View Full Version : new member to this wonderful site

09-03-08, 10:06
hello all members
hope everyone is ok and coping well here is a little bit about myself
i am a fellow sufferer i have been have panic attacks for the past three years it is nice to know i am not completely alone i have always had bad ocd for as long as i can remeber but never had panic/anxiety then three years ago two bad family things happened then i was out shopping (which i used to love) and something happened there and then out of the blue i had what i now know to be a panic attack that started the worst weekend of my life went to see the gp who put me on citalopram i was on these for about a year and they was not doing much good so gp changed me to sertraline one a day i had a bad time last august but since then was really fine feeling normal then two weeks ago out of the blue bang its back worse than ever do other members go months on end feeling fine?
when back to my gp ( was a different doctor ) he put me on diazepam told me only to take for three days no more i took two of these tablets they did work but didnt what to take more tablets as i know three would turn into three months he was not very understanding i asked for help asked could i have some cbt he said no not for one episode i try to tell him i have been like this for three years but i go months without haveing them ( with my panics i have only been to the gp about four times in three years with them as i know this sounds daft but i know myself i am a good mother to my two beautiful sons but i thought if i keeped going to the gp they might say i cant look after my sons well because of the panics and take the boys off me ) so i try to cope not to go to the gp anyway after more or less begging him he has ref me but says the waiting list are about a year i cannot afford to go private he said as i was walking out next time ask to see a more understanding doctor i think some gps see people like us as attenion seekers when back to see the nurse who doulbled my dose of sertraline
this time the panic are bad i feel humiliated,anxiety,anxious,palpitations have a swallowing phobias at the moment feeling totally worthless i dread wakeing up in the mornings as mornings are bad for me i seem to go at 100 mph i tell myself to stop but it does not work dont want to leave the house but i have to take/collect my son from school it is so soul destroying i do have a lovely family who understand but i feel like a let down to them i feel they are getting fed up of me but they say dont be silly at the moment i take my tablets i also swear by my bach r r i drink camomile tea take b1 vitiams i want to try st johns wort but not sure i do smoke when i feel like this i smoke more which is makeing me bad i just feel this time i cant kick myself out of this viscious circle someone who used to suffer the same told me when the panic comes fight it think come on hit me with your best shot i am not afraid anymore this did help but i still feel anxious all day i sleep well at night but i am totally drawn in the afternoons i cant keep my eyes open half the time but the other day i had a afternnon nap when i woke up my sister took me to a&e because i had the worst attack i have ever had now i dare not nap in the afternnon do members think drinking tea/coeffe make it worst or food that we eat what helps other members ?
came across this wonderful site by chance yesterday its a godsend so many lovely people and storys like mine i thought i was alone
so sorry about the long post but it is so nice to get it off my chest to people who understand what you are going through
hop[e you all have a lovely day

09-03-08, 13:11
hi and welcome. you will get lots of support here
debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

09-03-08, 13:24
Hi Milly,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

Kim Baker
09-03-08, 14:38
Hello! Minimoll, Welcome to the site:welcome:

You are never alone here - you've got us now:winks:

Knowing that there are many experiencing the same symptoms as you is comforting:hugs:

I throughly reccomend a bok called "Self help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes:yesyes:

Take care,

Kim X

09-03-08, 18:17
thank you all so much i know i am talking to people who understand i will look up that book thank you for your kindest

09-03-08, 19:46
Hi milly

It is so frustrating when you think you have seen the last of panic attacks for them to come back time and time again. I have suffered for over 30 years but I have had years when I haven't had any so it hasn't all been bad. That feeling of them coming out of nowhere always confused me but if I'm honest there is usually a reason why I have been anxious. Usually I'm pushing myself to do something. This time I have been having attacks for over 2 years and have gone drug free not sure whether this has been a good idea or not. I have had really bad agorophobia. However I am getting loads better and I've come to realise that the idea of being panic free forever is not possible for me or you or any other human being because the ability to panic is essential for our safety. I think the problem arises when we react to the panic in a negative way. We let it become too big it controls us we worry about it we fear the fear. Getting over this takes time and practice and lots of help and support. This is a wonderful site. I only found it a few weeks ago and it has made such a difference to the way I feel. I know I'm not alone, I know this is a really common problem for lots of people, and I know that people on here understand. I hope you soon feel better and look forward to talking again.

09-03-08, 20:47
Hello millymol :welcome: to you!

I'm trying to cut out coffee at the moment - only drank about 3 cups a day but i like it very strong. I am having some withdrawal effects similar to those I had when I used to have full blown pa's, so you could be right there.

Even with a supportive family it's reassuring to talk to people who completely understand your situation - and you'll certainly find that here.

I hope you don't mind but I'm moving your post to the 'Introduce Yourself' forum so that many others can welcome you too!:)

Pleased to meet you!


09-03-08, 21:25
Hi Milly and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

10-03-08, 00:29
Hello Milly!
Your right, this place is wonderful :)
I've only been here a few months and it's been a godsend! I'm on every day now.

You asked about drinks/foods that affect anxeity.
I think really, everyone is affected differently by their diet.
From my experience, I found taking out caffiene (coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, energy drinks) a good help. I now only drink water, fruit juice, smoothies and numerous herbal teas, and I not only really enjoy them but feel better in myself for it.
I take vitamins, and try to make sure I get my 5 a day. That always makes you feel better.
I think generally just eating healtheir with lots of fruit and veg, a good balanced diet, and no high fat foods can do the world of good.
But in being healthy, I think it's important to treat yourself to a slice of cake or a take away every now and then. We should all enjoy our food!
Not sure if you drink, but I've stopped drinking alcohol completely at the moment to help with anxiety/panic attacks as whenever I would drink, I ended up feeling really awful and very panicky. Obviously it's each to their own, but remember alcohol is a depressant.

Take care honey, there's lots of people here to support you


10-03-08, 12:30
Hello Milly And Welcome..........i Wish Ya Well..............linda

10-03-08, 12:42
Hi Milly

Welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

Hope 2
10-03-08, 12:50
Hiya Millymol :D

Glad you found NMP hun , will be a fab place for you to find support .

I too have OCD although it is loads better than it was :yesyes: thank god lol.
You are entitled to much better support from GP don't let em write you off.
As for taking yr children off you , I have hung on to mine despite some real dark times..............so stop worryin about that if poss :hugs: .

Try and take things a bit slower hun
Love n best wishes
Hope xx

11-03-08, 09:10
first thank you all for your support and advise it really does help
my panics have started to ease a bit now but still when i get up in the morning its bad and then the rest of the day i am anxious plus i keep thinking my troat is going to close up besides cbt and my meds what else can the doctor do for me what other help is there what can i ask him for
any tips would be great
thank you all so much and i hope you all have a lovely day

11-03-08, 20:03
Hi Milly

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

13-03-08, 00:09

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way... Don't forget to visit the chatroom!! :hugs:

13-03-08, 12:41
http://img.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/images/welcome%20graphics/non~animated/prod_443_21075.jpg (http://www.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/getcode/welcome_graphics/non~animated/prod_443_21075.jpg.html)

Glad you found NMP,

I only found this site while searching the net one very lonely stressed out night.

I also thought I was alone and felt like I couldn't keep dumping my problems on my family.

Everyone here understands what you are going through and will offer you all the support and friendship that is hard to find in people who don't understand what we are living with.

Never apologize for the length of your posts either, once I get started I usually end up writing short stories. :roflmao:

Love Sarajane & welcome aboard

15-03-08, 09:09
hello again
hope everyone is ok
thanks for all the replys after the replys i pluck up the courage to go back to the doctors this time i asked to see a lady doctor ( i have nothing wrong with men)it just that the last men doctor i saw made me feel worst he ref me after begging him for cbt but said it would take a year on waiting lists he give me diazpram and offer me not more help and made me feel like a attetion seeker which i know none of people with problems like ours are we would give anything not to feel like this**
anyway the lady doctor was lovely she really listened she put me on beta blockers and told me if i feel no better in three weeks in which time the meds should have kicked in she will make me a appointment to she the mental health team asap so they can help me while waiting for the cbt also the man doctor was supposed to via a letter ref me for cbt which after two months he still had not written so thank you so much for giving me the courage to give the doctor another try it really helped also a few members and i read recommended reading said to read claire weekes books so i had a look on ebay and won one for 99p so what a bargain
once again thank you for all your help and support

16-03-08, 17:13
Hi Milly,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here feel exactly like you do and you will get support.



18-03-08, 19:29

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx