View Full Version : swallowing problem pain shoulder blades

06-03-08, 21:13
hi hope somebody can help. feel as if food gets stuck sometimes and it feels as if there is pain in my shoulder blades. i have no trouble swallowing but it is just a sensation. also i feel as if i have to take extra deep breaths every now and again. have suffered with reflux in the past and take omazeprole but it does not seem to do the trick. my mind is racing with manic thoughts of esophagus cancer but my logic says it could be a hiatus hernia.
anybody out there sufferd the same.

i am already under investigation for a bowel problem so i could opt for a endoscopy but do not want to appear foolish if it is from reflux.


06-03-08, 21:24
Hi I'm a fellow sufferer of a host of acid reflux problems (look up LPRD). Pain in throat, throat clearing, abdominal pain. I also have a Hiatal Hernia. I recently had an Endoscopy to confirm all this. I, like you also was reeling with thoughts of cancer etc etc. but the endoscopy cleared all that from my mind. You're not foolish. Get the work up, get better meds. Mine is still not under control but at least the "C" is off my mind. At least for the next week or so!

07-03-08, 16:33
Hi Gabe

Thanks for that i see my consultant in 2 weeks so i will ask him then. today has not been so bad and i am sure it is more to do with reflux and possibly a hernia. i am the worlds worst for self diagnosis and as my other half says i alway look at the glass half empty than half full!!!!!!


07-03-08, 17:08
Hello Bill !
I've just completed tests this week for the same thing. I had a gastroscopy (camera into stomach), barium meal (yum, yum) and manometry and PH tests (to measure pressure and acid in gullet). Yep, I have a hiatus hernia too - which is a bit of a poo as I had a repair done 20 years ago - and I don't know if it can be done again - waiting to see consultant to decide treatment.
This might give you some idea what to expect.
Be kind to yourself

09-03-08, 17:07
Hi neptno

thanks for that the pain could be attributable to tension i expect plus it does not always come on with eating. as for swallowing i have no problem there it just feels if it sometimes slides a bit slower.

will see gp tomorrow and see consultant in 2 weeks thanks for the info in advance.