....

Don't know what to do today, feeling very scared, I hate it

31-03-08, 13:27
Still here, still waiting. All back and painful with a vengeance, but now have a really high temperature.... rang consultant and they haven't received report back from private place...why exactly am I paying.. This is just rubbish.
I think I will give up, curl up and never wake up. That's probably what they'll tell me anyway, the inoperable tumour what am I going to do?

31-03-08, 21:56
Hey fairy! Hang in there, I've been checking in to see how your results came out. I'll keep checing cos I'm sure you'll be fine! I've been feeling much better since I went to the physio - still have the odd twinge, but I keep doing my exercises and it's all getting better slowly. Thinking of you.

03-04-08, 10:28
Thanks Atmolav :( Glad you are feeling a lot better x

Still no results - I now think it could be sinus cancer. Why won't they just tell me what it is. I feel so frustrated not able to know. The consultant's secretary has the radiologist's report in her hand, but says she can't tell me anything and the consultant will write to my gp in "due course". She said she could fax the report to my gp, if they would call her. I have tried to get them to do this and rang the gp about 5 times, since Tuesday but they haven't managed to call them yet.

I was looking at google and sinus cancer is a real possibility.

I feel like I am going crazy.

03-04-08, 10:35
But Fairy you don't have any of the symptoms of sinus cancer....

Blockages causing stuffiness in one side of your nose that will not go away
Decreased sense of smell
Mucus coming from the nose
Mucus draining into the back of your nose and throatIf there was something wrong with you, then you would have heard about it by now. Still thinking of you.

03-04-08, 10:39
I had the same fear hun, and sometimes you need to get yourself a diary, or a planner, i had the scans and they found i have a small blood clot at the front of my brain, its around near my forehead, i had a car accident 9 years ago and it was a horrific one, and i banged my head a few times, and its probably caused by that, oh i have been through the i am going to die, its a timebomb waiting to happen.

But, and i got to tell you a big BUT...

If its going to happen, you are not going to get anxious about it, because it will just happen. Like a light turned off, its something you cannot control, i know that should panic me out, but it does not.

Get relaxation cds and listen to them, or get the hypnosis cds for self esteem and try and learn to relax, wait for the scans, and then wait for the results, and when you have them, then i feel is the time to panic.

I am sure you have heard all this before from your friends and family, i know i probably sound like the doom and gloom fairy, but you have to just try for yourself, cos as much as i care, i cannot help other than words on a screen, you have to try alittle tiny bit harder for yourself hun.


03-04-08, 10:45
I have to go get ready now, as i have to take 7 people out for a meal, believe me that is nerve wracking!

6 months ago i got a hobby which has turned into a full time job i think, its just voluntary, but i teach crafts to a carers group, adults, some elderly, some with disabilities and some with learning dificulties, and its good to do something for others. But even that can be stressful...

What i am trying to say, is try and find a hobby, or do some voluntary work, doing for others, gives you space or timeout to think about other peoples problems other than your own.

Hugss sent i shall be back in the afternoon.


03-04-08, 10:48
Thanks Atmolav (again)

I do have the mucus issues, but this is because I caught a fluey bug off my hubbie which caused me to have a cold, so at the moment am suffering with bad cold symptoms too. This has only been since Saturday. I guess I am now bunging those symptoms in with the previous longstanding ones and winding myself up..........no change there then.

Helen, I am sorry to hear of your trouble. You seem very brave at dealing with this, and I hope I can develop such strength.

I am off work, I was off sick for all of Feb, went back in March and struggled for a few weeks, then had a weeks hols, now am off sick again. I just want to be back at work, back to being normal.


03-04-08, 10:59
Honestly fairy, and I wouldn't say this if it wasn't true, I had every single symptom you described earlier in the thread (I've env got a cold now too, so snap), and I wnet through a period of thinking it was sinus related. I bet your pain moves around though, doesn't it? I've had sinusitis and it doesn't move, and you're full of green/brown mucus and it's agony. Bed-ridden style agony. All of my problems were down to muscle tension caused by stress. Obviously, you'll to wait until you get the results, but if they'd found anything nasty they would've been straight on the phone to your GP. It sounds like they're not helping one bit, but they wouldn't be messing around if it was something nasty.

The way I fixed my issues was through physio, rest and going back to work to take my mind off it. Now (apart from the cold) I'm fine. A+. You will be too, once those results give you the all clear.

03-04-08, 11:03
I think I'll eat a crunchie. Who knows, maybe that will be the cure for everything.

03-04-08, 11:12
Ps Helen, I should have said, Good Luck with your lunch event!

Your voluntary work sounds very rewarding. It's certainly an idea to think about.

03-04-08, 12:16
Hi fairylover i'm sure everything will be ok.
I had a brain tumour removed in Feb and i had none of the things you described.

Mine was found when i had a seizure back last October and the CT scan showed this.

I think the main problems are severe headaches and blurred vision which i had. ( blurred vision only in my case )

So be positive and i'm sure they would have contacted you by now as i was contacted straight away.

Take care
Mandy xxx:D

04-04-08, 12:18
Thanks Mandy :flowers: and sorry to hear about your troubles, but glad to hear you are feeling ok.

The pain got so intense last night, I really did nearly go to casualty, but resisted the urge, mainly as I didn't fancy walking across the car park on my own! The pressure in my forehead was so bad, and it radiated to behind the length of my nose, feeling as though it was behind it. I thought it may have exploded. I was actually quite surprised when I woke up this morning.

I made an appt with the GP again and went, he was just indifferent to everything I said. I tried to hold back the tears but I think he saw a few. I suggested antibiotics seeing as we haven't tried that and the only thing he was offering was paracetamol. He said, ok then, you can try that together with a steroid spray for the nose.

As for the scan results.....they still hadn't phoned the hospital to get them, so they said they would chase...................................

I'm at breaking point.

Sorry for sounding like a stuck record.

04-04-08, 18:50
Results of CT scan came back:
BRAIN AND SINUS SCAN............... ALL NORMAL!!! Yipppppppppppeeeeeeeeee..... NO tumour, NO sinus cancer (except my brain of course works overtime and thinks but CT scan is a static piccy in time, what if it developed since...)
The doctor read out the report and it listed things all as normal, no nasal polyps, no abnormalities.....
I kept having to repeat so there is no Tumour and no cancer and he said....YES
He did say that this doesn't mean there is nothing wrong with the sinuses though, but nothing serious, so I should continue the antibiotics and then go back...and I assume then I'll be referred to ENT

Thank you ALL for ALL your support, you've been great.

04-04-08, 20:42
:yesyes: Brilliant news knew you would be ok.

Take care
Mandy xxxx:yahoo:

05-04-08, 19:24
YAY! That news has made me smile! Knew you'd be OK!

05-04-08, 19:59
I have been following this thread and I am so so pleased you have got a positive result! I knew you would be ok. If it is any help i am plagued with health anxiety and when i got my all clear chest X ray result i then started to think things may have developed after!!!!!! It is crazy isnt it as we should just believe 100% that we are ok(I wish i could take my own advice!!).
Anyhow just wanted to say that I hope you are having a great weekend-----so pleased for you!!!!

06-04-08, 10:59
Thanks guys. I don't feel as elated as I should. I guess it's cuz I am thinking, so what on earth is it then? I was so sure I would be getting a bad result. Perhaps it hasn't sunk in yet, I just still feel ill :( I suppose I need to try and refocus myself.....

06-04-08, 11:07
Fairy I really think it sounds like anxiety.
I suffered with it after my son was born 22 years ago(and did get better for a very long time!!) and the symptoms were much the same as yours.
Try and focus on other things---I am finding going out for an hours walk most days is helping me and getting a good nights sleep.I have also suffered with sinus pain for years and years(actually most of my adult life and i am 43!!) and i am still here!!!! I know it isnt easy to retrain your mind as it is taking me a lot of effort to do that but with the help of advice on these boards i am trying to be positive.
Take care xxxxx

11-04-08, 17:21

Argh, docs....

I had to go back today as had finished the round of antibiotics.

He said....sometimes pain is just pain, and there is no reason for it. Sometimes we can't explain it.

I asked whether he would refer me to an ENT and he said no, there is no point as the scan came back clear. :( The scan was so long ago, and just a moment in time, so surely things could have changed..... the pain hasn't gone away and won't. It's the only thing I am worrying about, I don't feel stressed and I wasn't stressed before this pain started back in Dec - it hurts so much. I can't take it anymore.

He just gave me another week of antibiotics and said go back in 3-4 weeks if no better.....

I tried the Hopi ear candles yesteday.....they didn't appear to make a difference, but I've booked another session as they said that it can take up to 3 sessions to regulate pressure....

Not sure what to do anymore. So fed up with the pain. I keep thinking, is this it for life now, pain everyday with no reprieve.

11-04-08, 17:28
Hi Fairy

Awww I know how worried you are but i would be reassured by your GP. I am trying(since coming on here) to believe that they know what they are talking about and that we need to trust them.
Right,the scan was only a few weeks ago and things really dont change that quickly.
I had a chest X and blood tests at Xmas and my swelling is still on my neck but hey i am thinking this----"when i went for the tests the swelling was just the same as it is now so therefore any bad results would have shown up then---either in my blood or on the Xray"
Sooo this is what you have to believe that you are fine. It really does sound just like anxiety. You have had the all clear and therefore please try not to worry xxxx

11-04-08, 17:30

What do I do about the pain though, it's pretty much constant and no pain killers give any relief :( It's a gnawing pain, nagging, rather than excrutiating, but I find it so hard to ignore it. :(

12-04-08, 16:16
Fairy, my symptoms, which were the same as yours, vanished yesterday to be replaced by neeeded the loo every 15 minutes. I was obssessed by my head ache, now I'm obsessed about my wee. I suspect that when i stop obsessing, I'll feel better, and you will too.

12-04-08, 16:41
Hope so :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

29-04-08, 11:18
Pain is getting worse and has now spread to behind my eye - which also keeps watering. I just can't go on anymore. I am so unhappy.

Went to doc yesterday (b4 eye issue started) and literally had to argue to get referred to ENT.

It was silly, he just kept saying, they won't do anything, but I'm not sure how he can say that. Surely, they are the people who see people all the time with similar issues so know what to look for?

Have to go and pick up the choose and book form on friday and then ring and get an appointment.

I know I have had the scans btu I just don't feel reassured by anything. The pain is just ridiculous. He has told me to try amitriptyline again and stick at it

I just despair. The pressure in my head is so bad at night, I feel like it may explode, the pain at the bridge of my nose is so intense and now my eye is also causing issues. I know there are sinuses behind the eye, so maybe they're inflamed now too. I don't know, I am just second guessing everything all the time.

This is the first time I have persistently gone to the docs about anything.

I feel like my life has been ruined and can't see it is ever going to get any better.

Now i am worried what if the eye problem is not connected and I will lose my sight.

:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

29-04-08, 14:15
Hi Fairy,

I have just been catching up with this thread and can SO empathise with you. I too convinced myself I had a brain tumor - sinus pressure, tingling all over etc. etc. and it's amazing how strongly your mind makes you believe it - I was also crying all the time and bursting into tears while out and about. It's fantastic you had a clear scan and I know what you mean about getting one fear out the way, thinking 'right, I'll be fine now' and then your mind latching onto another fear. It makes us feel hopeless.

One thing we do need to do is trust the doctors (I could laugh at myself writing this as I have dismissed things the doctors have told me and obsessed over the worst possible outcome) - it's almost like the negative side of us fights back against any positive news. It's good you have an ENT appointment which will hopefully put your mind at rest. It really does seem however like these problems could be caused by your anxiety - if you think back you haven't really had a significant spell of bing properly relaxed so the build up of all this anxiety really could be causing all of your symptoms even though you find that hard to believe. I bet you haven't been sleeping well either - another huge factor that will make you feel terrible during the day.

One other thing that struck a cord with me was the fact you said that people are fed up with you - this is a horrible feeling as it makes you feel alone and can really escalate the anxiety. It's important to tell people what you are going through - perhaps show them some posts on this forum so they can understand that anxiety is a very real issue that causes lots of pain both psychological and physical.

Have you tried to do anything for your anxiety - CBT / counselling etc?

You mentioned in an earlier post that you tried to stop yourself crying in front of your doc. This makes me wonder if he is the right GP for you - you should feel comfortable crying in front of a doctor if you need to. Has he addressed the anxiety and offered you anything to help?

Even if this is a sinus problem the chances are that the symptoms will have skyrocketed due to anxiety. It's scary how powerful it is!

Anyway hope that is of some use but wanted to post as can relate to what you are going through and know how frightening it can be.

Take care Fairy,

29-04-08, 14:46
Hi Sharon

Thanks for your response. It is good to hear from others who have similar woes and feelings!

I am thinking about changing my doctors - because I have moved anyway, so need to! I just thought i'd get this episode out of the way first in case they lost all my notes as I transferred.

I agree that my anxiety must be making whatever I have worse, and yes, sleeping is hard too, so all this must have a big impact.

It is just so hard day in day out, as I am sure you and others know, coping with it all - most days I just want to stay in bed - instead of having to battle through and go to work and feel awful all day.

I haven't tried anything about anxiety as I didn't think I was anxious until all this kicked off in Dec. I am also scared to say that to the doc, in case then he will always dismiss anything I ever suffer from as anxiety - which is also why I didn't want to get upset in front of him.

He said that pressure and pain can be present for a reason originally but then continue even after the physical cause has gone away. Every time I move my head, my ear pops, and the pain hasn't really dampened since it started in Dec.

Anyway - sorry to ramble and thanks again for your support. I will plod on and see how things go.


29-04-08, 15:22
Hi Fairy,

I know what you mean about not wanting to tell the doc but they should be responsible enough not to dismiss any potentially serious conditions as anxiety and I am sure would not want to ever risk doing so. I think it's important to see anxiety as a condition in itself. Although not life threatening, if you don't take control of it it can have a massive impact on your quality of life. I am unsure about taking any medication but have been referred for CBT which I have heard is supposed to be really effective.

I have always been an anxious person but have never had a full on 'bout' of anxiety as I have over the last month after being referred to a neurologist for tingling - you hear the word neurologist and think all sorts!

So I am very new to all of this too - this forum has helped me no end. I have just bought the Claire Weekes books which I hear are highly recommended so fingers crossed they help.

Take care and post at any time if you are feeling wobbly! I know how horrible and lonely it can be.



29-04-08, 18:03
:bighug1: Hi Fairy i posted earlier this month asking you not to worry.
I am the one who had the brain tumour.

I have the pressure in my head now and again and have had eye pressure problems but that is all down to my anxiety since the op back in Feb.

Since being on here i have calmed myself down and the symptoms seem to be disappearing.

I am sure your symptoms are worsening due to the anxiety.

You will be ok. Try not to worry.

Take care pm me if you want to.

Mandy xxxx:yesyes:

29-04-08, 19:32
Hi there

I can completely relate to this - am going through the same kind of thing at the moment, only with me my fear is MS.

When I'm having a rational moment (and there aren't many) I can take a step back and look at it logically - but when that 'internal chatter' which is mentioned above is going on in my head its sheer torture. I'm waiting on a scan at the moment and its not easy. I've been to see a neurologist and he says he doesn't think I have a progressive illness and although it made me feel better for a bit anxiety came creeping back.

I was also off work for a while and decided I had to drag myself back - and like you, ended up in tears. Brain tumours are very very rare so please try not to worry because you will end up with more symptoms that you will attribute to something you don't have. This is what's been happening to me and I've had a really awful time recently.

I know this maybe sounds a bit glib but have you tried exercise? I find that an hour at the gym lets me escape from myself for a bit - its a really good release. Lets you get out of your own head for a bit.


30-04-08, 01:21
i have the same pain as yours which started from a wisdom tooth that had turned in the gum, i had it out but the pain carried on which i think is caused by me grinding my teeth in my sleep as i wake up with the pain, also stress as i scrunch my shoulders up when im tense so it causes neck pain and headaches.
i think i may have tmj as the pain is always around my jaw but was told by gp it was migraines as i saw zig zag lines but even after i said i only have the sight problem when i turn my neck to the left they still said migraines, change your gp, go to one you feel comfortable with, maybe have your teeth checked out as it could be a wisdom tooth.
good luck and i hope your pain goes.:)

30-04-08, 23:24
I have had - and I'm not saying this to comfort - almost exactly your symptoms... plus a ton of other vague moving things elsewhere in the body. I was convinced it was MS. It wasn't of course. Btw, don't read case studies... it's about as enlightening as reading about people who won large sums on lotteries, they could also be you. The media coverage makes things look much more likely than they are.

But... regardless of what some may tell you, it is not just a question of getting a test and then it will go away. I've "had" HIV, MS and testicular cancer and a bunch of other things. You have to deal with the underlying psychology of the thing, otherwise you'll end up playing whack-a-mole with diseases the whole time.

08-05-08, 08:27
Thanks for all of your helpful responses. Pain is just getting worse :(
I am going to see an ENT tomorrow, paid to get in quick, otherwise have to wait another 12 weeks.
I think that's the final "medical" person who I can see about it anyway, Something just isn't right, the pain down the sides of my nose and on the bridge is unbearable. It can't be anxiety.....

09-05-08, 19:12
Apparantely it is facial muscle pain. :P Not sure what that is. He looked up my nose with a camera and I had hearing tests, and he looked at my scan and said there is nothing wrong with sinuses, just with muscles in my face. He said to have acupuncture. This can't be muscular pain, surely not......

09-05-08, 19:20
You've had all the tests, please believe your doctor, he would have found something if it was there.

09-05-08, 21:56
I am going through this at this very moment so i can fully understand.
It started 3 months ago with me, I started to get blurred vision accompanied with the occasional headache. I googled my symptoms and obviously the first thing that came up was a brain tumor. I tried to ignore it but a week later i was in such a state i was convinced i had one. I took myself to AandE and told them, i was in such a state they did an MRI scan straightaway. The scan was clear which made me happy for about one day. Then i was back to the same old way of thinking 'what if they missed it' 'what if one has formed in the meantime'. I am the same as you, every morning as soon as i open my eyes the first thing on my mind is 'brain tumor' it stays with me all day and its the last thing on my mind before bed. I have now developed other symptoms which also make me think such as pins and needles, white flashes. All the stress has made me lose lots of weight (and hair) and my job is suffering. I have a 16 month old daughter and i feel so guilty about it all. i went back to the doc last week and asked for another mri scan but he said no. My vision is still blurred and i still have headaches.To make it worse my friend has just been diagnosed with one. I hope everything works out for you, please keep me informed. If you want to personally message me, please do.

11-05-08, 15:34
I have most or all of the symptoms you are having fairyloveheart, and I know how difficult it is accepting that it is anxiety but it is hun. I went to a neurolgist and he told me that if I were to have a cat scan it would come back fine. He also told me that the symptoms were due to stress/anxiety. I am going through right now what you are going through, I know it isnt easy. If you read my post you'll see. Anxiety seems to play nasty tricks on us and although the body symptoms feel very threatening they arent so harmful. Easier said than done sometimes i feel like a hypocrite and when i am having a HA I wouldnt be able to talk like this, but you are okay, and you will get there. One day you wont think about brain tumours. Take care.

12-05-08, 20:04
I can't cope anymore. Had an ok weekend. Pain wasn't too bad and I just tried to ignore it. Then today, wham, bam it's back to where I started.

It's not right - something just isn't right - my nose and face shouldn't hurt continually for 6 months - how can nothing be wrong. I have no other symptoms, no pains anywhere else.

Muscles in the face - I have searched and can't find anything on the net about anyone having muscle pain in the face which caused these symptoms. Nowhere. No mention of this type of pain. The ENT just said that as he didn't have any other diagnosis for me... so I am left in pain. He suggested private physio as said they wouldn;t treat these symptoms on the nhs.... it is just ridiculous. I can't afford to pay out anymore, having spent close to 1K now on seeing the consultant and the scans.

I was happy on Saturday and Sunday as the pain had subsided and I could carry on, it keeps tricking me, so I think it might be going away and then comes back, with no pattern, no reasoning.

I think I am going to end up leaving work if this carries on.... but then what would happen. Noone there seems to understand.

My GP will just ignore it now and ignore me.

I don't think I can carry on

12-05-08, 20:18
hiya if you are feeling this awful in pain go to hospital and let them check you out hun, you cant carry on feeling this bad hugs xxxx

12-05-08, 21:39
you are not allown here i think you have just describe a mygrain. as i get them and thats how i feel it moves around my head from one side to the other, i gert blurred vision, headacke, stiff neck most of the symtoms you
said and i always think i have a brain tumour, like today i went really dizzy and had blurred vision for aminute then it went, its oso worrying, but you are not alown. karen

15-05-08, 15:49
Had to stay fof work today as the pain was bad. I doubled my dose of amitriptyline, like the consultant told me too, so I don;t know whether that has now caused me to feel worse.
When will this end.
The consultant suggested private physio, but I find it hard to believe that could sort out the pain..... it doesn't feel like muscular pain.:weep:

I know it sounds dramatic, but it just feels like I never will be happy again

15-05-08, 16:35
Muscles in the face - I have searched and can't find anything on the net about anyone having muscle pain in the face which caused these symptoms. Nowhere. No mention of this type of pain.

Er, well you have now! I had the same symptoms and mine was all muscular!

I can't cope anymore. Had an ok weekend. Pain wasn't too bad and I just tried to ignore it. Then today, wham, bam it's back to where I started.

Well, that suggests its anxiety-related. Just like mine was.

It's not right - something just isn't right - my nose and face shouldn't hurt continually for 6 months - how can nothing be wrong. I have no other symptoms, no pains anywhere else.

It's not "nothing wrong" Fairy. You have muscle pain in the face caused by tension. It might take a while to shift. You need to read the section in Claire Weekes's "Self Help for Your Nerves about Tension Headaches (which is more than likely what you're suffering from, IMO)

He suggested private physio as said they wouldn;t treat these symptoms on the nhs.... it is just ridiculous. I can't afford to pay out anymore, having spent close to 1K now on seeing the consultant and the scans.

Well, I spent £35 on one session of Private Physio and it sorted me right out. That, combined with Claire Weekes's "acceptance" approach sorted me right out.

I was happy on Saturday and Sunday as the pain had subsided and I could carry on, it keeps tricking me, so I think it might be going away and then comes back, with no pattern, no reasoning.

Sounds like there's a pattern in there if you ask me....

I think I am going to end up leaving work if this carries on.... but then what would happen. Noone there seems to understand.

I'm going to go right out on a limb here Fairy, but is having to stop work something that worries you?

15-05-08, 16:38
... or if it work anxiety that is at the root. My anxiety and associated physical symptoms did have a pattern - weekends subsided somewhat - Monday - Friday terrible. My voluntary work - no problem. Deduction - job change needed!

15-05-08, 16:51
Thanks for your responses. I thought you'd gone!

I would be worried about leaving work, and then losing my house etc. But I don't feel worried at work about anything in particular - I like my job and my colleagues. Work have been supportive during my sickness - it's a county council so they have quite good policies on sickness etc.

I can't perform as I used to at work, due to the pains and that is stressing me out especially this week, when I have had back to back meetings and found it hard to concentrate in them cuz of the pain. That is worrying me and the thought of having the pain forever.

I got home Tues, went to bed at 8 and then the pain raged all day and night weds.

I have tried to see if there is a pattern to the pain - e.g. worse at work than at home -, there is a strange air flow system in the office building and I wonder if it is that, but then when I was signed off sick for 3 weeks, the pain was still there and there was no let up, so I don't think 'that' or 'work' is the problem.

I will get that book, sounds like a good read. I will ring up the physio, the consultant said the 1st consultation is £100 and £40 thereafter. I don't have any pain in my neck though.... just my nose, bridge of nose, down the sides (nasalis), forehead and above my ears somtimes

I am sorry for going on and on,


15-05-08, 16:54
It's interesting actually Fairy. When mine started up, I was genuinely worried about it never going away. I thought I'd have to leave work, end up losing my house and being destitute.

I was "fighting" the pain constantly. Claire Weekes describes how to stop fighting it and start accepting it. It does work.

15-05-08, 16:57
Yes, those are the same feelings, losing my job, having to sell my house, being miserable forever etc etc.....

I can't see that book on amazon? Where did you get it? x

15-05-08, 17:07
Here you go...


15-05-08, 17:11
Thanks - order placed :flowers:

It's reviews are pretty positive too!

23-05-08, 14:06
Oh dear - I am sitting at work and feel really awful, it's like my eyes have gone funny. Wobbly. I can see but it seems a bit strange and a bit flurry. My head feels fuzzy - it's like I can't focus. I also seem to have lots and lots of (sorry) horrid mucus coming down from the back of my nose into my throat. Wht is wrong with me? I am so sick of this

23-05-08, 14:28
Amnitriptyline can make you feel a bit fluffy headed. I take 5mgs at night to help me sleep (I wake up a lot because of my back).

A couple of years ago I started getting the most terrible pain in my temple behind my left eye which watered and I couldn't even wear my glasses for reading. The doctor gave me some medication which fortunately improved the situation. He said it was Trigeminal Neuralgia (I call it Bl**dy Agony):ohmy:

At least you know that you don't have a brain tumour (mine was found by accident) I hope you can get this sorted out. Trouble is the face contains lots of nerve endings.:weep:

23-05-08, 14:37
Thanks Trixie. I just feel fed up as the docs say there is nothing there, so there is noone to turn to now. I keep thinking they have misread the scan.

I am taking the 10mg of amitriptyline at night, I did double the dose for a while - but that seemed to make the headache worse.

I'm sorry to hear about your BT. xx

23-05-08, 16:00
Thanks Trixie. I just feel fed up as the docs say there is nothing there, so there is noone to turn to now. I keep thinking they have misread the scan.

I am taking the 10mg of amitriptyline at night, I did double the dose for a while - but that seemed to make the headache worse.

I'm sorry to hear about your BT. xx

Don't worry if there had been a tumour there they would have seen it. As I said before mine shone out like a lighthouse beacon.:shades:

23-05-08, 16:36
Im getting worried that i have a brain tumor too! I have a feeling tho it is all down to my anxiety and im sure yours is too! Like all of these people have said the doctors would have sent you too the hospital quicker if there was any problems! ..
Also did they check your eyes when you were at the doctors,
Because they can tell alot from your eyes, tumors being one of them, and if they saw something they thought was serious you would have been sent to hospital straight away!
I give you big hugs and dont be soo hard on yourself!
Everyone is here with you and we're all going to support you everystep of the way!
Message me if you need to chat!

Cathy V
23-05-08, 23:42
Hi fairy, ive been following your posts about fears of a brain tumor, and they started in, was it march? so if it was really a brain tumor i think maybe you'd be really quite ill be now..yes?

This is the same with alot of us here on nmp, who are convinced we have heart problems. Let me just say to you, that my heart anxiety has been going on for 32 years. I was a young girl of 22 when it first started and ive been through 2 marriages, had 4 kids and gone through the menopause, and i'm still waiting for the heart attack!

I know that this only serves to show that letting go of the anx is easier said than done, but please try. Don't waste your life on this fear you have. Please try to believe in the docs.

Best wishes
Cathy xx:blush:

25-05-08, 21:46
Thanks everyone. You guys are all soooooooooo nice to me. I'm sorry I go on and on and on, like a stuck record!

Cathy - it's been since Dec I've had these symptoms, and when I am thinking rationally I think, this must just be sinus problems....but then I go through my irrational moments - they seem to be happening every other day. I'm just so fed up with the pain.....xxx

04-06-08, 22:50
Interestingly I went to the dentist - who couldn't see any teeth problems but has referred me to a maxilo facial consultant...not sure what they do - he just said all bases would be covered then.

I am finding that the air blower system at work is making the pain much worse - when I am out of the office at other premises or working from home etc - the pain really subsides - as it does if I spend all day outside?!

05-06-08, 01:31
I was reading your thread and happy to hear that your brain scan was fine :) I was wondering what antibiotic your doctor gave you for your sinus/head pain. I had a sinus infection a couple weeks ago and was put on Levaquin. I have been going crazy these last two weeks with many strange things that were happening to me. Things that were not like me. I was getting horrible panic attacks, extreme tiredness, facial pain, muscle pain/soreness/stiffness, the room spinning, not able to drive my car - the list goes on. I have been in such a funk it was literally driving me crazy. This went on for two weeks, and the past couple days I am FINALLY beginning to feel like myself again. I went to my primary doctor yesterday and told her everything and she said I have had an allergic reaction to my antibiotic and to never take it again. She even put this on my file in big red letters. When I googled Levaquin, I was horrified by the amount of people who have had horrible side effects from this drug. I am very lucky that I did not have it like some I have read about. She had me go for complete blood work though because some people can get muscle degeneration from this drug. She does not feel I have this since I am getting better - but to be on the safe side she had full blood work done, plus more.

Since you know your body and what it usually feels like, I would look at your meds. and see what the side effects are for them. It may be the source of your problems. It is very scary what some of the medicines can do to your body.

05-06-08, 20:02
Hi There
The antibiotic was just amoxicillin. It didn't work though!! Sorry to hear of your awful time of it.
Other than that I am just on 10mg of amitriptyline which is supposed to help the pain - that doesn't work either!!!


10-06-08, 09:08
Hayfever has now kicked in and pain has gone back to an all time high :(
why oh why is this happening

20-06-08, 21:17
Went to see another ENT again today....there's nothing wrong they said - then what is causing this debilitating pain. I can't cope with the pain anymore, it just hurts sooo much. I just seem to go to work, come home and go to bed :(

20-06-08, 21:58
Went to see another ENT again today....there's nothing wrong they said - then what is causing this debilitating pain. I can't cope with the pain anymore, it just hurts sooo much. I just seem to go to work, come home and go to bed :(

Do you think you might have an allergy to something and this is causing the inside of your nose and sinus to be inflamed and painful? You say it is worse at work because of the air conditioning have you mentioned this to the doctor?

21-06-08, 07:35
Yes I mentioned that and he said I must be imagining that?! I bought a humidifier today to put on my desk to see if that helps. The atmosphere at work must be dry as everyone complains about not being able to wear contact lenses and headaches.

The only thing I can think of allergy wise is the printer toner at work in the air!

It is strange that my problems only started a month after we moved into these offices though - previously we were in un air conditioned ones and there was no problem there. If I put the air con on in the car,I can notice more pain too.

Thanks for your reply:)

21-06-08, 09:15
Yes I mentioned that and he said I must be imagining that?! I bought a humidifier today to put on my desk to see if that helps. The atmosphere at work must be dry as everyone complains about not being able to wear contact lenses and headaches.

The only thing I can think of allergy wise is the printer toner at work in the air!

It is strange that my problems only started a month after we moved into these offices though - previously we were in un air conditioned ones and there was no problem there. If I put the air con on in the car,I can notice more pain too.

Thanks for your reply:)

It is as if the inside of your nasal cavity is drying out in the conditioned air.

Excessive dryness in homes and offices from dry-air heating and air-conditioning systems can also inflame the sinuses.
( http://www.healthscout.com/ency/407/157/main.html#CausesandRiskFactorsofSinusitis )

21-06-08, 22:16
Thanks for that link, very interesting!! I shall take it into work! We have other offices without it, so perhaps I could move..... we'll see
I'm off on holiday next week so it will be a good test to see when I'm out of the office for almost 2 weeks whether the pain subsides. It hasn't been too bad today...

22-06-08, 06:37
When I first got married the place we bought had central heating with radiators but also blew out hot air through vents. Well I had cold after cold and because I live in a small town and therefore know a lot of people everyone was mentioning the amount of colds I seemed to be suffering from. Even the girl in the bank mentioned it.

We decided it was the hot air being blown through the vents and so we switched them off, miraculously my colds disappeared.:D

22-06-08, 09:39
Blow air heaters can give you all the symptoms of a cold. stuffy head/ blocked nose, sore throat ,cough, achy mucsels, dizzy spells.
hope you have a lovely holiday fairy and you relax a little about things
take care


22-06-08, 17:14
Thanks Kellie and Trixie. :hugs:
Went and did some clothes shopping in Brum today, a bit of retail therapy.
Only 2 days left at work. yippppppppppppeeeeeeeee

24-06-08, 07:31
Have a wonderful holiday.:yesyes:

03-07-08, 18:40
Back from my hols. Had only one day of face pain in 7 days and that was after being on an air conditioned coach for 6 hours! ....
Trouble is, now I have a stomach upset...or something more sinister :(

04-07-08, 13:48
I'm glad you had a good holiday! :D

Where did you go on holiday? It might have been the change of food that's upset your stomach a little. I'm sure it will settle down in a few days, keep your water intake up and eat plain foods if you feel up to eating at all.

04-07-08, 13:58
Hey, a holiday wouldn't be a holiday without an upset stomach!

Siobhan x

04-07-08, 19:09
Italy.... I thought things were ok there - water and all?

04-07-08, 19:12
It can just be the change in foods.

07-07-08, 19:55
Thanks - stomach prob has resolved itself - yippeeeeeeeee..

However....now after a few hours in the office, face pain is back with a vengeance. This is ridiculous. I just don't know where to turn. I don't want to look for another job, as I love mine - and then how could I vet places for air con!!

Argggggggggggghhh, it makes me so depressed.


07-07-08, 20:04
Is there anyway you can ask your manager to turn it off or move where you work? Explain the problems it's causing you.

07-07-08, 20:10
I've filed an incident report (it's the council so lots of procedures) but there are 300 people in the building so I doubt they'll do anything for me!! It is just soo frustrating to one minute feel ok and then the pain can escalate so quickly :(

08-07-08, 17:39
Pain even worse today. Feels like my face may explode. I'm at my wits end. This is ruining my life :(

08-07-08, 23:07

I assume you've tried all painkillers possible?

12-08-08, 16:56
Yep, all of them going I think. I am trying to keep a diary and find out what causes the problem, but it is hard to work it out.
The pain is always there in some form or other, mainly behind my nose and forehead, but at a bearable level until - I go to work into the office, or the weather is like it has been hot/cold/rainy/muggy.
I just keep thinking - is this it for life now, and I know it sounds dramatic but I just think, I don't want to live with this - not if I can't do something about the pain. Everyday it's about trying to manage it - best I can, which is having a negative impact on my work. I am worried I'll have to give up my job :( I don't know what to do anymore. Not sure going back to the doc will help as they said they have dismissed everything :( Sorry to moan. I had a good few weeks but now it has all gone downhill....like the weather :(

12-08-08, 23:09
Have you tried decongestants?

13-08-08, 10:36
Yes, docs put me on those at the beginning and nasal sprays - none worked :(

13-08-08, 11:22
Hmmm, have you tried Paramol?

15-08-08, 12:41
what's that? xx

15-08-08, 17:50
Strongest painkiller availabe over the counter

18-08-08, 22:03
Thanks, I will ask for some and try it. Anything is worth a go :)

18-08-08, 22:11
Okay good idea. They can only be used for short term though, so if you find they work and you need them for longer than a week you need to go back to your doctor for a prescription.

18-08-08, 23:47
Hi - just stumbled across this forum, trying to 'diagnose my own death'. Thought I'd share this with you:
About 4 years ago I came down with what I thought was just a run of the mill cold. Except it laid me out for 2 weeks, and I had a headache behind my eyes and above my nose that just would not shift. I panicked, and even after the cold had gone, I was left with the headache, that would just knock me out for hours on end. I thought I had a brain tumour, and if not that, paranasal sinus cancer. Against my doctor's advice I had the CT scan, which came back clear, but was advised to see a consultant. He told me that I had a deviated septum, and also that the allergy tests I had done showed that I was allergic to grass, dust, and cats. (I have two of them!) I was offered the opportunity to have a sinus op, but decided against it, as it doesn't always work, and so I'm now on a constant diet of nasal spray (beconaze) and piriton. That still does not stop me from getting 2 or 3 episodes a year of utterly incredible headaches, each lasting maybe a week or more. I've now taken to having an indian head massage every six weeks which actually does me the world of good.

Now at the moment, I have a chest infection which has produced a cough that won't stop (3 weeks) but no other symptoms, I don't feel unwell, no cold, no nothing. I'm thinking the worst, but then I always do.

20-08-08, 16:42
Hello. The saga goes on - have now been in bed since Monday night, as the pain is back to unbearable. I went back to the docs today who said that I needed to come back again tomorrow when she will have had chance to research my symptoms, I can't take this anymore. The constant pain just doesn't make like worth living. This started in Dec....surely something must relieve the pain. The docs just don't care. I think I will have to give up work, then lose my house...

20-08-08, 17:05

Long time no speak! I've not posted in a long while but as you know I had exactly the same thing for a long while this year.

That's not the first time you've mentioned your fear of giving up work and then your house.

I suspect that, as with me, the problem is caused by muscle tension. I find I get the pain coming back when I'm stressed, and I'm fairly sure it's because I inadvertently clench my jaw when I'm stressed. Interestingly, I had exactly the same fear as you as well....I thought I couldn't go on and was imagining the most catastrophic outcome.

You said as well that you had tummy trouble - I bet the face pain went when you were suffering with that, right? If it did, it's probably because you stopped being anxious about it and started being anxious about something. The exact same thing happened with me.

I'm afraid the only solution I came up with was just to accept it. I decided in the end that I'd put up with it and go through the pain barrier. Eventually, I managed to forget about it and it only comes back when I'm stressed. For instance, last week something happened at work which made me think (incorrectly) that I might lose my job. Back came the thoughts of losing everything, and back came the face pain. I stopped for half an hour and analysed it and realised I was clenching my jaw. I made an effort to stop doing it and the pain went.

You've had the tests, all was clear. The painkillers not working doesn't suprise me - they didn't work for me either. If your sinus scan was clear, there really is no other obvious answer.

Hope that helps, take care.


20-08-08, 17:22
:D Hi fairy

I spoke to you a few months ago regarding my brain tumour op in Feb.
I have been fine up until i had my first MRI scan since the op, nearly 3 weeks ago, no stress, anxiety, nothing !!

But now i am worrying about the results and i feel poorly again.

Stress is a horrible thing and can make you feel terrible.

My consultant thinks there will be no regrowth, but you always worry.

I know you are going through a bad time and i hope you find some relief very soon.

I know it is hard to say but try not to worry.

Take care
Mandy xx:bighug1:

20-08-08, 19:49
I have been quite good, not stressing about it, but the symptoms haven't gone and are just back so bad. I hate it. Maz, Thanks for your kind words. I am sorry you are anxious and hope you will be ok, when will you hear back?
Atmo - Hello again - unfortunately the pain has been constant throughout everything, when I had the stomach issue, always - it has just gotten worse these past few days and got debilitating again - i've just been in bed. The pain is so severe, I'm scared to drive and can't go to work as it is raging. I don't think it is stress. I asked for an MRI and the doc agreed that you can't see everything with a CT scan which I have had - so now I am more worried, thinking they missed something. I am so scared again. This year has been awful. I know others are suffering too and best wishes to everyone and sorry for going on :(

20-08-08, 22:12
:D Hi fairy

Hopefully within the next week !!

If it helps my tumour was found with a ct scan not an mri.

You take care and send me a pm whenever.

Mandy xx

22-08-08, 18:52
I am now totally convinced it is a brain tumour and they didn't see it as it was too small, now the headache is constant and it must have got bigger, but they won't give me another scan (i did pay for the last one) but they said "how many times do we have to look" - "we would only look again if you had another likely symptom" - so I am now waiting for the seizure. What am I going to do?

22-08-08, 19:14
I am now totally convinced it is a brain tumour and they didn't see it as it was too small, now the headache is constant and it must have got bigger, but they won't give me another scan (i did pay for the last one) but they said "how many times do we have to look" - "we would only look again if you had another likely symptom" - so I am now waiting for the seizure. What am I going to do?

Where is the pain exactly?

22-08-08, 19:19
Have they ruled out Trigeminal Neuralgia? This is absolutely agony I had it so I know, the pain was so bad my left eye watered and I couldn't wear my reading glasses as the pain above my ear and down the left side of my face was so bad. http://www.tna.org.uk/pages/condition.html

22-08-08, 19:21
I'm new to this board and just came across this post. I read this in your original post:
"This started in Dec, pressure in my head, feeling like my tear duct was "full" headaches in front of head mainly, tight forehead, facial pain, behind nose and eyes, dizziness, creeping sensation over my face, earache, fullness feeling behind face....pain seems to move round, move from side to side... Sometimes it feels like I have a cold feeling inside my face."

That sounds just like me. My dizziness is my main symptom. I have headaches on the front of my head and behind my eyes. Creeping sensations on my face and top of head. Even sometimes on one side only. The pressure in the back of my head and behind my ears can be unbearable, esepecially when I'm standing up for awhile.

But the good news is that I just had an MRI last week and all came back clear. I've also had every other test in the book. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I haven't completely conceded that I even have an anxiety problem. But I'm getting there. With each doctor visit that turns up nothing, and each post I read on here that sounds much like me, I get a little closer to coming to terms with the fact that my non-emotional mostly physical symptoms that cause every day to be a struggle can all be caused by a little thing caused anxiety. Hang in there, you're not alone.

22-08-08, 20:02
Thanks both of you, much appreciated.

Trixie - they haven't mentioned that condition, but I have looked it up and it doesn't seem to fit. The pain has subsided the past month or so, but has now reappeared and is more intense. I has just about started to cope with the bit of pain everyday, and somedays worse than others, could pretty much predict that it would come on in 'close' weather or after a full day in the 'dry air' office, but then - since Monday it has been relentless pain, so I am sure it must be a tumour that's grown. The doc did say it was possible that the ct scan would not show a small tumour, which now keeps repeating in my head :(

The pain this week is down the side of my nose and then at the top of my nose on the right mainly and sharp pain behind my right ear. Ears keep popping, fuzzy feeling continually. It has just gone on so long

I am sure my hubby is starting (!) to get so fed up with me.

Chemlabrat - thanks for your post - sorry to hear you are suffering too. Have you had any sinus investigations?

22-08-08, 20:21
my daughter also had a brain tumor which was located in the left frontal lobe of the brain right above her nose. she experience the exact same symptoms you have describe. the pressure the burning, the tingling, and twitching also. she also had it affecting the left arm where the hair would stand up. they did a ct on her and it reveal nothing. so they follow with an mri with contrast and it showed the tumor.

22-08-08, 21:35
my daughter also had a brain tumor which was located in the left frontal lobe of the brain right above her nose. she experience the exact same symptoms you have describe. the pressure the burning, the tingling, and twitching also. she also had it affecting the left arm where the hair would stand up. they did a ct on her and it reveal nothing. so they follow with an mri with contrast and it showed the tumor.

And where did you read that? Have you had problems with your left arm? See if this will put your mind at rest.... http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Cancertype/Brain/Typesofbraintumour/Acousticneuroma

22-08-08, 22:07
I found it on some website after searching brain tumour not found by ct scan in google :(

I read the link, I think it is more likely the tumour is in the frontal lobe the right one. The pain has now spread to the other side of my head too. Time for another painkiller I suppose :( :(

22-08-08, 22:11
Stop googling!!

22-08-08, 22:16
:wacko: it's so hard, i want to know what is wrong or it will be too late:weep:

23-08-08, 06:05
:wacko: it's so hard, i want to know what is wrong or it will be too late:weep:

You will find a disease for every symptom if you look hard enough. I have found this for you, because it has been mentioned many times by members of the board (including me) that it might be a severe sinus problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinusitis#Chronic_sinusitis

23-08-08, 06:05
:wacko: it's so hard, i want to know what is wrong or it will be too late:weep:

Too late for what?

23-08-08, 19:45
Sorry Trixie. I was getting a bit emotional last night xxx and worrying that they won't catch whatever it is in time before it becomes terminal.
Thanks for your continued support. I will read the article you linked.

23-08-08, 23:22
*sends hugs*

24-08-08, 12:04
Sorry Trixie. I was getting a bit emotional last night xxx and worrying that they won't catch whatever it is in time before it becomes terminal.
Thanks for your continued support. I will read the article you linked.

I assume you meant a brain tumour? Do you know there are a 100 types of them. Someone I know had one when he was young he is in uni now living a fantastic life. Please don't worry.

31-08-08, 14:20
Pain is sooooo bad today - I don't want to spend the rest of my life in bed in pain. I feel helpless

11-09-08, 21:09
Went to see a Maxillo Facial consultant yesterday - had been waiting since June and what a waste of time that was. He sat me on the couch, didn't even look at me, and said there's nothing extra I can do here, nothing I can look at, I've read your file and it doesn't seem like anything serious. I said I was worried about the scan being in feb and pain still persisting despite them finding nothing, but he said they wouldn't scan me again unless my sysmptoms changed dramatically, he said it won't be a tumour unless the pain is just fixed in one place and i'd have had another symptom by now... ok I thought so waste of time me coming, but then he said...

Of course, we all see stories where people have seen lots of consultants and eventually they get diagnosed with cancer, but that's very rare, I've seen it myself where things get missed, but I wouldn't have thought this would be the case with yourself.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ggggghhhhhhh

So now of course, I am the one, the story in the paper, the one they didn't spot till it was too late.

he said - does the pain affect your daily living

I said - yes considerably

he said, you can try this other pill, i'll write to your gp

And that was that, he didn't even look at me

17-09-08, 21:18
Bad day today, pain getting really bad again. What the hell is wrong with me.

20-09-08, 19:47
It hurts a lot today too, it must be a tumour, a sinus tumour. My nose is excrutiating, there is so much pain behind my right ear and forehead. I am so unhappy all the time

21-09-08, 00:53
hey fairyloveheart, it's great, isn't it, when medical professionals say things like that health anxers! People with health anxiety pick up on anything that the doctor says that might even hint that there was something serious, even if they are speaking hypothetically, like the doctor was in your case. I once went to the doctor about pressure around my right eye, she said it was probably sinus pressure but then said, casually, "of course if you were older then we might think about stroke, but you're probably too young for that". And THAT was thing I homed in on, not the fact that she said it was most likely sinus pressure.
I know it's really hard, but you must try to remember all of the things the doctor said, not just focus in on the things that reinforce your fears. He said: "if it was a brain tumour the pain would be fixed in one place" - because brain tumours don't move around. He said: "if it was a brain tumour, you'd have other symptoms by now". Go back to your GP if you must, if only to see if he/she can suggest something to help with the anxiety. But according to all medical advice that you have had so far, you DO NOT have a brain tumour. You have a sinus problem.

21-09-08, 13:10
Thanks leebee. Pain so bad today, haven't got out of bed. Have tried inhaling vicks and olbas but nothing is shifting the pain, it is ruling my life and i've had enough. I know you are right about focusing on the positives, and i can have a good week, when the pain isn't too bad, but as soon as the pain intensifies, I start to panic again :(

24-09-08, 17:15
Has anyone got any pain relieving ideas? I've tried: Cocodamol, Nurofen, Pizotifen, Amitriptyline,
Nasal sprays, steroid and non steroid
Pepper spray
Sea Salt nasal spray
neti pot
Inhaling steam, olbas, vickss, sudafed oil, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils
Ear Candling
Neck Manipulation/physio

24-09-08, 17:41
Try paramol, its strongest painkiller over the counter!

24-09-08, 19:18
Tried it, that didn't help. I'm in agony:weep: :weep: :weep:

25-09-08, 07:35
Fairy, as this pain is disrupting your life, I would go back to the doctor and ask for some pain management solutions, or some stronger painkillers if that's what it takes.

25-09-08, 07:57
i just wanna say my heart goes out to you. PM me ANYTIME if you need to!

26-09-08, 14:45
Thanks guys, no better today. Will go to GP on Monday.....get the feeling they'll say the usual...pain is unexplainable. : (

29-09-08, 11:35
i have got exactly that same symptoms as you! my head feels like its being squashed in, like a tight band around it. above my eyes, behind my cheekbones and my nose feels like its going to explode because of the pressure. Tingling pain creeping across my face, ears ringing dizziness etc I was diagnosed with sinusitis and given antibiotics, which worked. then the same symptoms came back but worse! i hate going back and forth to the docs as they probably think im a nutcase as im there so often. They say that they are tension headaches due to the anxiety but its more that just headaches. I feel like they should send me for some tests as once i know there isnt anything wrong i will stop worrying! its got to the point now where im taking painkillers almost everyday

29-09-08, 15:17
I too have had health anxiety, I fear im dying of hiv, last year it was lung cancer, I dont know why i think it, (damn googling) but im convinced...even though i dont know anyone who has it, nor have a slept with a lot of ppl,....!!!..though im too nervous to get a test done!!! so im making my ex boyfriend go do it!!....he feels fine all the time he says...and he tells me its my stress and anxiety and that im making myself sick....but i dont know....

30-09-08, 11:50
i have got exactly that same symptoms as you! my head feels like its being squashed in, like a tight band around it. above my eyes, behind my cheekbones and my nose feels like its going to explode because of the pressure. Tingling pain creeping across my face, ears ringing dizziness etc I was diagnosed with sinusitis and given antibiotics, which worked. then the same symptoms came back but worse! i hate going back and forth to the docs as they probably think im a nutcase as im there so often. They say that they are tension headaches due to the anxiety but its more that just headaches. I feel like they should send me for some tests as once i know there isnt anything wrong i will stop worrying! its got to the point now where im taking painkillers almost everyday

ARGH! What are we going to do?:shrug:

30-09-08, 14:18
How did the GP go yesterday?

01-10-08, 09:52
No appointments free this week. You have to ring on the day every day and try and get one. It's always engaged and then you get through and they're all booked. Hopefully will get one tomorrow, or try and get a prebookable one for Monday :( Feeling no better. Am just about dragging myself into work but not being very productive.

You OK?

01-10-08, 09:54
I have the same problem as you, all appointments are gone in 5 minutes and I must of pressed redial 100 times in that duration.

01-10-08, 10:39
Ah I thought you said you had an appointment on Monday, my bad. I hate that with doctors, keep trying.

05-10-08, 14:37
Today I have had hiccups for no reason and now this has sent me into a panic, I had them for ages, they have now stopepd - I know this is a sign of a Brain Tumour. The pain is bad today too, tinglign all over my head in various places, pain between my nose, hope I can get a doc's appt tomorrow :(

05-10-08, 15:09
Today I have had hiccups for no reason and now this has sent me into a panic, I had them for ages, they have now stopepd - I know this is a sign of a Brain Tumour. The pain is bad today too, tinglign all over my head in various places, pain between my nose, hope I can get a doc's appt tomorrow :(

Stop now! I thought you had got over the brain tumour fiasco (there is no need to type brain tumour with capital letters as if it is something special). Calm down and forget about having a tumour you have sinus problems which are very painful.

No panicking now, get an appointment for the doctors tomorrow and see if you can sort out some medication for the pain.

CALM DOWN:hugs::flowers:

05-10-08, 15:23
Thanks Trixie...... X This has just been going on so long I'm at my wits end.
I'm sure I wouldn't have such pain every day for a year almost for just a sinus problem? I just keep worrying that the doc's have got it wrong.....
Hope you are feeling ok?

05-10-08, 15:30
Thanks Trixie...... X This has just been going on so long I'm at my wits end.
I'm sure I wouldn't have such pain every day for a year almost for just a sinus problem? I just keep worrying that the doc's have got it wrong.....
Hope you are feeling ok?

The one and only time I have ever had sinus problems was pre 89 and I can remember the pain now:ohmy: . Hang on in there now and get into the doctors tomorrow and see if he can give you anything to dull the pain.

Spoke to my unrequited love the other day so I have a buzz inside me now. Tina Tumour still there (that's my name for it) but unrequited love takes precedence :D

05-10-08, 15:39
Thanks trixie....I'll try and take my mind off it :(
Ooh, unrequited love....are you sure it's unrequited? Does he actually know how you feel?

05-10-08, 15:46
Thanks trixie....I'll try and take my mind off it :(
Ooh, unrequited love....are you sure it's unrequited? Does he actually know how you feel?

Well after all this time...................????????:weep:

05-10-08, 16:17
Well after all this time...................????????:weep:


05-10-08, 16:21

07-10-08, 09:01
Just sending you some big hugs hun
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:
I hope this gets sorted out for you real soon.

07-10-08, 10:06
Thanks Kellie. Couldn't get a docs appt today or yesterday! Will keep trying. This has been going on so long. Thanks to all you guys for being so supportive when I moan!!!

08-10-08, 19:01
Bad pain today, but have been in the office all day which always sets it off. I just wish I knew for definate What it Was - if I knew, I feel like I would be able to deal with it...it's the unknown. The blank looks on the doc's faces. Still no joy at the docs, it's been the same all week...must be a sickly week this week xx

08-10-08, 20:26
Hi Fairy, sorry to hear you have been struggling, when i read your first post it could have been me writing it, I too suffer from the excuriating headaches, face pains, tingling, the whole bag. some days i feel like smashing my nose of a wall to see if it would relieve some of the pressure and pain. I had a CT scan and a sinus x ray, both came back normal, I have finally accepted (or trying to) that it is anxiety and truely believe that this is the case for you. We focus some much on the symptoms the pain just becomes worse and worse. I plaqued my doctor about it, that is how I managed to get the tests done, he did say to me if it was anything sinister other more horrible symptoms would have developed and they haven't. Hang in there Fairy, I hope you might find some reassurance in this message.
I will be sending out some good thoughts to you xxxx

09-10-08, 21:53
:) Thanks Rebecca. I really appreciate your email. It is good to hear that it isn't just me. I just find it so hard to cope day to day, not knowing whether the pain will be really bad, and it's hard going to work and concentrating when you have banging face pain!

I had a ct of my brain and sinuses, but it is hard to try and stop thinking it is something really horrible, especially when none of the painkillers or treatments work.

How are you feeling now?


13-10-08, 13:57
And now I've gone and caught a cold :( so I am thoroughly bunged up and in pain! ARGH!

15-10-08, 22:35
You poor love. It's no fun is it. I have been getting terrible headaches and they won't go away. Tight band around my head, funny sensations running across my head etc. I had a brain scan 18 months ago when I had the headaches last, which was clear. I am back there again but I am determined not to go and have yet another scan. It's too much. I am trying to accept what I was told then by a specialist and that was there was evidence from my scan that i suffered from migraine. I told myself then to 'get over myself' and live again. I am determined not to go to the GP again, she told me last week it was just 'tension type headache', I struggled for a few days but I am trying to accept that.

Try to believe it people again I know it's hard but it's worth it.

Good luck

18-10-08, 23:48
BAD DAY today. feel as if I am not really here. All fuzzy in my head, popping ears, dizzy feeling, like I may pass out.....I've had enough. I am putting off going to the docs as they just make me feel bad by saying....there's nothing we can do, you've had a scan. I will try though.....
It feels like my life is now controlled by my face pain and strange feelings.
Hi Kathyanne, hope you are feeling better. It is very hard trying to cope with it isn't it?

19-10-08, 00:06
Hi fairy, just wondered if you'd thought about any alternative therapies - a naturopath or a homeopath - as your conventional doctors say they can do nothing more for you? I'm not sure whether you would have access to that kind of treatment, given that it would probably have to be private...? I believe that homeopathy is available on the NHS in some areas in the UK.

19-10-08, 00:29
I've dabbled but not consistently. I have tried herbal remedies and homeopathic ones,but only self purchased, I've notseen anyone,but yes, maybe I should. I have thought about acupuncture but have heard mixed reports??
Thanks Leebee xx

19-10-08, 17:09
Another bad day today, have stayed in bed all day. Pain too intense to do anything else..... Trip to docs tomorrow. Not sure what to say to the GP, am worried I'll break down and they'll just say there's nothing they can do.

19-10-08, 20:14
Dr google just told me that facial pain can sometimes be a symptom of lung cancer. Pressure on some vagus nerve. Scared

19-10-08, 20:46
Awww hun, i only found this forum today and have read the entire 19 pages of this thread. BIG HUGS to you. I'm sorry you're going through this. Now this has been going on nearly a year and think you ARE still alive! Have you had anything from your doctor to help with the anxiety? I can highly recommend citilapram, i took 10mg a day a very low dose but it really took the edge off for me. Also I have been having CBT which has been helpful, starting hypnotherapy this coming Friday.

I am suprised you have no answer yet to your symptoms - do you see the same dr all the time i would be temopted to try another one in the practice, my practice has 10 so i tend to see as many as it takes to get what i want!

just remember you are still here,if it was anything that seruious you would have had worsening symptoms by now surely?

take care and try to chill a little if possible?


19-10-08, 20:59
Hi Fairy,
I am so sorry you are struggling and are feeling scared.
I know it is hard to except but I truely believe your pain is caused through anxiety, when I had my tests done and got the results which were normal back, it really settled my mind about the brain tumors and other things, but even now i still get the pains especially in my face and nose when I am uptight, sometimes i don't even realise that I am tense.
My worries transfered to my heart and i have terrible chest, arm, back pains , I have seen my gp many times and had the blood tests, ecg's and xrays all came back normal and again i was told it was anxiety. At the moment i am struggling to accept this because of the pain i get but i am slowly getting there, this constant viscous circle of worry causes so much tension in our whole bodies and the pain can be so intense that we find it hard to accept that it isn't something sinister.
Being frightened all the time is so draining and i would give anything not to feel fear everyday of my life.
Fairy please stop googling because it just makes everything a hundred times worse, when i google i end up with terrible illnesses everytime, google does not give you the answers, it doesn't see the whole picture.
When i had the headaches badly I too took amitriptyline 30mg everynight, it made absolutley no difference so i decided to stop taking them, I am not suggesting you do the same, but it might ease your mind about the medicine not working. One thing I did find that helped was head and facial massages, they seemed to release some of the pressure, maybe you could book yourself one, you can also do it yourself by rubbing in circular motions around your eyes, temples, behind the ears and either side of your nose, basically where you sinuses are. Give it a go, you never know it might help.
Fairy if you ever need anyone to talk to just send me a message, I will be thinking of you.
Rebecca xxx

20-10-08, 11:32
Thanks for all your comments :) Much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read all of my long winded post, sorry I go on and on and on, but am not sure what else to do!

I rang to get a doc's appt today but when I eventually got through, there were none left, so have made a prebookable one for Weds morning.

The pain is bad again today - it has rained just though and sometimes that makes it a bit better, so will have to see.

I just want to hide under the duvet forever more :(

Last year, I was a happy, hard worker, now I am just miserable and sad

I will try the head massage - thanks for the tips.

I have seen different docs in the practice, they just seem despondent and indifferent to my pain, This is the first ailment I have consistently gone to the docs about....

21-10-08, 21:16
Well today the pain is out of control, I can bearly eat or drink. Why won't it go away. I don't even know what to say to the doc in the morning, They don't care. Feeling so very down. I hate my life

21-10-08, 23:25
Fairy, they do care. They just don't know what else to do to help you. Can you ask them for a referral for alternative therapy when you see them in the morning, as you are still suffering so much, but they say they can do nothing more for you?

22-10-08, 13:00
Hi Fairy, how did you get on at the docs today, any luck? :bighug1:

22-10-08, 13:12
Another referral to ENT specialist - and another painkiller :( I think they're missing something vital.
Not sure how long the appt will take to come through. Probably months!
Thanks for asking :)

01-11-08, 20:27
BACK AGAIN.....Having a relatively good week until today. Pain has been on and off this week, but not too bad, but today - well, excrutiating pain and pressure in my nose, throbbing neck, throbbing ears. V, Worried. It is raining heavily and wondering if it has something to do with the atmospheric pressure. Pills the doc prescribed are not doing any good :( Got ENT appt through 21st No which isn't too long away.

27-11-08, 21:18
Pain so bad I couldn't go to work today. What I don't get is why don't any of the pain killers I have been given work. Surely the fact that they don't work means it is a tumour or something serious??

28-11-08, 02:20
Hi Fairy, I have read through pretty much all of your posts on this thread. I have suffered from HA for around 7years on and off. In the last few months it has come back worse than ever. It got really bad for me, i couldn't manage at all. A couple of weeks ago i comletely broke down spoke to my partner about my feelings (not symptons) went to the doctor and had an honest discussion about anxiety. I know that you feel that your HA would be blamed rather than them look into your symptons (i most definately feel this way) but what if it is the anxiety causing the pain??? If you don't resolve the anxiety issue you may forever feel like this!!
Also think back to when the anxiety started, is it related to an emotional event in your life? or something that may have changed so you now have more pressure/responsibility?

28-11-08, 08:49

These are tension headaches....I promise. That's the reason why your painkillers don't work - because they don't force you to relax, which would get rid of the pain for you.


29-11-08, 00:17
Thanks Charsey and Atmo. Hey Atmo, you are lurking around again - popping back for the festive season???

When they put the camera up my nose, on the right side where most of the pain is, it was excrutiating and on the left there was no pain atall, so I am sure there is something up there. That's why he said, let's send you for another scan......

02-12-08, 15:08
CT Scan on friday - sinuses, scared :(