View Full Version : new friendship group in Holborn

08-03-08, 17:19
Do you suffer from ‘abnormal’ anxiety or stress in everyday life? Or sudden feelings of panic?
Approaching Fear Together is a new friendship group in Holborn for anyone suffering from anxiety in any form. You need not have a diagnosis to join.
Welcome, sufferers of social phobia, agoraphobia, panic disorder, OCD, specific phobias and generalised anxiety disorder, and carers and partners of those whose lives are affected by irrational fears.
No obligations, dues or fees.
Our common outlook is in living with anxiety

Please come, and offer your friendship to others.

If you want further information, please call Tony on 07921264516, or Francesca on 07824430855 day or night.

you must be over 18 to attend a meeting

We are meeting on Friday evenings at 7pm (except bank holidays), at

The Parish Hall.

St Clements Lane

London WC2A

Exit Holborn tube station and proceed left along Kingsway. Turn left just before the Aldwych, into Portugal Street. The Parish Hall is on your left just past the Peacock Theatre.