View Full Version : Scared to exercise :-(

17-03-05, 15:34
And by exercise I mean even just walking up the stairs when anxiety is high!!!!!

My first full blown panic attack happened in the middle of an exercise class - ever since I am really scared of any kind of exercise. The therapist I spoke to yesterday said that it is not an uncommon symptom to be afraid to raise your pulse if you suffer from panic attacks as in your mind this can trigger an attack. Does anyone else suffer from this? I know a lot of people say exercise helps them, I won't let myself walk anywhere quicker than at a snails pace at the moment - just in case.

I feel like I am about to have a full blown PA and am clutching at straws trying to stop it - anyone online that can help...please:(

Due on (sorry boys) and hotter than normal - also not helping...arghhh

17-03-05, 16:01
Hi Angie

It is common that doing exercise and a raised heartbeat can bring on a panic attack, but your mind will focus purely on your heartbeat and then bang we are in one. Exercise is supposed to be good and it helps you relax. Try walking around the house a bit faster than you usually do and build it up gradually like that then the stairs. Remember the raised heartbeat is not panic its from exercising and if you do go into panic, you know you will come through it and you are safe in your home.

Hope you are feeling a bit better now and the panic attack has subsided.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-03-05, 16:20
hi might be worse cos its that time of the month which seems not to help.........did you try swimming as thats exercise without the strain

fan x

17-03-05, 17:20
Hi and thanks - attack did not arrive as hubby talked me down for ten mins on the phone.

Low and behold though as the fear of not being able to breathe subsides - the throat feels swollen and I will OBVIOUSLY choke or gag at any moment....NOT!!!![}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

Even wondered if having chilli and rice for tea is a good idea as well that rice can cause choking don't you know...LOL:D

WHAT am I like???? - Swimming would be lovely but I am still a bit semi agrophobic at the moment, the thought of having a PA whilst wearing a swimsuit is enough to bring on a PA on it's own[:O]

Slowley but surely ...I know. I am 100 times better already than when I found this site so if I can just magnify that x 100, I should almost be back to normal[:o)]

Half way through a glass of wine which seems to have allowed my sense of humour to surface, knew it ws in there somewhere!!!!

Thank you all for being so fantastic - this site should be nominated for services towards humanity[^]

17-03-05, 18:48
glad your feeling better...........must add i think the sight of me in a swim suit might give every one else a panic attack lol:D

fan x

17-03-05, 19:02
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Thank you all for being so fantastic - this site should be nominated for services towards humanity[^]

<div align="right">Originally posted by angieb - 17 March 2005 : 17:20:49</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

If only the professionals would take it seriously we could help loads more people. They won't look at personal websites though [:O]

Glad you are feeling better now and calmer.

I go swimming a lot and I gave up worrying what people would think of me in a swimsuit!


17-03-05, 22:02
Hi Angie

Pleased you got yourself calmed down with the help of your hubby.

Another achievement that you have done.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

18-03-05, 15:04
Hi, Angie. I am also afraid to exercise, or even climb a tall staircase, walk fast, etc., because it makes me breathe hard and then I have a panic attack. The problem is, the less you exercise, the less exertion it takes to make you breathe hard. It's a vicious circle.

I bought a treadmill (not an option for everyone, of course) and have been walking on it for 15 minutes a day, very slowly. I'm hoping to increase the time and intensity very slowly.

Maybe just walking in place, in your house, would be a good start. There are some walking exercise videos on the market, I believe.

(Oh, and one word of caution - watch out for the wine. A glass or two to relax in the evening can easily become three or four in the afternoon. Trust me, I know. :) I've stopped that, but it wasn't easy.)

19-03-05, 14:07
Sometimes a glass of wine sounds like a good idea, but it can be hell for anxiety/panic attacks, especially the next day.

21-03-05, 14:20
Hi Angie, I am not sure if I have discussed this with you before but I know exactly how you feel. I avoided exercise at all costs until last August when i decided I had to get fit. I started walking everywhere, I bought a pedometer and tried to do the 10,00 steps a day that doctors recommend, at first I had loads of ectopic beats but after about 6 weeks they did get a lot less frequent. I have slipped back a bit as my kids have been of school with chicken pox so for 3 weeks didn't do any walking at all so I am now concentrating on building my fitness levels back up again. I have just walked down to the shop and back which is only a 10 min walk but is all upbank and I had some quite strong ectopics but i tried not to think about them. I still am scared of doing anything more strenuous than walking as i have tried going on an exercise bike and they were horrendous I felt like my heart would stop!!! and aslo felt like I couldn't breathe.
Keep your chin up and I am always here to listen if you want to send me a PM or email.
Take care
Love Lisaxx

21-03-05, 19:25
I know what you mean Angie, regards exercise I mean.

Whilst I do always go for at least a 20 minute walk per day, I have at times found this difficult, but have even done it with 'jelly legs'.

I am very phobic about doing the garden and any major jobs around the house.

I'm not sure how many miles 1,000 (did you mean 1,000 or 10,000?) steps equates to, but it seems a good idea to do a lot of walking. Now the better weather has arrived, I hope to walk along longer stretches of the nearby river and canal in future.

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

21-03-05, 20:24

We are supposed to do 10,000 steps a day!! I am sure I dont!


22-03-05, 10:02
Hi guys

I have started to tackle this little problem, on Sunday hubby and I did some major work getting the garden ready for spring, digging, planting, landscaping the pond etc etc. I felt pretty shaky at times but carried on regardless and I must say at one point I was humping 20K bags of slate chippings about (very Charlie Dimmock!!!!)

I also did 5 mins on the exercise bike yesterday and aim to gradually build up to 40 mins again.

A funny last note, we have some stone sheds at the bottom of our garden which is where I have my tumble dryer. Decided to launder all the beds yesterday so made myself skip up and down to the dryer with all the wash loads. These little short bursts of making my heart beat faster were actually quite fun...however when I told Rob what I had done he thought it was hillarious, he envisiged our neighbour saying to her hubby "i'll have whatever Angie's taking, she is skipping doing her laundry!!!!) I am not even taking anything:D

Slowly but very surely I am re-claiming my life[^]

22-03-05, 17:10
Hi Angie

I have been afraid to exercise too, but I went to yoga last week and have been walking round the house with my pedometer and just ordered an exercise machine, so I can get fit again, for me too if i was too tense just going up the stairs was enough to tip me over the edge, i was worried it would stop me breathing not my heart.

Well done for starting to exercise and keep up the positive attitude.

katiekatie x