View Full Version : help im havin a panic attack now

celia davies
08-03-08, 14:03
im tryin so hard not 2 have 1 but the heavy breathings started,tremours and tingling,feel like im dying i need help

08-03-08, 14:07
:hugs: Celia
It will pass. Try not to be afraid of the feelings. I know its hard but try to let them wash over you and float through them. Dont try to push them away as they will get worse. You will not die. Nothing bad will happen to you. You will be okay. Sending you positive vibes.

08-03-08, 14:40
helo celia,has your panic subsided yet.i too was starting to have one caused through having stomace ache and wind and thinking daft thoughts about it,when i read you were having one.its horible isnt it,yet its not going to hurt you i promise.get a paper bag the instant you start to overbreath or cup your hands over your mouth to help think other thoughts all panics arise from a bodily sensation, we dont understand but you dont have to understand most we get lots of unusual feelings that are nothing to worry about but we panickers are on red alert.hugs to you reply if you want to linda

08-03-08, 15:48
Please do not be afraid, panic attacks come so often they are hard to keep track of. Breathe normally, go into a cold area like I do, put your hands on your head and just meditate/pray or something like that or just rest.

08-03-08, 18:16
hi celia, I'm having lots of panics today. Really struggling with the breathing feel as though I can't inflate my chest properly. I keep telling myself it is panic but don't think I'm convincing myself. I had a major one in Tescos stayed with it but was really upset that I felt so horrible. They are really nasty things and I want them to stop so much. I hope you are feeling better and have been able to relax.

09-03-08, 13:24
You might benifit from reading the thread I just wrote.

Take care. xx