View Full Version : Can bloatedness cause ectopics??

08-03-08, 18:00
Hi ive not been on here for a while thought i was over the worst of my dreaded ectopics....but for the past 3 days they have came back and its horrible everytime i move i feel the thuds in the chest and dizzy (i think the dizzyness is me overbreathing when i get them as i focus on them to much)

I have had tests done in the past and they all came back fine but im still scared of these bloody things
there is times i can go a few months of being positive about them and not get them but just now i cant shake the blighters off

At the moment my stomach is massive i have a hernia which i am ment to get fixed (again) next Thursday but im so flued up with the cold and an ear infection they said they will probably have to cancel it for a later date which is annoying:mad: but anyway more to the point my tummy is so big people have asked me when is the baby due its embarrassing as im not even pregnant it feels like i always have trapped wind and my tummy goes all solid and sore i said this to the docs and he said its anxiety .... but how can anxiety do this to my stomach i feel like screaming anyway i think this is bringing my ectopics on more cause i feel them when my tummy is hard with wind more

Does anyone else get them more when they feel like they have trapped wind???
lots of love Joolee xxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

08-03-08, 19:12
My old GP who has now retired once told me that years and years ago there was a condition called windy heart!! He said this is when someone either overeats so their stomach expands or its filled with gas and this then irritates the vagus nerve causing ectopic heartbeats. Of course nowadays no Dr would tell someone they had a windy heart as its so unscientific but old GP said it literally meant what it said.

I have had ectopic heartbeats for over 20 years sometimes very badly like every 3rd beat and its so horrible even if it is harmless.

Rachey poos
08-03-08, 20:54
please check out my blog..... suffer really bad with them xxxx

tayside lassie
08-03-08, 21:08
hiya ,yes it can cause terrible ectopics when i get them usually after my tea i get up and walk around the house and i cough when i feel one coming on gp suggested that works for me .

country girl my parents used to say that (windy heart ) and its true ,my gp says you can get build up of wind/gas high up in chest behind and around the heart .
