View Full Version : Boyfriend going away

07-03-08, 18:35
My boyfriend is going away for three weeks to Malasyia tonight. He's going on holiday and I'm not going with him as I can't fly. I new I would miss him but as the hours are ticking down to him going I'm getting really anxious.
I don't see im during the normally anyway as he works away but three weeks just seems so long. Any tips for getting through the times I find hard?:blush:

07-03-08, 18:56
talk to him on the phone any chance u get, and keep urself busy:)

07-03-08, 19:01
Separation anxiety is not nice. I've been there. But, you will be surprised how quickly it passes. Try to occupy your mind as often as possible and go to bed earlier, that will make the days go quicker. Don't forget, the internet is a great time consumer as well. You'll probably find that after a week or so, you'll get use to it.

Take care.


08-03-08, 08:12
Hi Amilie

I get this too - even if my b/f is out for the evening or he phones saying he'll be late from work.

Thing is, he has gone away a couple of times - it was only a few days but still a big thing for me - and I was quite anxious in the run-up to it, but once he had gone, I wasn't so bad :)

In fact when I knew he was going I made plans of what I was going to do for that time.

Take advantage hun! Have you got friends you can go out with or they can come to you? You could go and see family maybe?

I just made sure I had plenty of distractions when I was at home alone, and I actually quite enjoyed it :)

Jo xxxxx

08-03-08, 09:07

My husband is going on holiday in May, ALONE - counting down the weeks ;)