View Full Version : is it anxiety or personality disorder

08-03-08, 18:12
I am observing that I keep grudge on people and act passive aggressively.

I am observing that I go paranoid and start thinking somebody is out there
to come get me and fight with me.

I observe that sometimes just a wrong-number phone call or a spam call
makes be go beserk and I start hyperventillating. (paranoid and panic).

I observe that I just can not stop thinking, creative ideas negative or positive
keeps flowing in my mind and I just cant stop (Obsession).

I done know which of the following my problem is
passive agression, paranoid personality disorder, generalized
anxiety, panic disorder and obsessive rumination...

What exactly is my problem? When under extreme stress is Diazepam
ok, or is it best to avoid medication and do exercise, relaxation, socializing
etc to help reduce these problems in my mind

Please do let me know..

08-03-08, 21:19
If the diazepam works, Im sure it must be anxiety.
I suffered a psychotic personality disorder due to substance abuse and it was a living hell.
If you are really in doubt, I would go and see your doctor. Good luck xx:)

09-03-08, 01:44
I have never had diazepam. My doc agreed when I felt I did not want
to do any medication. He felt it was anxiety, we had just 2 sessions...

I used to smoke a LOT and drink a lot. I have quit ALL of that, but my
first few psychosis happened around after quitting all this.

From my description does it sound like anxiety and psychosis??

09-03-08, 01:53
One fine day, I just quit ALL of that. Its already around 4 years since I quit. However most of my paranoia had been during this 4 years. I am presently 29 years of age. I have had 2 major episodes and 3-4 minor episodes. The minor
ones probably became minor since I had insight into my condition...

09-03-08, 02:31
brief psychotic disorder. My psychosis, has never been more than a week..

17-03-08, 15:44
brief reactive psychosis, paranoid personality, obsessive rumination, generalized anxiety, passive agression, panic attack...

-> Can one person go through all the above at different points in time.??

How different is panic attack from brief psychosis. Is it different names to the same think??

17-03-08, 17:19
When I had a psychotic disorder, I used to hear things. Voices saying really strange things and they would wake me in the night shouting. I was in a constant state of panic and really paranoid about everyone around me.
This can happen if you stop drinking suddenly if you have been drinking heavily for a long time.