View Full Version : Might find this interesting?

07-03-08, 10:23
Hi all,

I went to a MIND training seminar last night. We had the counselling services manager speak on mental health, what people interpret it as, and she also went through some of the different types of "conditions".

She drew this "model" for us which I found quite interesting and I have re-created it - although its very rough!! :blush:

She talked about there being 3 main factors to good mental health:-

Security - as in feeling safe within your environment whether that be at home with your parents, or with your partner.
Regard - the love you receive from people, includes respect etc.
Choice - means the choices that are available to you - maybe you are too limited or do you not have any limits, which can also be detrimental.

If one of more of these are "damaged" in some way then the second diagram is the result:-

So if you are, say, beaten by your parents then you are not going to feel very secure.

If you don't receive love or respect from your partner, then you are not going to feel particularly important.

This can be affected by be, say, out of work, so you dont have a lot of money, therefore certain choices are limited or cut off from you altogether.

The red line represents the circle "caving in" and chunks being removed from each of the 3 factors.

In order to work back towards good mental health we have to address the above issues in order to push the circle back into place.

The speaker talked about the fact that there isn't a dividing line between good mental health and bad mental health - there are a lot of "states of mind" in between. Everyone moves in between the two extremes because life throws things at all of us that can have a detrimental affect on our mental health.

But we can work back towards good mental health and having the 3 factors above in place can help us to do this :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

07-03-08, 10:35
Wow Joe ..thanks for that..very informative and easy to understand too:) I think what you are doing is wonderful..:flowers: Keep the info coming hun:D Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-03-08, 10:55
:) hi jo, yeah id agree with what you learnt at the meeting - id been directed by someone on here think it was 'clickaway' to a site called 'uncommonknowlege' which talked about how we can feel bad when things are missing in our lives - i find it all very helpful and empowering, because obviously it is allowing for a lack of things in our lives to naturally make us feel bad, so we dont feel so freakish anymore. i think its a great way of looking at it:yesyes: thanks for sharing it:flowers: