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17-03-05, 13:16
hello i am marlene. i am 62 and having a really bad time with panic attacks and anxiety which came on on sunday. i havepanic stricken and dont know how to cope. i cannot eat or sleep and feel so frightened.
i have had anxiety in the past but not for 20 years so this coming back has knocked me for six.
i have a younger daughter living with me so its not like i am alone. i have good support from my church but they cannot console me.
i am walking about aimlessley indoors.
my eldest daughter got married last saturday and she is away for a week and i am desolute without her and i should not be feeling this way.
i know it is a big comedown from the wedding buti am terrified of going down that long depressive road again. i know once you have anxietyand panic it can come back anytime but i feel more afraid than ever and keep thinking i am back down that long black road again.
my doctor has given me amytriptolene and monday she gave me prozac which i did not take. i am so afraid of drugs and their side affects be feel i need to do something.
is there anyone there who can help me now to control this awful panic and fear. i am have never used a computer for this think but someone who had suffered gave me this webside to try. thankyou in advance

17-03-05, 13:26
Hi Marlene

Welcome to the site.

Although you say you've suffered with this before it may be worth taking a look at this page:


I think if this has just came on recently, then it's probably worth doing a little relaxation when you can. I know it's difficult when you feel so restless, but definately beneficial. It may well be all the stress built up from the wedding that has triggered this, and you just need to lower it again through relaxation. Try to keep yourself occupied to, find something to do around the house that can take your mind off it.

Hope you can find some help here


17-03-05, 13:29
Hey Marlene,

Welcome to the site, You will find loads of help here.
As mico says, try looking through the first steps page, and perhaps try reading through some of the posts?

Take care,

tracy x x

17-03-05, 14:50
hi marlene
sorry to hear your feel so scared, however if u have overcome this problem once you can do it again, just take alittl e time to reasure yourself that u can cope and remind yourself of what you learnt last time and i am sure you will be able to cope again....the important thing is to understand that if you have been under some stress recently then this maybe comeing out in your anxious feelings...but please take time to recharge and regroup what you have learnt in the past and most of all be positive and good to your self

take care

della smith

17-03-05, 14:57

Welcome to the site.

Maybe all the 'stress' from your daughters wedding has brought it back. Hopefully you have caught it quickly this time and with the correct actions (really do read first steps) you will be feeling better soon


17-03-05, 15:56
Hi Marlene

Welcome to the site, sorry to hear you are feeling so anxious at the moment but it could be a lot to do with the come down after the wedding.

You have recognised the symptoms straightaway and acted quickly by coming on to this site. So you are no where near that long dark depressive route again.

We will all offer support and help you all we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-03-05, 15:59
Hi Marlene
Welcome to the site. I'm sure with all the help and support from everyone here we can help you through this.
Take care

17-03-05, 16:14
hi welcome to the forum

fan x

17-03-05, 16:42
thank you so much for your replies. i am amazed at how many people suffer this illness. it is so comforting to know i am no alone in my panic and fear and i hope this will help.
thank you so much for being there for me i am going to watch this site all the time now. maybe when i am better i too can help someone.
i am humbled as to the suffering and kindness from complete strangers.

17-03-05, 17:36
Hi Marlene

Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are having such a bad time at present. As others have said, you have had this in the past and overcome it and I'm sure you will do so again.

You'll get a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-03-05, 17:42
Hi Marlene

I am pleased you realise you are not alone and that everyone on here helps and understands others. Its a great friendly place to come when you are feeling not so good.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-03-05, 18:23
Hi Marlene

Welcome aboard. Sorry to hear that the panics have come back again.

May I suggest that you sit and read some of the info on the main website - www.nomorepanic.co.uk

Try the coping pages, First steps and natural remedies.

Get yourself some Rescue Remedy to take the edge off the panic too.

Hope we can help you get back on track. Ask any questions you want to.

I am pleased someone pointed you in our direction as you will get loads of support on here.


17-03-05, 19:33
Hi Marlene,

Welcome to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will help and
support you.


17-03-05, 19:52

Welcome to the forum. Sorry that you are feeling so bad right now. The wedding, lead up anxiety & post-letdown, has, no doubt, been a big contributory factor.

You have come to the right place, everyone is friendly & will help all they can.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

17-03-05, 20:03
Hi Marlene,

Just to give you a warm welcome.

This is an amazing site, and I've only been here about 5 weeks.

Was your elder daughter living with you prior to the wedding? I wonder if its her leaving that may have prompted this, or maybe it was just the wedding itself??

Don't wander aimlessly, try and do something to distract yourself. Maybe get on with that hobby, or even find a new one!

