View Full Version : night sweats questions

always scared
09-03-08, 17:04
I wake up feeling clammy at nights. Are these night sweats???
I'm not soaking wet but just clammy feeling mostly around my neck and chest. I'm also very hot and I have to take of all the bankets to cool off.
This doesn't happen every night but it still scares the cr@# out of me.

always scared
09-03-08, 22:19
No one has any comments on night sweats :(
I would really like to hear from anyone who has or had night sweats before

09-03-08, 22:34
Hello :)

Sometimes I get night sweats. I don't really know what causes it in me, but I think it's dreaming in particular. Not necessarily bad dreams, just vivid ones. I wake up cold and clammy, and it's horrible!

A while ago I was getting this a lot and I changed my bedding so that it was 100% cotton. I also bought an Egyptian cotton mattress protector etc, so that I wasn't smothered with polyester! It made a big difference.

Don't think it's anything to worry about anyway - maybe you are just overheating. Try sleeping with the window open and think about what bedding you have.

Hope that helps

xxx :flowers:

09-03-08, 23:09
Loads of previous posts about it so scroll down and read the ones under "Similar threads" or use the search facility.

10-03-08, 12:58
When I went from 30mg to 45mg I had awful nightsweats, I woke up dripping wet, medication can cause night sweats, so try not to worry about it and don't google it whatever you do (I did and freaked myself out) I went back down to 30mg again and haven't had any sweats since.

If you are worried though mention it to a dr

24-04-08, 22:45
i have been suffering from really bad night sweats worse since i have been having anxiety im also going through the menapause i think mine got worse after comming off hrt a year ago it just makes you feel uncomfortable. i also get scared when i get really clammy as it cant be good for us i always feel a bit dehydrated as somtimes i sweat all night long and find it difficult sleeping i found a chillow pillow of some help. take care Lin:blush: