View Full Version : 1st visit with therapist

17-03-05, 12:39
Hi all

Yesterday I had my first visit wuth a stress therapist who specialises in anxiety and panic. I was understandably nervous before the session and drove to the session shaking with a huge lump in my throat (convinced that I my throat would close at any minute and I would choke to death [}:)]!!!!!!!). To cut a long story short the session was very useful, he mostly spent the time assuring me that I would regain my life (and quite quickly) and I came away on a high.

I had a shocking nightmare in the night which woke me up in a muck sweat with a raging pulse etc. Somehow, and don't ask me how, it did not turn into a PA and returned no normal within minutes. Then this morning I dropped Millie at school and felt another PA rise on my way back through the church. I had planned to go the the post office but was not up for it so retreated home :( However...half an hour later I suddenly had the urge to get on with it so did just that. Drove to the cashpoint (shaky and with throat lump), then got to the post office. Sat outside and thought no - I can't do it but I just made myself go to the door. Once at the door I though just go in and buy some chewing gum (helps with the throat thing), at the counter and still OK I thought yeah - post my letters. Got in the line, waited my turn all calm and happy. Then even lined up again to buy a magazine. RESULT! - Strangly when I got home I realised that I had forgotton a parcel to post - without a second thought hopped back in the car.

I think I have realised another thing today as a result of the above. A couple of weeks ago a bad school drop off reflected the mood for my whole day however I realised today that a bad moment can be quickly replaced with a positive one. Not worried at all about the afternoon school run as I know it will be OK - why wouldn't it be!!!

Hope that you are all making progress too. This will not beat us [:P]

17-03-05, 12:45
Hi Angie

Well done, you have achieved a lot in a short space of time. Things can only get better and if you are having a hard day remember how you pushed yourself today and came through it fine and happy.

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-03-05, 16:27
glad your feeling positive and it went well for you .....keep it up:D

fan x

17-03-05, 18:32
Hi Angie

Well done. This is a big step forward for you today and you are making great progress.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-03-05, 19:07

What great news and well done you. Keep up that positivity and you will do just fine.

I am so pleased to read this tonight.


19-03-05, 12:10
That is wonderful news! I too, have started therapy and have been twice. It really does help to know you're on the road to recovery.

19-03-05, 12:34
great that your doing so well, keep it up:D

fan x

19-03-05, 16:29
Hi Angie,
Well done, you sound so positive. I am seeing a pyschotherapist but he seems to be doing things differently to how I expected. He is getting me to talk about all the things that have happened in my life but not really telling me how to cope with my immediate panic/ectopic heartbeats. I think what he is doing will work, but did think it would be based more on how I feel now than how I felt through all the different things that happened to me....does that make sense....? Is this how your therapist is doing things as well. I really hope seeing these counsellors will help us, because I am so fed up with always being anxious. I know I have always been the same, but the last few years I know I've got worse and I still can't deal with the ectopic heartbeat.
Take care,

19-03-05, 19:12
Hi Angie
Oh well done you, you have got to be feeling proud of yourself getting through that like you did. And if you're not i'm proud of you anyway lol.
Keep it up and at least you know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Take care

19-03-05, 19:46
Hi Angie

I hope things are still going okay for you and you are having a nice weekend.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.