View Full Version : Has to be done

06-03-08, 23:07
I had a letter today about having a smear test, I know its gotta be done but its one of the only times I wanna be a man lol

I can cope with the actual test its the waiting afterwards - plays havock with health anx and the what ifs.

I told my husband tonight he doesn't know how lucky he is not having to go through these things.


06-03-08, 23:09
Hi Claire

I know how you feel. I am fine going and having the smear done (well as fine as you can be!!) but when I come out I start stressing about how long until I get the results. Usually, when the letter comes (I can tell by the envelope!!) I take about an hour to open it and then do it bit by bit.

Thinking of you

Nikki x

06-03-08, 23:14
Don't think about it - if you have no issues like discharge etc it will be fine.

There is no reason to worry at all.

06-03-08, 23:25
Hi Claire:)

I have a whacking big fibroid on the neck of my womb(joys of being female) so I cant have a smear test have to take my chances!!!!

Best of luck

Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-03-08, 07:56
Lots of hugs Claire :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I know hun ain't it crap being a woman sometimes, but just think tho if you were a man you would miss out on all the fun things like shopping for shoes, girlie gossip, always being right, spotting a bargain and weeping at old movies, so not all bad!

We will all be here for you hun while you wait for the results, so don't be worrying and pour yourself another glass of blush! :winks:

Chin up and bottoms up!


07-03-08, 08:14
I agree with Julie if you have no reason to worry and its just a routine one then just don't think about it. I only worry about having it done and the fact that the nurse who does mine is also a friend !

But can I say I did once have to have a bit of work done down below (some cells weren't doing what they are supposed to do!) and my bf got to sit there and watch it on a tv screen, I was almost waiting for the woman to walk in with the ice-cream tray in the interval lol, but then I had the last laugh, no sex for 6 weeks !!

But hey that was it, it didnt hurt and I felt so much better for knowing I was ok, so don't go worrying and if you need to ask there is always some-one in here who has been there and survived !

Take care, Christine xx :flowers:

07-03-08, 10:26
hiya claire

i to have to go for one soon to:wacko:
i used to be realy scared of going and at one point had to have treatment and from then on i have been ok i now think it is better to go if there is somthing wrong it is so easy to treat better to know all is ok than not know.

take yourself of shopping after it lol spend some cash why not lol thats the good bit about being a girl as ju has sead :hugs:

jodie xxx