View Full Version : Advice Please!????

08-03-08, 14:41
Hi me lovely friends,

Most of you probably ain't heard of this but a few years ago now, i had a skin condition called urticaria, it baffled my doctor to the point that he had to get onto a skin specialist and the royal in Edinburgh. It's basicly like your body is covered in a red blistery rash, and sometimes i would wake up with a swollen eye or lip. I was put on a combination of two different allergy tablets and it took it away.

Ok so i got the damn thing again, and although i ain't been to the doc coz of me agraphobia, i am taking allergy tablets! thing i'm scared of though, is i woke up this morning with a swollen eye and i'm terrified that if it can make me eye or lip swollen, can it make me throat swell up and close over!? i'm really really paranoid and scared and i'm trying NOT to google or me mates on here will wallop me!!!! lol

Grrrrrrr, can anyone give any advice to stop me being paranoid that i'm gonna pop off with this damn things!!

Love Lisa

08-03-08, 16:16
lisa lisa lisa, come on girl you are normaly the voice of reason. what would you tell me if it was me in that position. think about it and apply it to yourself hun. ask your self these questions.
1. did it make your throat swell the last time?
2.was your doc concerned the last time about your throat and that it might swell
3. have the docs done blood test to find whats is causing the allergy? if not them why not?.
you know lisa that the thoughts are just that ugly friend of ours called anxiety. try and relax about it hun and just keep on with the allergy tabs. it will clear up again soon. i hope this has helped. take care hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


08-03-08, 16:42

Thanks me darlin!! your right of course. Yeah they did blood tests the last time but nothing showed up. I'm having me whole house reovated at the moment, an no matter how much or hard i clean, there seems to be dust and saw dust everywhere, so i dunno if it's maybe just the dust. I always have had sensetive skin so i dunno!!

Thanks for the reply hun, i really appreciate it!!

Love and hugs


08-03-08, 17:40
Kellies right Lisa, this is the anxiety talking, the tablets you're taking should dampen down the allergic reaction and by the sounds of it it might be something to do with the work your having done on your house. Allergies are very common, and antihistamines are the treatment so yout doing the right things.

My children are exactly the same....they get swollen eyes and rashes at the drop of a hat....when my daughter goes near certain cats one of her eyes almost closes (just one mind....never both....weird eh?).

You'll be fine Lisa, this will pass, keep youself occupied and DONT GOOGLE!

luv Coni XX

08-03-08, 17:46
Thanks coni darlin!! i ain't googled and i am determind not to either! i'm going to keep busy till it's quiz time at 9 them i'm sure i'm going to be too busy laughing to worry anymore!

Thanks for your reply hun! appreciate that!

Love Lisa

08-03-08, 19:39
Lisa! :hugs:

I had urticaria last week - took one penicillin tablet...and wham! I think it is generally an allergy that gives you the rash.

Keep on with the antihistamines and it should go away. This might sound daft, but if your throat hasn't swollen up yet, it probably won't! Anaphylactic reactions are extremely fast.

Hate to say it, but GP wouldn't be a bad idea if it doesn't clear up. You could also try NHS Direct for advice

xxx :flowers:

08-03-08, 20:14
Thanks Swanny mate!

It was alot worse the last time i had it, i even had a swollen lip! it's not a nice thing at all eh?

Thanks alot for your reply, appreciate it

Love Lisa

ps. what did you take for yours?