View Full Version : Flu and Anxiety and mixing meds...

08-03-08, 21:46

I have just started with flu and am aching all over. I am getting shooting pains in my head and my intestines. I am shivering with the fever. The only problem is it is making me very anxious. I do not like taking medicines at the best of times and now the only meds that are helping are Paracetamol. The worry is that I am currently taking Propranolol also. Does anyone know of any reason why they cant be taken together? I am also getting a lot of chest pains which are worring me and I dont know if they are caused by the flu or the mix of meds causing a bad side effect with my heart.

I have lost the ability to think rationally.


08-03-08, 21:53
If in doubt dont take them, and ask your doctor in the morning.
alot of people get chest pains with anxiety so try not to worry, but if they wont go away then again talk with your doctor.

Drink lots of fluids and keep warm, rest alot and you'll be fine:)

08-03-08, 21:59
I've taken propanolo and paracetomol together and was fine. but check with doc if yu can or the pharmacy Hope you are soon loads better.

08-03-08, 21:59
Thanks Ace

I have stopped the proproanolol even though the packaging says not to be stopped suddenly. The problem is I dont know how long they take to leave the body as I was on 40mg a day. I m now only taking the paracetamol.


08-03-08, 22:00
oh yeah I only took plain paracetomol not the ones with extras as they usually contain caffeine and that can make yu feel hyper especially with th e propanolol

08-03-08, 22:01
Meewah you really shouldn't just stop with the propanolol as this can make your heart rate irregular. Please be careful

08-03-08, 22:04
yeah you should never "stop" any form of medication, it can cause relapes of your condition, etc

your best off keeping with the pills and just "roughing" the flu
it'll pass within afew days as long as you keep well fed and waterd lol

08-03-08, 22:08
Ok will take one now.

