View Full Version : Breaking the health anxiety cycle

07-03-08, 09:03
Hi all

When I came down with anxiety and panic (out of the blue it seemed) I didnt realise for ages that the symptoms were anxiety related...so I worried about them. I was diagnosed with inner ear infection (to explain the dizziness) and waited to get better...but I didnt because of course, it was anxiety all along.

At various times I was convinced I had menigitis, heart problems, blood poisoning, failing sight, brain tumour, etc, etc.

It's taken a long time to convince myself that none of this is true and that by dealing with anxiety the physical symptoms will go in time. The problem is, those symptoms are so diverse - you just can't believe that it's not something more serious.

Here's a list of some of my own anxiety symptoms. If you can relate to these, it might help you convince yourself that it's really anxiety that is the root of all this:
Numbness in certain body parts for minutes at a time
Sore spots down my back that feel like bruises (I thought it was bronchitis - it was muscle tension)
Sharp stabbing pains in the ears
Feeling of wetness in the ears
Feeling of liquid running down my throat (this was just tissue fluid build up from inflammation caused by tense throat)
A feeling of pressure on the bridge of the nose and the roof of the mouth (more muscle tension)
Swelling to the throat and face (muscle tension and inflamed glandular system and ligaments - all from that tension)
Total bodily weakness for days on end
Upset stomach
Bad skin
Sensation of intense heat in the abdomen or chest or throat

How did I break the cycle? I just went against every reflex reaction I have, and forced myself to function again - to prove to myself that I can do things in spite of the discomfort - to prove to my brain that there is no threat out there. Its the most difficult thing ever and I'm not quite there yet - but over weeks and months the symptoms subside a little.

Hope this helps

07-03-08, 09:36
A really inspiring post.

i to am just starting to believe that maybe this is anxiety after 6 months, i started by having bad hypoglycemic attacks but my blood sugar seemed to be ok???? this went on for 2 months and i still get them now, my vision is irratic to say the least and i feel funny when under certain floresent lighting and i get some bad muscle jerks that are like an electric shock especially in my jaw.

Ive been so convinced ive got epilepsy its taken over my life. ive seen a neurologist (before the electric jerks) and he said anxiety and docs say not epilepsy but i cant break the cycle. this weekend ive promised im going to do the normal stuff and not hide away so fingers crossed!

Sounds like your doing really well and its motivating to get up and read that others are convinced its not anxiety to but eventually can let go and believe themselves well

07-03-08, 10:27
Hi Forgetmenot, I am sure this post will help a lot of people as I have suffered myself for so long you are right these symptoms are so so very real to us, and the list of symptoms does go on and on?. I am 59 now and suffered Depression, Anxiety, Phobias of all kinds especially agoraphobia, and when I think back I was even nervous as a child. At times the symptoms have been 100% disabling and others not so bad. There have been times when I haven’t left the house for years and times when I have been too scared to even paint a wall or pick up a shopping back because I would get a heart attack. I do remember one time actually trying to pain a wall and the sweat was running from me, heart beat really fast and dizziness so I gave up. And yet years later I have had no problems with doing anything so it shows its all anxiety. The last few months have gone back a little for me though, tiredness, sore throat and breathing problems It all seems so real but about 4 weeks ago I had surgery to remove my Uvular from my throat and while under a full investigation on my throat and nothing really found, So once again has to be anxiety related. I find winter seems much worst as with long dark cold nights and short days weather days we cant just do simple things like pop in the garden and have a sit down or potter around outside without getting all dressed up and being cold and uncomfortable. The best help I have found is affirmations, Tell yourself when you wake up feeling dreadful and you think you are dying, This is not happening I AM IN GOOD HEALTH AND FEEL GREAT, keep saying this and things like this over and over. Write notes on paper saying I am in good health and there is nothing wrong with me, and I feel so good. And repeat this over and over to yourself and in the end the brain learns to believe it. Anyway thanks and your post was a good one wish I seen one like that years ago when there was no internet or any other help about for people like us. Take care. Vernon

07-03-08, 19:03
Yeah a good post forgetmenot and I can relate to what you have to say vernon. If only I knew then what I know now is full of meaning for me. At 52 I too have suffered with depression, anxiety and agorophobia. From a very early age I thought I was about to drop dead or get some horrible illness that would cut short my life. What a waste of time it has been and what I wouldn't have given then to have had this wonderful site as a resource. It amazes me daily that so many of us are suffering such similar problems that in itself has given me huge amounts of strength to recognize the futility of worrying. When you think of the amount of NHS resources that are being used to put our minds at rest the mind bogles. I don't know what the answer to this is but I hope that there is a better way for us all.