View Full Version : New fear :(

always scared
09-03-08, 15:29
I have a new fear.
Leukaemia .
I found this one blood spot on my skin (paticiea sp )under my eye the other day and I freaked.
I've also been waking up hot and clammy feeling all over (night sweets??)
My lymph nodes feel achy :( . The last time I had a full blood count was in April of last year and all was good.
so scared again :traurig001:

09-03-08, 16:35
Hi AlwaysScared,

You said it yourself-you have a new fear.
You could describe it as an irrational fear-there is no evidence to support such a diagnosis.
You have a choice-live in fear or accept that it is an unwelcome,frightening thought and deal with your pattern of thinking.
You have the power within you to start to change your thinking.When Mr Anxiety comes calling,change what you are doing.Don't give in and give him your full and undivided attention.Put a cd on,go for a walk-challenge him.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
You can do this.
Bet wishes,