View Full Version : recently joined nmp

07-03-08, 18:13
hello my name is linda im a 49 year old single mum to three kids 8 10 and 13 i also have two older kids aged 25 and 31 i had another son but he died from meningitus 10 years ago on march 20th.ive always suffered from panic attacks for as long as i can remember around five i think was my first,ive had the odd year here and there where ive been panic free well almost but in general its always there looming.i also have no friends its just me and the kids and my elderley parents and one sister i know that for me panic attacks always come to the surface after any kind of distress or daft thoughts,so by now i should be able to know how to stop them somtimes its easier to disarm one than others,like now im really upset because ive had to have several teeth removed and cannot get on with partial denture so have to go down the dental implants road which is very expensive,and also bringing panc back again but as a single mum on my own for almost nine years now its my only hope as i feel so ugly and introverted since losing my teeth.i never saw myself as a lonely old women my dream of a good man in my life was what kept me going but with todays superficial men you have to look a certain way or your just not noticed ive taken note that i had less panic attacks when i had a partner .like a lot on here i too have had brain tumours and heart problems and breathing problems digestion problems swallowing phobias i never go out alone for fear of panic attacks.you name it ive had it in my head,it is horrible so i sympathise with everyone who has had the courage on the site to speak out and say how they feel,it does help to share,the young ones on here touched me so much as i saw myself in them and spent half my life worrying for nothing now its wasted,i hope that you all find your own way of coping towards a kind of cure its within ourselves it lies we all know that but grasping it somtimes seems impossible big hugs to everyone fellow sufferers

07-03-08, 18:15
Welcome to nmp Linda, hope this site helps you
love Mags xxx

07-03-08, 18:17
Hi Linda and :welcome:

You'll get loads of support and advice here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

07-03-08, 20:33
Hello Linda :welcome: to you!

Aw what an absolutely rotten time you've had love :hugs: .

So glad you've joined us here though - you'll make loads of new friends who'll be there for you with help and support...and a good laugh no doubt! That's what I've found here anyway:)

I'm sure everything will turn out just fine with your dental work - try and look forward to after it's done and how good you'll feel then. You're extremely brave - I'm a quivering wreck just going for a routine appointment!

Pleased to meet you!


07-03-08, 22:17
thank you for your warm welcome.and thanks groovy granny.im a granny six times over but dont feel so groovy right now,,lol thanks again:hugs: linda

08-03-08, 08:14
Hi Linda, welcome to NMP :)

You'll get great advice from the people on here hun.

Jo xxxxx

08-03-08, 10:39
Hey Linda!!!

Welcome to NMP!!! :) :) :)

You'll find tons of advice and support here, and we're all here for you!

Nice to meet you hun! :)

Wolfie xx

08-03-08, 12:02
Hi Lindadiana,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

09-03-08, 04:13
Hello Linda And Welcome ..........i Wish Ya Well...........linda

09-03-08, 07:37
:welcome: hi linda, despite the horrible time youve had you are still here? and its never ever too late to become 'groovy' its in us all:yesyes: take care emma:flowers:

09-03-08, 07:55
http://img.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/images/hello%20graphics/animated/prod_458_21910.gif (http://www.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/getcode/hello_graphics/animated/prod_458_21910.gif.html)

Welcome to NMP Linda, I'm 48yrs and also a single mum of two teenage daughters. I've found NMP a life saver for me.

I don't have any real friends anymore, because I don't like going out to the pub or for meals.

The true friends I do have all live in other states now, so NMP has become my social life these days. I like it this way though, because no one judges you here. Everyone is really nice and you will make loads of friends.

If you ever want to chat on msn, just pm me and I'll give you my msn.

Welcome Love Sarajane

09-03-08, 16:24
Hi Linda

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will soon settle in and meet some great people.

13-03-08, 00:39

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way... Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs:

13-03-08, 09:31
Hi Linda,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

13-03-08, 09:43
hi linda and a big warm welcome .

love sandyjanexxx

18-03-08, 19:32

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx