View Full Version : I'm new here; a brief introduction

07-03-08, 08:58
Hi everyone

In 2006 I had a very bad bout of an inner ear disorder called labyrinthitis. Bascially, I awoke with vertigo/extreme dizziness and was violent sick for several days; bed bound for nearly 7 days; unable to walk more than a few yards for about 2 weeks; unable to eat and was basically dizzy and off-balance for nearly 10 months - during this time I had loads of wierd and horrible symptoms and the result was that I became very anxious about my condition and almost everything else!! I really struggled with life for the best part of a year.

Since getting better, I still find that I get anxious because I think that I am going to get this condition again, and I often get many symptoms, including "flopping" heart feeling, palpatations, shallow breathing, sweaty hands, twitching limbs and dizziness - which is what I am worried about being all over again!!. I have been thinking all along that my symptoms are caused by the original problem, but it has been brought to my attention (by my Doc!) that this may very well not be the cause and that the illness has caused me to have continued anxiety and the more I read up about how anxiety and panic affects people, the more things "slot into place" and I think he may be right!

I hope to find support from those unfortunate enough to be burdened with these conditions, and hopefully offer some support back.


07-03-08, 09:10
Hi Peggy

Welcome to NMP :)

It does sound as though your symptoms now are anxiety rather than the labyrinthitis.

Have you looked at the symptoms section (on the left-hand side) as this may help give you more clarity.

You'll also get great advice and support on here too :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

07-03-08, 09:25
Hello Peggy

:welcome: to NMP.

You'll find lots of support here.

Karen xx

07-03-08, 09:59
Hi Karen, Hi Jo!

Thanks for the welcome! I checked out the symptoms section quite a lot and read up on the the other topics before I decided to register, as after reading all of the information, I believe that I do have a problem with these issues, rather than a continuation of an ear problem.

I use Bach herbal remedies quite a lot, especially if I am having an acute "attack". I know that many people suffer with much more delbilitating symptoms that I do, and I am thankful that I can still go about my daily business, albeit in a sometimes lightheaded and anxious condition!

Another think that I think maybe thrown into my mix, is that I appear to have heightened symptoms around the same sort of dates during the month. I think that this could possibly be brought on by "womens things" (sorry guys!) and I get even more confused about it all! :doh:

07-03-08, 10:11
Hi Peggy,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

07-03-08, 10:23
Hi Peggy

I've only been a member for a week or so but my problem sounds similar to yours. My worst symptom has always been dizziness and like you, 2years ago I had an inner ear virus which woke me in the night and the room was spinning. I panicked and took half a diazepam (=1mg) so not much but it stopped it. I was very shakey for about 2 weeks and carried the diazepam everywhere with me in case I had another attack. My doctor said to take them as they had worked instead of giving me stemetil or something similar.

I still get days when I feel off balance and not in full control and I'm never sure, like you, if it's the remnants of the virus or just anxiety about everything else. Up to then I had been quite good for several years so I'm convinced it was something to do with the virus.

I hope you have more luck than me on this site. I have made a couple of posts and have not received any replies except to my introduction so am feeling a bit dejected, but hey ho maybe no-one has the same things as me, or doesn't worry about the same things.


07-03-08, 12:27
Hello Peggy And Welcome........i Wish Ya Well.............linda

07-03-08, 17:35
Hi Peggy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

07-03-08, 20:21
Hello Peggy:welcome: to you!

Crikey that does sound horrible - I'm so glad you're much better.

I'm sure your experiences will prove invaluable here, but you'll also find a lot of help and support.

The links on the left there hold loads of helpful advice and general information, although I don't know if there's anything on your particular problem - you may be the first to contribute that:)

Anyway, glad you joined us - pleased to meet you!


08-03-08, 10:36
Hi Peggy!!!

Welcome to NMP!!! :) :) :)

You will find tons of advice and support here!

Nice to meet you hun! :)

Wolfie xx

08-03-08, 12:01
Hi Peggy,

How familiar your symptoms sound - the off balance and woosy-ness is the worst part for me and I'm often unsure as to whether they're connected to an inner ear problem or the anxiety!

It's reassuring to know there are others sharing the same problems and there's loads of helpful info here not to mention supportive friends.

Best of luck!


08-03-08, 12:03
Hi Peggy,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
best wishes,

09-03-08, 16:28
Hi Peggy

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will soon settle in and meet some great people.

13-03-08, 00:30

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way... Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs:

13-03-08, 11:47
http://img.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/images/welcome%20graphics/animated/prod_440_19565.gif (http://www.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/getcode/welcome_graphics/animated/prod_440_19565.gif.html)
to NMP,
you will get loads of support here,

I haven't been a member for long,
but it feels like forever now, as everyone is really friendly.

Love Sarajane

18-03-08, 19:32

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx