View Full Version : How to cope with setbacks?

07-03-08, 08:48
Hi everyone.

To cut a long story short...following a debilitating bout of anxiety with panic attacks that had me in bed for weeks, I'm somewhere along the path to recovery and week by week gradually doing more things again. Sometimes the stress levels get the better of me and I feel I'm tumbling right back down again and have to start again.

Would love to hear how others get through these times and get back to where they were again....


07-03-08, 09:14
:yesyes: hi there, id say just by doing what your doing now, being kind to yourself, and trying very very hard to beat the nagative voice in your head? give yourself time and you will be back to normal, take care emma, and:welcome: btw!

07-03-08, 09:16
Yeah I agree with Emma

You have to take care of yourself and not push yourself too hard - even though you may feel better.

I make the mistake sometimes of when I feel ok, I tackle too many things at once which stresses me out and then my anxiety comes back!

Jo xxxxx

09-03-08, 03:49
If you look up "my story" in the "success stories" section, "maybe" it'll give you some encouragement in showing there IS light at the end of the tunnel if you do as the others have said.:hugs:

09-03-08, 15:39
Hi Forgetmenot,

Acceptance is a wonderful word.
Along the road to recovery,if we accept that there will be little hiccups,the fear of them will decrease.A normal person goes through life taking the good times and bad together,happy to accept them as part of life.
Yes,we want,we crave recovery but the least setback seems to have a larger impact on us because we have the fear of "What-if this is back again?"
You yourself say you have been progressively getting better.Keep focusing on that and you will be fine.
Best wishes,