Take Care,


18-03-05, 05:22
hi ray

thank you for your message. my daughter has not lived at home for over twenty years, she has her own home so this is why i feel so stupid for completely going to pieces.

i know i will have to find something in my life to fill my time and i hope something will come along as i get very bored at home anyway.

i am sure that the high of planning the wedding over the past 18 months and being with my daughter constantly has left me feeling alone and frightened because she is away.

i have put a piece of paper up and marked sticks and each day i will cross one off to represent a day until my daughter comes home.

i just hope that these panics ease a bit

talk soon


18-03-05, 11:45
Hi Marlene,

Just want to welcome you to the site, sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment , but I'm sure with everyones help on here you will get through this again.

take care
love Lisaxx

18-03-05, 17:21
i am having a really bad day and panicing so much. i am diabetic but cannot eat anything as i feel so tensed up.
i took amytriptolene last night and i still feel groggy and dizzy. i am somewhat allergic to drugs because of my asthma medication. i purpesley did not read the side affects but it has done no good i feel on another panic. now the drug is jsut wearing off after taking it 9pm last night my panics are coming all the time and i am so scared.
i went to the chemist and bought some bach rescue remedy and have just taken a kalms tablet as i will not be taking amitryptolene again.

i cannot take drugs and now i need help to calm down, really bad day.


18-03-05, 17:28
hi marlene sorry you feel so unwell........i cant comment on any of the tablets you take but just to say you will be ok take the rescue remedy and try to relax (not easy i know)
your not going to die from the panic attack and although it feels horrible the more you fear them the worse they will get, next time one comes just let it go through you until it finishes remember to keep breathing as i found i hold my breath and that made me worse, try to eat something even if its only some soup as im not sure how not eating will affect your diabetes but im sure it will

just keep posting on here even if its just to let us know your still not well as getting it off your chest will help, we are here for you and will help you through this
take care

fan x

18-03-05, 18:21
Hi Marlene,
Sorry you are feeling so bad, it seems never ending, but it will ease off, try not to be too scared, try to relax and please, most importantly, do eat something, even, as suggested if you pop some soup into the microwave, and maybe, just one slice of bread, or perhaps you could drink some milk and a few biscuits, i cannot comment on any meds. but i do know that by not eating, you are making yourself worse, and not helping the diabetes at all - perhaps you could make a small sandwich and sit by the computor while you try to munch your way through Take it steady, and let me know if you manage yo eat a little something keep in touch

18-03-05, 18:34
thank you i feel like i am goping crazy knots in my tummy wont go away, i cannot stop crying today, this is a very bad day, is anyone there who is still panicking like me.a week of these has brought all the treatment back in the past. i had cognitive thereapy in the 70s and until the last lot twenty years ago thought i could conquer this through knowing what is happening,l but the panics are consuming me

18-03-05, 18:36
Hi Marlene - so sorry to hear that you are having a really rough time. I really understand the separation anxiety you are experiencing whilst your daughter is away. I have lived away from home for over 13 years but hate it when my Mum goes away! It can throw me into a major panic. It's the close bond us mums and daughters have. You mentioned you go to church - maybe you may get some comfort from a bible passage I read this morning Exodus 14 v13 It gave me some reassurance. But I also know and experience that when Panic really strikes it is hard to gain reassurance from anything. Just be reassured that we are all in the boat with you and all experience in one way or another what you are going through now. Love and God Bless Dizzyd x

18-03-05, 18:38
can i take kalms with rescue remedy, does anyone know

18-03-05, 18:41
I have on many an occasion. I also find warm milk and honey really soothing. I just appreciate how alone you feel through this - when is your daughter home? Love Dizzyd

18-03-05, 19:36

Sorry you have had such an uncomfortable day. The drugs often make us feel worse than the illness?

I hope that you have managed to eat a little--but I'm sure you are sensible about this because of being used to coping with your diabetes.
Is your diabetes type 2 (if you don't mind me asking!) & are you able to control it with food? It must make things that bit more complicated for you--what with anxiety drugs clashing with asthma meds & having to eat at regular times when the last thing you want is food, due to the panic.

You will get through this, you know that because you have before---even if it really doesn't feel like it at the moment.

Keep in touch--so we know how you are.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

18-03-05, 20:39
I feel awful today too, very dizzy and getting worse as the day goes on, been trying to distract myself with a bit of telly, bit of music, on computor for a while, it's sort of helping, i think, but i don't know, feeling very confused, have you eaten anything yet Marlene?

19-03-05, 07:30
That is one of my biggest symptons - dizzy and weak - I feel ok one minute and then whoosh I feel so giddy - doc says it is classic anxiety due to shallow breathing. Doesn't help when I have days of giddy weak spells. I find sipping lots of water ( homeopath told me to never 'glug' water always sip - too much of a shock to your body to drench it. (sport cap bottles of water good for sipping) ) Also trying GI diet - makes sense to keep blood sugar levels constant as one of side effects of not = dizziness. (see www.edietsuk.co.uk) How are you today 'Carlin' and 'Marlene' ? Dawn

21-03-05, 19:56
Marlene .
Welcome , it sessential you eat corrcetly for your diabetes

I order fo rthese panic sto subside yiou need to divert yourself completely and throw yourlsfe into an activity .

Whilst youºre dwelling on what it what might and the scenarios played out in your mind about your daughter being away , you will perpetuate them and they lead to spiralling thoughts.

Kepe busy and active

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance