View Full Version : Early Mornings

07-03-08, 10:55
Does anyone else get this, I go to bed and can manage to get to sleep ok however, I wake up hours before I have to 5am and feel absolutely dreadful, I can start worrying over the slightest things and become very anxious and quite thought disordered, this frightens me and I keep thinking that this is an indication of something very sinister, and that I am losing my mind it puts me in a panic however throughout the course of the day these feelings subside and I can feel quite normal in the afternoons the whole sorry saga starts all over again the next day when I wake up.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
Don't mean to frighten anybody.



07-03-08, 11:36
Oh Hun..i do empathise..i get themost awful early morning episodes:weep: my nerves seem to tickle, my head feels odd..i want to scream and i have questioned my sanity hun,,in all the years i have sufered with anxiety and panic..this is a new one to me too:shrug: tho I have been reassured by Nic that it is another symptom of anxiety..of course not having restfull sleep is no good for us and i have not ,as yet ,sorted out how to deal with i t..but at least you know you are not alone :flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-03-08, 18:20
I read somewhere that this is one of the symptoms of depression and is caused by the lowering of the chemicals in the brain during the hours of darkness. I can't remember which chemical it is but i think is sounds something like serotonin. You may be able to look this up. Anyway it is a very common symptom and one I battle with. A light box is suppossed to help with this but I haven't tried it. In the book I was reading about this it suggested that you get up as soon as you wake so that yu don't dwell on the worrying thoughts and get into daylight as quickly as possible.

08-03-08, 14:34
I have this too and posted a thread earlier about the link with this and low blood sugar. Apparently low blood sugar can increase or even induce anxiety feelings. So when we wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning having not eaten for several hours blood sugar is low and therefore anxiety worse. As the day goes on and we eat more and get blood sugar up we feel better. I don't know about you but by the evening I feel completely normal.

08-03-08, 17:17
Exactly the same for me too, and a lot has to do with blood sugar. It's best to snack throughout the day, apparently, to keep yr blood sugar steady. I always feel at my worst in the mornings, especially if I wake up early and just lie there obsessing. Sometimes it helps to have my iPod nearby and just plug into some soothing music straight away, to block the thoughts. Have you discussed this with your Dr? Does sound very much like a symptom of depression. Just try and pay the feeling as little attention as possible. With love, janeyxx

09-03-08, 04:10
You appear to be suffering from health anxiety. If you are feeling overstressed in your job or at home, or have suffered bad experiences, it can cause us to focus on health worries created by our anxiety symptoms.

Worries will remain with us 24 hours a day. They will exist in our dreams at night keeping us awake, they'll surface as soon as we wake making us afraid of experiencing the symptoms for the rest of the day and that fear of the symptoms occurring will keep the anxious symptoms alive every day.

Only once the underlying causes are identified and ways found to ease them, will the anxiety become easier to cope with.

09-03-08, 05:42
Everything always seems exaggerated at night. It's quiet, dark, you tend to be alone. I think it can make anxiety and panics feel ten times worse.
Just try and calm yourself down honey, and distract yourself.
Read, watch TV, go on the computer (stimulating and not aiding sleep i know) and try and take your mind off it until it's the day :)
Best of luck,


09-03-08, 15:31
Hi Liver,

I don't normally advocate the use of Meds in general but....
if this is causing you big problems,you can ask your Doctor for a short course of sleeping pills-say for a week-to help re-train your mind and body into a full nights sleep.Remedies such as Nytol can also help.
I agree with Bill though,in that if you have underlying issues such as anxiety,these must be dealt with and the sleep will then normalize.
Best wishes,