View Full Version : blushing/beta-blockers

13-11-03, 19:20
despite taking 50mg of beta-blockers i still had burning cheeks [:I] and felt extremely anxious and probably look really shifty when i react in this way.

Shall i take the citalopram I was prescribed 5 months ago ?

13-11-03, 21:43
Dear Kd,

Did you think the betablockers would help with the blushing ? All it does is not allow the heart rate to race.
They also won't help with the negative thoughts that lead to feeling anxious and I would put lots of £££'s on the fact that you looked absolutely normal.

What are you hoping the Citalopram will do ? There is a very long thread about it that you might want to catch up on.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

14-11-03, 20:15
I can guarantee i was bright red, my face was really hot. i made the person with me feel quite uncomfortable (with my nervous fidgeting aswell).

What can i do about the blushing then. Are there any solutions ?

15-11-03, 16:51
hi kd,

sometimes questions cant be answered,without knowing that persons medical records,without giving that person an examination,without sitting and talking with that person.

are you basically a very shy person...would you say you were an introvert,or outgoing type...when someone is talking to you,do you find your mind wandering away from wot they are saying to you.

ime sure your gp has already asked you these questions,and will have made notes on your file for future reference...but remember,there are times when we all blush,and have a red face,we find it embarrasing,but a few deep breaths,and it floats away...its when we make a big thing of it,that our nervous system says YES, WEVE GOT HER,LETS HAVE SOME FUN...well,its not funny is it!...so talk to yourself..make a statement under your breath, COME ON THEN,DO YOUR WORSE,SEE IF I CARE..concentrate on your breathing...theres lots of good posts about breathing properly...read them,practice them,the answers in your hands kd.

best wishes...bryan.


16-11-03, 00:41
I may have a slightly bizarre help for the blushing.
- sorry i dont know if you are male or female so this might not be appropriate but here goes......
When I was at school a friend of mine had the same problem and apparently there is a foundation you can buy with a slight 'green' tinge that covers redness. (it doesnt look green when its on by the way.)Maybe that might be a solution? - just a thought
Love Sarah

16-11-03, 08:59
Thanks for your help. I'll try the foundation (indeed I am female -sarah!).

The thing is I cant control the redness, and just recently i go red whenever the s word is mentioned. I think too much is my problem.

I'm seriously considering the sympathectomy operation becasue its gwetting out of hand and i'm coming home crying onm a regular basis -Its got hold of me and i cant shake it off.

thank yo