View Full Version : Help I have to present infront of over 300 people tonight!!

08-03-08, 11:39
Tonight I am co-hosting a strictly come dancing evening in aid of charity. I have Ian and Camilla from the show coming down. I did it last year and even opened the evening with a dance but I was on citalopram then so think that absorbed a lot of my anxiety!!

This year I am co-hosting again, I'm not dancing (thankfully) but have worked myself up into a real frenzy. I'm not on meds so the anxiety is sky high and I am absolutely dreading standing there talking infront of 300+ people and terrified of feeling faint and sick or worse still actually passing out.

Someone tell me it's going to be ok!!!!

08-03-08, 11:50
Hi Devon Guy,

Congratulations on doing such a wonderful thing for charity.
You have obviously worked hard over the last year since you are now no longer on Meds.
Anyone would be nervous doing what you are doing tonite-that is absolutely normal,even for "normal" people!
At the moment,you are caught up in the "what-ifs":-
What if I freeze?
What if I cock it up?
What if I panic?
You are carrying out this role tonight because you bring certain strengths to it-your presentation skills,your personality,your ability to talk to people,your ability to keep the show moving in a timely fashion.
Focus on what you can do not the what-ifs.
Most of all,enjoy yourself and think of the pleasure you are helping to bring to others.
Best wishes,

08-03-08, 13:22
Hey !
You'll be fantastic ! Its a charity event and everyone's there for a good time with a kind heart. You've done it before and you can do it again even better.
Have a great time - log on to this and click on "Tap O' the Mornin'" - jst follow the video ...

www.bradyates.net (http://www.bradyates.net)

be kind to yourself

08-03-08, 22:30
Hope its going well.

09-03-08, 11:12
Hi folks!

Well the night went brilliantly! I never panicked once. I think I was too nervous and concerned with it going well to have time to think about having a panic attack!!!!!

We had 300 people there and Ian & Camilla were fantastic and the crowd were mad for them. A fantastic night all round and I'm really proud of myself for my achievement.

09-03-08, 15:45
Hi Devonguy,

I hope you print this thread off and keep it for next year!!!!

We all knew you could do this.
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Now you know you can!!!

Best wishes,

09-03-08, 16:38
Well done Devonguy....thats a great achievement. You have every right to feel proud. Glad you enjoyed and everyone else enjoyed the night!

luv Coni XX

09-03-08, 19:47
so so pleased for you. what a fantastic achievement.

09-03-08, 22:05
Well done:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Kaz x x x

10-03-08, 18:39
Thanks! The pics will be online soon so will post the link for everyone.

10-03-08, 19:11
Oh wow - well done you !!!!!

Bet everyone had a great night